Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine


Throughout his years of political intrigue, Lord and Lady Heseltine were creating this stunning garden. Now, as a lavish new book tells their story, they give Robert Hardman a guided tour


Lord and Lady Heseltine give us a guided tour round the magnificen­t Northampto­nshire garden they’ve spent 40 years creating together

Half a century has passed since he first entered Parliament as an energetic young MP in a hurry. Now elevated to the red benches of the House of Lords, Michael Heseltine’s status as one of the biggest beasts in the parliament­ary jungle is undiminish­ed. When ‘Tarzan’ pronounces on trade, the economy, Europe or anything else, Westminste­r listens.

But none of his political battles or achievemen­ts, says the former Deputy Prime Minister, will matter one jot 100 years hence. What people will recall, he says proudly, is his garden. ‘Who can recall the name of any 19thcentur­y politician except perhaps Gladstone, Disraeli or Pitt? But people know Westonbirt,’ he says, referring to Britain’s most famous arboretum in Gloucester­shire, establishe­d in 1829.

His own garden at Thenford House, the family home in Northampto­nshire, really is a major horticultu­ral landmark. Not that the word ‘garden’ quite does justice to what has been created here. It is several gardens, assorted lakes, umpteen fountains and an arboretum of national importance, much of it embellishe­d with great sculpture ( plus an assembly of huge stones known simply as ‘Heselhenge’). In both scale and ambition, it is comparable to what the Prince of Wales has done with his Highgrove estate in Gloucester­shire. And Lord Heseltine won’t even hazard a guess at the overall cost of an operation which, these days, employs a dozen gardeners.

Nor has it been his vision alone. As he is the first to admit, it has been very much the work of his wife, Anne, too. And now the two of them have written the story of this monumental project in a beautiful new book which will captivate gardeners, tree-lovers and the downright nosy as much as it will intrigue political junkies.

For here we see some of the key moments of the Thatcher and Major years through the prism of a senior politician who unwinds by worrying about his cedars or his snowdrops. A world statesman might be about to drop in but there is trouble with the aviary or the greenhouse in the Walled Garden. We see a top politician who remembers important summits not so much for what happened at the conference table but because of some happy discovery in a junk shop during a lull in proceeding­s. And we discover that ‘Hezza’ has been every bit as ambitious in the garden as in politics. From the building of a Monetstyle bridge in one of his Water Gardens to the acquisitio­n of a huge bust of Lenin from an old KGB headquarte­rs, it’s all here in Thenford: The Creation Of An English Garden.

Full of rich photograph­y, it is a celebratio­n of four decades of horticul- tural triumphs and disasters. So I have come to see it for myself, and the first thing that strikes me is how well the Conservati­ve grandee is looking at the age of 83. Having survived a heart attack in 1993, he is a good advertisem­ent for the restorativ­e powers of gardening. The couple tell me they wanted to put the whole story down on paper partly for the benefit of their three children and their grandchild­ren, but also for the benefit of other gardeners. As Lord Heseltine explains, ‘ What makes it almost unique compared to other gardens of this sort is that most of them were created before cameras whereas we have captured it all from Year One.’

But the story of their transforma­tion of this estate begins with a scene straight out of an Ealing comedy. Not long after Michael Heseltine had started his political career as MP for Tavistock in Devon in 1966, he had to start looking for a new seat. The boundary commission­ers had been tinkering with the map and, by the time of the double general elections of 1974, the high-flying Mr Heseltine had been reselected as Tory candidate for the super-safe Oxfordshir­e seat of Henley.

That meant looking for a new house within a reasonable distance of the constituen­cy. Though still relatively young, he had made a substantia­l sum through the Haymarket publishing empire he establishe­d before entering Parliament. Both he and Anne were keen to restore a country house, preferably in the classic Palladian style. But this was the middle of the 1970s with the British economy in meltdown and, as a result, a moribund property market. Since their dream home was not for sale, they would go out and look for something not yet for sale.

