Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine



This week, before the Sun opposes Uranus during next weekend’s Supermoon, Mercury conjuncts Jupiter (as Venus makes a link to them both) then forms a dynamic square with Mars. Mars harmonises with Neptune too. There’s lots to get your head round, but Mercury’s sextile with Saturn (and my words!) will help you do just that.

Aries More by accident than design and more Mar 21 - Apr 20

in spite of a particular strategy than because of one, you’re getting close to where you need to be. Does that tell you it’s fine to be spontaneou­s or that you’d have got further if you’d made better plans? I’ll leave those questions hanging. With Mars making a tense square with Mercury in your opposite sign before linking encouragin­gly with Neptune, you can reach an enviable position this week. And next weekend’s Supermoon invites you to make the most of this breakthrou­gh. For excellent advice to guide you through the twists and turns of the coming week, call your week ahead forecast: 0906 751 5601.

Taurus You’re a big influence. Perhaps you Apr 21 - May 21

don’t realise it, but there’s much that you do that makes an impression. You don’t even have to go out of your way to show off your capabiliti­es. The effort and the style you display naturally win you admiration. So why do you feel you’re struggling to convince someone you’re worthy of acclaim? Can’t they see what the rest of us are used to expecting from you? Have you set the bar so high that even your superhuman leaps look average? Be yourself this week, but aim for your ‘personal best’ self. How can you stay focused and happy in this busy world? Your weekly forecast will give you the help you need. Call 0906 751 5602.

Gemini How are you doing in your campaign May 22 - Jun 22

to be more tolerant, patient, loving and forgiving? Not easy, is it? It might be an easier goal if the world didn’t seem to be frustratin­gly full of people who act like idiots whilst insisting that this is only because everybody else is being so idiotic. If you allow yourself to take even one step along that particular path, you’ll find it soon becomes a slippery slope. This week, Mercury leaves the shadow and conjuncts Jupiter while linking with Venus. Try to be higher, wiser, kinder and more clear. Life will reward you for this! Do you need help? What’s the best way to move forward and ensure your success? Call your weekly forecast: 0906 751 5603.

Cancer There’s much to be achieved now, Jun 23 - Jul 23

but plenty that needs to be done for it to come to fruition. It’s no good sitting by the door like a good doggie, waiting for the golden envelope to drop through the letterbox. Get out there and hunt down that postie! Well, hunt is a strong word. You don’t want to bite the messenger. It’s best not to come teeth bared and growling! But you can sniff out who has the power to help you this week. And you can make them feel safe so they can trust you. Then, with a friend at your side, you can get where you need to be. There’s no need to worry. All you need is some guidance. Your week ahead forecast can help. Call 0906 751 5604.

Leo They say you can’t teach an old dog new Jul 24 - Aug 23

tricks. But you’re not a dog, nor are you old, nor in the process of learning a trick. With the Sun having just linked with Pluto, you’re simply honing skills you’ve been developing for years. Only now you can start using them in an unusual context. With Uranus soon opposing the Sun, as the Supermoon arrives, you’ll begin doing something you don’t normally do… and doing it rather well! Continue to be inventive. The more you dare to be different, the more your situation will change significan­tly for the better. Your week ahead forecast will help you see the bigger picture and keep you moving in the right direction. Call 0906 751 5605.

Virgo It’s frustratin­g to miss an exit on the Aug 24 - Sep 23

motorway. Usually it means going several miles out of your way. You have to drive to the next exit, however far that is, and double back on yourself. If your luck is anything like mine, you’ll end up stuck in traffic going the opposite way, knowing it could have all been avoided if you had paid attention! Perhaps you feel you’ve had to recover lost ground lately. Don’t despair. You’re entering the next phase of your journey. Your GPS has recalculat­ed, your path is set, and the route ahead is fast and clear. What does your heart really desire and how can you achieve what you really want? Call your weekly forecast 0906 751 5606.

Libra They say we can’t have everything we Sep 24 - Oct 23

want. Thankfully, the reverse also applies. You simply can’t have everything you don’t want. No matter how hard-done-by we feel, there’ll always be areas of our lives that deserve appreciati­on. We all have gifts nobody can take from us. As Mercury conjuncts Jupiter in your sign, whilst linking to Venus, it reminds us of assets for which we should be grateful. What stops us from recognisin­g and employing these? Wanting the unattainab­le! Mercury’s activity, ahead of the Supermoon, asks you to want something different. For excellent advice to guide you through the twists and turns of the coming week, call your week ahead forecast: 0906 751 5607.

Scorpio What do we do when we need a Oct 24 - Nov 22

little pick-me-up? We might order a luxurious dessert, or spend a bit more than we need to on something we never required in the first place. This usually works… temporaril­y. None of us can be deliriousl­y happy all the time. Life has peaks and troughs. But even the zigzag of a lightning bolt needs earth to ground it. We need to feel truly connected to something greater than ourselves rather than follow the path of least resistance. This week, consider the context of a conquest. There’s a way to be meaningful­ly satisfied. How can you stay focused and happy in this busy world? Your weekly forecast will give you the help you need. Call 0906 751 5608.

Sagittariu­s In a week when Mercury Nov 23 - Dec 21

conjuncts Jupiter as they both link with Venus, remember: we all have brains, we all have hearts, we all have stomachs. We all need to breathe, to sleep and be protected from the elements. We’re all just visitors to this world. Does that mean we’re all the same? If not, what makes us different? As the Sun moves into opposition with Uranus, what sets you apart from those around you? And what makes you think that if you try to do what others have tried and failed, you’ll fail too? The Supermoon suggests you may not! Do you need help? What’s the best way to move forward and ensure your success? Call your weekly forecast: 0906 751 5609.

Capricorn Ideas are powerful. They shape Dec 22 - Jan 20

the future. But only when they’re matched with deeds. It wasn’t Columbus’s idea that the East Indies could be reached by sailing westward. But it was his endeavour that helped to found modern-day America. This achievemen­t was made by accident, and he made many transgress­ions that we now judge unfavourab­ly. But there’s no question that his actions have been felt through the ages. You can have ideas that begin something important. Be it what you intend, or happy accident, now’s the time to build a legacy. There’s no need to worry. All you need is some guidance. Your week ahead forecast can help. Call 0906 751 5610.

Aquarius Motorways seem very straight on Jan 21 - Feb 19

a map. Viewed from the air, though, they bend almost as much as rivers. Only the ancient Romans managed to build roads that never deviated. You’re not an ancient Roman and your road through life must be allowed to meander. Mercury leaves the shadow to make an encouragin­g link with your co-ruler, Saturn, this week, as the Sun opposes your other ruler, Uranus, during a Supermoon. Don’t begrudge the convoluted approach you’ve had to take recently. You’re doing the right thing in the right way – at the right pace. Your week ahead forecast will help you see the bigger picture and keep you moving in the right direction. Call 0906 751 5611.

Pisces Some discoverie­s are too big to keep Feb 20 - Mar 20

secret. It’s tempting to share exciting informatio­n with your nearest and dearest. We like the glamour that being in the know lets us exude. And we all want to feel part of a club… but a secret society with powerful friends and an impressive knowledge-base? Though that may be tempting, it’s important to be careful what you say, and to whom, this week. You can subtly let on that you know more about an issue than meets the eye, but don’t be the lips that sink ships. Instead, be the mind that curates a valuable find. What does your heart really desire and how can you achieve what your really want? Call your weekly forecast 0906 751 5612.

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