Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine



I’ve given this classic Easter cake a twist with cardamom and my pistachio marzipan.

Serves 8-10

For the pistachio paste

200g (7oz) pistachios 300g (10½oz) icing sugar 100g (3½oz) caster sugar 1 egg, beaten

For the cake

200g (7oz) undyed glacé cherries, quartered

120g (4½oz) self-raising flour, plus 2tbsp extra 150g (5½oz) salted butter, softened, plus extra for greasing

150g (5½oz) golden caster sugar

3 medium eggs, beaten 100g (3½oz) currants

30g (1oz) mixed peel

Zest of 1 lemon and 1 orange, finely grated

1tsp mixed spice

1tsp ground cinnamon 8 green cardamom pods, split and seeds crushed 85g (3oz) ground almonds ¼tsp almond extract

To decorate

2tbsp apricot jam

11 mini chocolate eggs – we used Galaxy golden eggs Ribbon

To make the pistachio paste, blend the nuts and sugars in a processor, then add enough egg (you won’t need it all) to make a paste. Turn out and knead into a ball. Roll out 125g (4½oz) of it to a circle, using the base of an 18cm (7in) round, deep cake tin as a template, and set aside. Wrap the rest in clingfilm and set aside.

Grease and line the base and sides of the tin with baking parchment. Preheat the oven to 170°C/fan 150°C/ gas 3. In a bowl, toss the cherries with 2tbsp flour. In a large bowl, beat the butter and sugar until creamy. Slowly mix in the eggs, adding a little flour if the mix curdles.

In a separate bowl, mix the remaining flour with the cherries, currants, peel, zests, spices, ground almonds and almond extract, then stir into the creamed mixture. Spread half this mix in the tin and place the pistachio disc on top, then add the rest of the mix. Bake for around 1½ hours until firm. Cool in the tin for 30 minutes, then turn out on to a wire rack to cool completely.

Roll some of the leftover paste into 11 balls. Roll out the rest into an 18cm (7in) circle. Brush the top of the cake with jam and place the paste disc on top. Arrange the balls on top, sticking on with jam, flatten slightly and top each with a mini egg. Add the ribbon before serving.

Note: This recipe contains raw egg so is unsuitable for pregnant women, small children and the unwell.

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