They started by placing a ‘house wanted’ ad in Country Life but found nothing suitable. In the end, they started driving through the gates of likelylook­ing properties just to have a look. And they had a back-up plan in case they were confronted by anyone asking what on earth they were doing. As Lady Heseltine writes in the book:

‘I don’t have racehorses or a yacht, but I do have a garden’

‘Brazenly, we turned up large driveways and, if challenged, asked for “Mr Wilkinson” before apologisin­g profusely for having come to the wrong house and driving briskly back to the road.’ One day, however, their plan backfired when they were having a snoop along the drive of a handsome Georgian house and bumped into a group of young men. When they asked for ‘Mr Wilkinson’, they were horrified to be directed towards a real Mr Wilkinson. It turned out they had strayed into the grounds of a NatWest training centre.

Finally, a chance holiday conversati­on revealed that a former MP who owned a beautiful but somewhat overgrown estate on the Oxfordshir­e/ Northampto­nshire border had recently died. His widow, they learned, might be thinking of selling. An expedition was planned. Along with a local estate agent, Michael fought his way through the brambles and holly bushes lining the lanes around Thenford while Anne and the children waited in the car. Some 20 minutes later, he emerged covered in leaves and twigs. ‘There was a grin on Michael’s face,’ Anne writes, whereupon he declared, ‘I think we may have found it!’

Indeed they had. After discussion­s with the owner and her family, a deal was struck for the house and the 400 acres plus a small village which came with it. Over the subsequent years, they have bought back most of the original estate to the point that it now spans more than 1,000 acres. Anne can remember the very day they moved into Thenford in 1977 because they were listening to Red Rum winning his third Grand National on the radio.

But where to start on their great project? They began by researchin­g the history of the place. Thenford was built early in the reign of George III for a squire called Michael Woodhull. With no surviving children, he left it to a sister-in-law. She left it to her nephew whose descendant­s lived there until the 1930s. They, in turn, sold it to the family who sold it to the Heseltines. Fortunatel­y, during the 1860s, the house had employed a butler who had been an early fan of photograph­y. As a result there was photograph­ic evidence of what the estate had looked like back then.

Many of the estate dwellings in the village were in serious need of attention and the Heseltines embarked on some major works, including the rerouting of unsightly electric cables criss- crossing the village. Unlike many landowners, who have financed their estates by property developmen­t, the Heseltines have done the opposite. With the exception of a pool house and some greenhouse­s, they haven’t built any new buildings but, instead, have devoted their energies to restoring all the old ones.

Their real passion, though, has been the landscape. The book opens with a candid remark from Michael in those early days: ‘I am now pretty rich. I don’t have a yacht, or racehorses or any of those sorts of things – but I do have a garden.’ This was never going to be an ordinary garden. And as we travel around it in the family golf buggy – Lady H at the wheel and Lord H as tour guide – the scale is breathtak-

ing. Little wonder there is big demand for the handful of public open days which the couple organise each year.

The Heseltines’ first priority in those early years was to keep the children happy. So they built a swimming pool and commission­ed Quinlan Terry, the celebrated classical architect, to design a pool house which now looks as if it might have been there since the days of Squire Woodhull. Michael wanted a proper lake, too. The initial purchase of Thenford had not included the lake which had been used as a bathing pool in Victorian times. So the Heseltines built a new one, complete with islands. But, as he admits, it would have been a better idea if he had actually planted his islands before flooding the lake. ‘This book lets us come clean about our lack of knowledge and experience,’ he writes. The couple make no attempt to hide the many bright ideas that came a cropper – the botched mixed border beds (‘I screwed up’) or the new gateway at the end of the drive which was too low for many delivery vans.

There are many tributes to the people who have played a key part in the Thenford story, including the garden designer Lanning Roper and two great plant experts, Sir Harold Hillier and Roy Lancaster. These two men would play a key role in selecting the right trees for the right parts of the garden. But Lord Heseltine is now a great authority in his own right, rattling off the Latin names for anything and everything. He’s even had a plant named after him, a Chinese whitebeam called Sorbus heseltinei. Only he and head gardener Dar ren Webster have custody of a database in which more than 13,000 different shrubs and trees are catalogued, along with their exact co-ordinates. It means the peer can look at his phone at any point in the garden and it will tell him what’s growing there – even if he usually knows already.

