Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine



As we move towards the Equinox and the Sun joins Venus in Libra, we approach the moment when we Librans become a year older and (if we’re lucky) a year wiser! Venus forms an opposition with Uranus as the Moon conjuncts the great change-maker. And as Mercury stations to turn direct, whilst forming a trine with Pluto, our hearts and minds will change in equal measure. Transforma­tion is the cosmic invitation this week.

Aries Mar 21 - Apr 20

Sometimes we need to shake things up. And sometimes we’re rudely shaken out of a comfortabl­e ride. The path to fulfilment isn’t all gumdrops and rainbows… we all eat pavement once in a while. Is it pleasant? No. Will it ultimately be good for us? Yes. Then how should we greet these unappealin­g appetisers? Soon you’ll face a choice of whether you react to a developmen­t with a smile and a flourish or a grunt and a grimace. Now’s the time to kill with kindness and disarm with charm. Let a laugh pass your lips and you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the aftertaste. It’s the Full Moon! Hear your hope-giving, worry-quashing, fourminute, LATEST Moon-sign forecast. Call 0906 751 5601.

Taurus Apr 21 - May 21

What’s holding you back? What’s getting you down? What sits heavily on your mind? When scientists confirmed the existence of the Higgs boson, it helped explain why some particles in the universe have mass. It made us look at density in a whole new way. Your ruler Venus’s activity on its way to entering Scorpio, along with a stationary Mercury’s trine with Pluto, bring you a chance to follow suit and reconsider your own relationsh­ip with a great mental or emotional weight. There’s a way to make it much lighter, to carry it so that it no longer impedes you. Or even to let it carry you! Are you ready to look at your life in a new light? The Full Moon has a powerful inspiratio­nal message for you. Call 0906 751 5602.

Gemini May 22 - Jun 22

When all our efforts seem to whizz off in the wrong direction, like unruly fireworks, it’s tempting to think that our whole box of tricks is defective. In reality there’s something much smaller at fault. How often has a rocket launch been stopped because a single seal has failed? Was it not the tiniest gap in his sandal that caused the downfall of Achilles? If only he’d had someone tap him on the shoulder and say, ‘Excuse me, but you might want to avoid wearing flip flops into battle because…’ Someone is about to do that for you. This week grants you insight that can make all the difference. It’s the Full Moon! Hear your hope-giving, worry-quashing, four-minute, LATEST Moon-sign forecast. Call 0906 751 5603.

Cancer Jun 23 - Jul 23

My predecesso­rs believed that the Sun went round the Earth. This didn’t stop them from creating some impressive­ly accurate formulae to represent planetary movement. They came up with a clever, complex system of wheels within wheels to explain away the odd perturbati­ons in those heavenly orbits. Now we know better. But that doesn’t mean everything we once knew was wrong. This week brings the Equinox, and Mercury turning direct. You’ll soon start seeing parts of your world in a different light. Some values must change as a result. Others need hardly alter. Are you ready to look at your life in a new light? The Full Moon has a powerful inspiratio­nal message for you. Call 0906 751 5604.

Leo Jul 24 - Aug 23

There’s what we want for ourselves and there’s what we know is fair. At the best of times the two align. But none of us can say that we haven’t plumped for an extra vol-au-vent at the expense of someone further back in the buffet queue! This week, you’re encouraged to have some self-discipline, and to be balanced in your appreciati­on of a situation. Don’t worry! You can still achieve much of what you want. And by facing up to your responsibi­lities, you can enjoy all the fruits you harvest, unburdened by guilt or self-restraint. It’s a result well worth the discipline­d approach. It’s the Full Moon! Hear your hope-giving, worry-quashing, fourminute, LATEST Moon-sign forecast. Call 0906 751 5605.

Virgo Aug 24 - Sep 23

‘It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.’ So goes the old Biblical saying. My uncle Jonathan once told me about an exhibition of miniature sculptures, some so tiny they required viewing through microscope­s. One involved a camel woven from a couple of human hairs. These were threaded through a needle. So there you go. The Sun leaving your sign this week might imply that you’re a little less focused. Yet as Mercury turns direct, whilst trining Pluto, nothing is impossible with insight and ingenuity at your fingertips. Are you ready to look at your life in a new light? The Full Moon has a powerful inspiratio­nal message for you. Call 0906 751 5606.

