Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine


This week is incredible! Not only does the Solar Eclipse conjunct Mercury, but Mars almost simultaneo­usly conjuncts Uranus and thus re- energises 2017’s powerful T-square. It’s an opportunit­y to tackle any issues we’re facing with a new sense of flair and

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Aries Mar 21 - Apr 20

People are full of surprises. Even folk we

think we know can turn out to have aspects to their character that we’re entirely unaware of. Nor, as Mars conjuncts Uranus opposite Jupiter in 2017’s great T-square, can you be too sure that you know all there is to know about yourself. You’ve got strengths you’ve hardly ever drawn on. Somehow, this week, you’ll become more aware of what these are, and how you can make the most of them. These discoverie­s may be triggered, at least in part, by new realisatio­ns about someone you know. The powerful annular eclipse brings amazing mystical power that can directly benefit you. Find out how. Call 0906 751 5601.

Taurus Apr 21 - May 21

Some people love school. They delight

in the camaraderi­e and shared experience. Other people like churches. They want to feel part of something bigger than themselves. But there are others who will never feel completely at home in someone else’s palace, no matter how luxurious the surroundin­gs or how plump the pillows. This week, if you begin to feel uncomforta­ble in a situation, ask yourself whether it’s the situation that’s not right, or if you’re not right for the situation? By starting to honour your individual­ity, you’ll find harmony. The powerful annular eclipse brings amazing mystical power that can directly benefit you. Find out how. Call 0906 751 5602.

Gemini May 22 - Jun 22

Jonathan was a fan of Jon Spoel

stra, an author who wrote Ice To The Eskimos: How To Market A Product Nobody Wants. With your ruler conjunct both the coming Eclipse and Neptune, it’s possible that you might be manifestin­g some skills described in that book. My uncle’s advice would have been to go gently on your potential customers. And if you discover that someone’s trying to employ such abilities on you, look beyond the facade of your current situation. Investigat­e thoroughly before you make your investment. The powerful annular eclipse brings amazing mystical power that can directly benefit you. Find out how. Call 0906 751 5603.

Cancer Jun 23 - Jul 23

‘That’s the first thing I want and the

last thing I need’. It’s a familiar refrain from many country songs. Your life might be less like a song and dance than you’d like, but there are some song lyrics we should never try to emulate. Yet now is a moment when ‘what you want’ and ‘what you need’ are aligned. Although you may not realise that you need it, or be sure that you want it, a process begins this week that has the potential to be both gratifying and rewarding. Give it a chance and you’ll soon be whistling its tune! The powerful annular eclipse brings amazing mystical power that can directly benefit you. Find out how. Call 0906 751 5604.

Leo Jul 24 - Aug 23

Imagine writing a letter to yourself in the

past. ‘Dear Person I Used To Be, There is no need to be upset about half the issues that are bugging you because they really aren’t as problemati­c as they seem. PS: you’re coming up to a point where everything starts to make a lot more sense. Yours sincerely, The Person You Later Became!’ You may not be able to send such a message back from here, but you can certainly receive one from your future self, right now! Indeed, that’s exactly what the Eclipse, conjunct Mercury, is enabling you to do. The powerful annular eclipse brings amazing mystical power that can directly benefit you. Find out how. Call 0906 751 5605.

Virgo Aug 24 - Sep 23

Someone this week is encouragin­g you

to break new ground. They’re keen to have you on board the expedition, part of their intrepid plans to explore new, uncharted territorie­s. It’s an exciting propositio­n, but is it a safe one? Is it the sensible thing to do? Would you be exploring a life-changing opportunit­y or tilting at windmills? Life doesn’t have to veer between extremes. There’s room to be quixotic without being irresponsi­bly ungrounded. Try giving the seemingly impossible a chance to flourish. Growth can spring from the most unlikely of soils. The powerful annular eclipse brings amazing mystical power that can directly benefit you. Find out how. Call 0906 751 5606.

Libra Sep 24 - Oct 23

You can’t be ruthless, reckless or crazy.

You must proceed with dignity, decorum and diplomacy. It is, though, one thing to proceed at a sensible pace and another to decide on retreat because you feel unable to advance fast enough. You want something and are doubtful whether you can have it. One thing we know about the current moment, though, is that it will soon become the past. With Mars conjunct Uranus opposite Jupiter, anything can change. Be as generous to yourself as you are to others, and you can get what you deserve. The powerful annular eclipse brings amazing mystical power that can directly benefit you. Find out how. Call 0906 751 5607.

Scorpio Oct 24 - Nov 22

They say if you can’t stand the

heat, get out of the kitchen. But what are we supposed to do next? Go hungry? And surely it’s the food that’s supposed to be piping hot – not the chef! This week, you can make changes that will not only bring you nourishmen­t; they will help you regain control of your environmen­t. Yet fighting fire with fire is only going to turn the heat up. Be more creative. The cosmos suggests that there’s a new, cool way to approach a perennial problem. And the result will satisfy more than just your taste buds. The powerful annular eclipse brings amazing mystical power that can directly benefit you. Find out how. Call 0906 751 5608.

Sagittariu­s Nov 23 - Dec 21

Saturn is in your sign, while

Mars is beginning to form an intense conjunctio­n to Uranus. One good way to sum up what this means might be to use the phrase, ‘a squeeze’. There are times when it seems we can allow our lives to be full of somewhat unsatisfac­tory circumstan­ces and situations. Somehow, we’re happy just to trundle along, coping as best we can. Then there are times when that all rapidly becomes unacceptab­le. Big choices have to be made. Truths dawn on us and priorities become clear. This is one of those times. The powerful annular eclipse brings amazing mystical power that can directly benefit you. Find out how. Call 0906 751 5609.

Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 20

Do people realise what you’re

capable of? Are they working on the assumption that you’re the same as you always were? Like someone who once tried using the internet on a dial-up modem in 1997 and now doesn’t see the need to ‘get online’, they don’t know what they’re missing. You haven’t stayed the same – you’ve drasticall­y improved. And, if given the chance to prove yourself, there’s little you can’t accomplish. Here comes your moment. It’s time to renegotiat­e your role based on your current abilities rather than old, outmoded ones. The powerful annular eclipse brings amazing mystical power that can directly benefit you. Find out how. Call 0906 751 5610.

Aquarius Jan 21 - Feb 19

This weekend, you’ll hear many

pennies dropping. By this, I don’t necessaril­y mean that you’re due for a windfall – although with the arrival of the Eclipse I wouldn’t be surprised if your finances begin to look up. But it’s in the currency of your mind that you may find you gain the biggest deposit. As Mars conjuncts your modern ruler, you’ll see something that seems obvious the moment you recognise it, yet which previously appeared to be totally different. This new understand­ing can help you gain great strength – and attain power. The powerful annular eclipse brings amazing mystical power that can directly benefit you. Find out how. Call 0906 751 5611.

Pisces Feb 20 - Mar 20

This week, life’s vehicle is getting a

tune-up in your celestial garage. Not that you’re bringing any old jalopy, but the astrologic­al mechanics have the ability to ‘pimp your ride’! You’re being fuelled up and tooled up to take on any challenge – so much so that you may need to be wary of how much more horsepower you have in your engine. Before you put pedal to metal, test out your throttle. If you’re travelling too fast, your best opportunit­ies could pass by too quickly. But if you remain in control, there’s no journey that’s a step too far. The powerful annular eclipse brings amazing mystical power that can directly benefit you. Find out how. Call 0906 751 5612.

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