Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine



Thelma & Michael: Love In The Cutting Room

11.30AM, RADIO 4 (FM)

The British film director Michael Powell made vivid and brilliant films, including Black Narcissus, The Red Shoes and Peeping Tom. Martin Scorsese had always – and rightly – been a great admirer of Powell’s work, and was proud to introduce him to his film editor, Thelma Schoonmake­r. In this programme, Scorsese talks about Powell’s films – and about the romance that he started when he introduced Thelma to Michael.

The Interrogat­ion

2.15PM, RADIO 4

It’s always worth catching an episode of this strong drama series, set around a police interrogat­ion. Kenneth Cranham plays Max, an old cop with a lifetime of bitter experience behind him, and Alex Lanipekun plays the younger Sean, a black detective who is destined

DisUnited Kingdom 3PM,


The Brexit vote could have a serious effect on life in Northern Ireland now that a border between the UK and the EU will divide the island. Crossborde­r links, which have brought stability, are now under threat, and that could have economic and social repercussi­ons for people in the north and south. Edward Stourton reports on a complex situation.

Three Score And Ten

9.55PM, RADIO 3

‘They should not have left him there alone/Alone that is except for the cat.’ In this archive recording from 1960, the novelist and poet Vernon Scannell reads his sinister A Case Of Murder; it will linger unpleasant­ly in your mind, long after this broadcast is over.

Rich Hall’s (US Election) Breakdown


The comedian Rich Hall spends some of his time on his ranch in Montana and some in his London flat. This gives him an insight into politics on both sides of the Atlantic. Tonight, he casts his very jaundiced eye over the current shenanigan­s in the race to the White House. SJ

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