Libra Sep 24 - Oct 23

Toddlers, they say, ‘ grow up so fast’. After the umpteenth nappy of the day, sometimes it feels as if it can’t come soon enough! But, as my son starts saying ‘helicopter’ instead of ‘hecca-dukkah’, nostalgia strikes. We all progress: none of us can stand Canute-like against the tide. As our birthdays approach, we focus on how far we’ve come and what’s left to achieve. We can’t rest on laurels or be daunted by the path ahead. When someone issues an emotional appeal this week, petitionin­g your better nature, it demonstrat­es what a valuable part of the world you’ve become. Are you ready to look at your life in a new light? The Full Moon has a powerful inspiratio­nal message for you. Call 0906 751 5607.

Scorpio Oct 24 - Nov 22

Mathematic­ians tell us life is about numbers. If we can only understand natural sequences, we can gain spectacula­r insight into the secrets of the universe. Accountant­s also think life comes down to numbers. If our balance sheet is healthy, all’s well. If there’s a deficit, all is bad. But life is not about numbers. It’s about hearts and souls, love, passion and inspiratio­n. This week, as both your rulers make trines, Mars with Uranus and Pluto with Mercury, look carefully at what the numbers in your life are telling you. Venus entering your sign brings an abundance of what really counts. It’s the Full Moon! Hear your hope-giving, worry-quashing, four-minute, LATEST Moon-sign forecast. Call 0906 751 5608.

Sagittariu­s Nov 23 - Dec 21

To act differentl­y, we have to think differentl­y. The title of genius is bestowed too easily these days on everyone from one-hitwonder singers to flash-in-the-pan chefs. Yet almost everything in our postmodern world riffs on a previous idea. It takes someone truly special to explore the unexplored and create something new. This week you’ll be compelled to try something different, to unearth some exciting new developmen­t. Fortunatel­y for a true original like you, this won’t be daunting. Your affinity with frontiers will help you access a eureka moment. Are you ready to look at your life in a new light? The Full Moon has a powerful inspiratio­nal message for you. Call 0906 751 5609.

Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 20

In the North of England they say, ‘Where there’s muck, there’s brass.’ Roughly translated, this means there’s often money to be made in tackling the jobs that others find too dirty or distastefu­l. Other treasures too can be attained by those with enough courage to face what most folk would prefer to hide from. It seems to you as if the only way to get ahead is to do something that feels like a step backwards. You’re partially correct. But as Mercury stations whilst forming a trine with Pluto this week, the universe is not asking for sacrifice. It merely wants a compromise. It’s the Full Moon! Hear your hope-giving, worry-quashing, four-minute, LATEST Moon-sign forecast. Call 0906 751 5610.

Aquarius Jan 21 - Feb 19

Haste is not a friend of clarity. When we’re excited about a developmen­t or eager to express an idea, we sometimes fail to get our point across. And it’s when we’re misunderst­ood that we risk doing more damage than if we remained silent! This week the universe compels you to act without delay. But this doesn’t mean that you should rush to a decision. Think carefully about what you’re being asked to do. Evaluate the emotional impact of your actions. Balance the pros and cons and be sensitive as you reach a decision. You can transform insight into breakthrou­gh. Are you ready to look at your life in a new light? The Full Moon has a powerful inspiratio­nal message for you. Call 0906 751 5611.

Pisces Feb 20 - Mar 20

All children go through a phase of asking, ‘ Why?’ They meet every answer with another question. ‘Yes, but why?’ They do this regardless of what they’ve been told. We all grow out of that habit. We realise it’s futile to keep going round in circles and learn to accept. Sometimes, though, we swing too far to the other extreme. We don’t even bother looking for explanatio­ns any more. This week, as your ruler Neptune quintiles Mars and connects with Venus, you ought to scrutinise an assumption. Look beyond the obvious; listen to your instincts… and follow them. It’s the Full Moon! Hear your hope-giving, worry-quashing, four-minute, LATEST Moon-sign forecast. Call 0906 751 5612.

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