This comes in handy as we stop in a lush part of the Water Gardens known as Chinatown because all the trees are from China (including one planted in honour of Li Lanqing, a lunch guest here in 1996 who later became the Chinese Vice Premier). There before us is a magnificen­t tree bursting with a late pale yellow blossom but the squire cannot quite remember the Latin name. ‘ It’s a privet,’ he murmurs tapping his phone. ‘Ah yes. Ligustrum lucidum!’

‘ I call this “Michael’s playground”,’ says Lady Heseltine, as we leave the Water Garden and drive on to what is very much her patch – the Sculpture Garden. Here are pieces by some of the great names in mod- ern British sculpture, all beautifull­y framed by immaculate hedges. In one enclosure we find Standing Man by Elisabeth Frink, in another The Minotaur by Michael Ayrton. The 12- ton granite Wounded Elephant by Scotland’s Ronald Rae is a particular­ly dramatic piece but the one that gets most comments from visitors, unsurprisi­ngly, is the socking great head of Lenin.

It was removed from a KGB building in Latvia soon after the collapse of the Soviet Empire. But what are several tons of Communist propaganda doing on a huge brick plinth in the garden of a Tory peer? ‘People forget that under Communism, the only Soviet patron was the state,’ says Lady Heseltine, ‘so all these A lake known as Jean’s Lake with a view of St Mary’s church at Thenford artists had to channel their talent into pieces like this. When the Berlin Wall came down, I was worried that all these things would be destroyed so I was determined to rescue something.’

Much of the charm of Thenford is its unexpected artwork and the story attached – like the fabulous pair of dogs on the front lawn, bought in a Paris flea market, or the stone archway unear thed in a Burgundy antiques yard. The Heseltines bought it for 2,000 euros, a bargain so they thought, and made arrangemen­ts for delivery back to Britain. The following day they had an embarrasse­d call from the vendor. There had been a breakdown in communicat­ions. He had omitted a zero from the price. They bought it none the less. One garden is called, simply, the Trough Garden and consists of a huge collection of stone troughs.

There was the odd theft in earlier days but, even then, the fates were kind. A few days after the disappeara­nce of a pair of cherubs, younger daughter Alexandra was spending the weekend in Shropshire when she spotted them in a shop window, complete with a tell-tale lime stain. She called her parents who called the police and the cherubs were soon returned. These days, security is much more rigorous. No one is going to get very far up this drive saying they are ‘looking for Mr Wilkinson’.

A few politician­s warrant an entry in the book. Ted Heath, John Major and David Cameron are among the past PMs who have visited Thenford. Needless to say, Margaret Thatcher never dropped in, though Lord Heseltine credits her with one addition to the garden. During his days as her Defence Secretary, he observed the famous box hedges at Chequers and asked if he might take a cutting. ‘They flourish in our collection 30 years later,’ he writes.

The book is full of tips for anyone creating a garden, however large or small. ‘ Remember your enemies. You are planting a potential source of food,’ he says, adding that he adopts a zero tolerance policy for all grey squirrels. But what comes shining through in this delightful book and also in the flesh, is just how much pleasure the Heseltines have had from watching their Thenford dream take shape. ‘People say that planting trees is such an unselfish act because you never see the results but Anne and I have been doing it for 40 years and it’s been enormous fun,’ says Michael. His wife agrees, and then bursts out laughing as she recalls the verdict of one lady visitor at the end of an open day: ‘It’s not what I call a garden, dear, but it’s a very nice walk.’

Thenford: The Creation Of An English Garden by Anne and Michael Heseltine is published on Thursday by Head of Zeus, £ 40. To order a copy for £30 visit mailbooksh­op.co.uk or call 0844 571 0640, p&p is free on orders over £ 15. Offer is valid until 29 October.

‘We’ve come clean about our lack of knowledge!’

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With Margaret Thatcher and John Major in 1995 The Heseltines in the Circle Garden. Far left: their magnificen­t home
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