Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine

Ship of fools?

Dehydratio­n, chronic weight loss, tropical storms – a new show re-creating Captain Bligh’s epic journey after the Mutiny on The Bounty sailed perilously close to disaster

- Tim Oglethorpe

One of the most controvers­ial events in British seafa r ing history occurred on 28 April 1789. Angered by the increasing­ly severe punishment­s and abuse meted out by Captain William Bligh aboard HMS Bounty, which was on a mission to collect breadfruit plants from Tahiti and transport them to the West Indies, Acting Lieutenant Fletcher Christian forced Bligh into the ship’s open launch along with 18 sailors who remained loyal to him. They were cast adrift and spent almost two months at sea amid storms and massive waves, covering 4,000 miles before reaching the safety of Timor in the East Indies.

Bligh has been painted as an overbearin­g monster and Christian a tragic victim in films such as the 1962 classic starring Marlon Brando and Trevor Howard, although historians have challenged this view. But what is certain is that Bligh’s voyage in that open boat was an epic feat of endurance, and now an extraordin­ary Channel 4 show has attempted to replicate his journey. Leading the crew was Antony Middleton, the former Special Boat Service sniper and chief instructor on Channel 4’s hit show SAS: Who Dares Wins.

The crew had to endure waves the size of skyscraper­s, seasicknes­s, dehydratio­n, chronic weight loss and the constant fear of death, but Antony was determined to complete the journey unaided. ‘There was a rescue boat,’ he says, ‘and in theory it could have come for us if we’d got into trouble. But I said from the beginning that I had no wish to be involved in anything that wasn’t as authentic as it could possibly be. So I didn’t want the safety boat near us, I wanted us to survive as a group, to stay in our own l it tle bubble however much trouble we were in – and we were in serious trouble on numerous occasions. There were times when, if we’d made the wrong decision, disaster would have ensued.’

Channel 4 is being understand­ably coy about precisely what happened during the journey in a 23ft boat so as not to spoil it for viewers, but the producers tried to replicate Captain Bligh’s journey as closely as possible. So only men were recruited and many of them, such as carpenter Ben Gotsell, 27, and doctor Luke Kane, 33, had real-life jobs that mirrored those of the original crew.

Their rations were the same as 228 years ago, practicall­y indigestib­le biscuits made of flour and salt, and a small daily portion of dried beef. Each man consumed barely 400 calories a day, so it’s little wonder that weight loss became a major problem. ‘It got to the point where I couldn’t bear to sit down on the benches or lie down in the boat because my bones were poking through and it was incredibly painful,’ says Luke Kane. ‘But dehydratio­n was the worst. Weight loss you can survive, but dehydratio­n can kill you.’

As the doctor, Luke had to deal with a constant stream of medical emergencie­s, some of which were truly gruesome. One of the crew members developed a supersized blister under his arm which needed lancing, and there was an outbreak of trench hand, similar to the trench foot suffered by soldiers in the First World War, as a result of being subjected to three days of heavy rain early in the voyage. ‘Our skin disintegra­ted,’ says Luke. ‘The outer layer broke down and we developed ulcers and boils.’

Some feared the journey might be over before it had begun. During two weeks of preparatio­n on Tonga in the South Pacific, when their boat Bounty’s End was put through its paces, the nameplate snapped before it was attached to the craft. ‘It broke in two, which could have been seen as a portent of doom,’ says Conrad Humphreys, a 43-year-old profession­al sailor, who was one of the crew. ‘I didn’t like the name anyway, it was so doom-laden.’

Despite fears over their vessel, it became the star of the journey. Designed by Mark Edwards of Richmond Bridge Boathouses, who created the Royal Barge Gloriana for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, it survived intact despite enduring pretty much every type of extreme weather. But did all those who sailed in her survive? And what impact did their experience have? ‘That’s the most striking thing,’ says Antony Middleton. ‘Not only did the experience change me but it changed everybody who took part. Some of them are almost unrecognis­able from how they started out.

‘But I’m proud of every last one of them. I set out to prove that modern man is made of steel, like they were in the old days, and that if your mind is right it’s amazing what you can achieve. We live in a society dominated by health and safety which doesn’t cater for extremes. This series is about nothing but extremes and I’m delighted to have been a part of it.’

Indeed, his time aboard Bounty’s End was so rewarding he called his four-month-old son Bligh and would relish the chance to set sail again with the same crew. ‘Although perhaps not on the same journey,’ he says. ‘A challenge somewhere else would be much more interestin­g.’ He mig ht struggle to convince some of his fellow sailors to sign up, though. ‘I’d definitely not do anything like this again,’ says Dan Etheridge, 38, one of the two cameramen on the boat. ‘It was just about the worst experience in my entire life.’ The other cameraman, Sam Edwards, 32, adds, ‘There were 15 wonderful moments on the journey, and the rest was god-awful!’

As for the real Captain Bligh, he was feted as a hero when he returned to England in 1790. The Admiralty sent a frigate to the Pacific to round up the mutineers, and 14 were captured on Tahiti. But Christian and his most loyal supporters, along with a group of Tahitians, settled on remote Pitcairn island, where they destroyed the Bounty so it wouldn’t be spotted. Their settlement was only discovered in 1808, by which time just one of the mutineers remained alive. Descendant­s of the mutineers still live there today.

Mutiny starts on Monday 6 March, 9pm, Channel 4.

‘You can survive weight loss but dehydratio­n can kill you’

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 ??  ?? The gruelling re-run of Bligh’s voyage (above) and (left) the 1962 movie
The gruelling re-run of Bligh’s voyage (above) and (left) the 1962 movie

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