Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine



April contains many dramatic astrologic­al developmen­ts. Mercury, Saturn and Pluto all turn retrograde, Mars changes signs, as does Venus, twice. But most exciting is the Libran Full Moon lining up with Jupiter opposite the Sun conjunct Uranus in late Aries. This reinvigora­tes the T-square with Pluto that holds such transforma­tional power. It can bring a realisatio­n that’s key to making our desires a reality.


No matter how independen­t we are, Mar 21 - Apr 20

no matter how self- motivated, assertive and confident we can be, none of us exists in a vacuum. For a spark to catch, we require oxygen. And for your ideas to catch on this month, you need someone to fuel your fire. Luckily, the skies suggest that not only will you find the fuel to feed your flame, you’ll have enough air to breathe and expand. Someone will help turn an inspired notion into the positive move you desire. If you communicat­e your passion, you’ll reap great rewards. Even if you don’t usually call your in- depth forecast, you should hear the excellent news for April. Call 0906 751 5601.


If you do this, instead of that, then Apr 21 - May 21

that’ll happen instead. Unless, of course, you do that first. In which case, you’ll get more of this and less of that, assuming someone else does this and not that. Confused? That’s my point. With so many intricate issues to consider, they’ll just tie you up in knots. What’s important this month, is to become untied. With Mercury turning retrograde in your sign, the Sun entering it and Mars leaving it, nobody can free you from a process that’s taking up too much time and energy. You have to liberate yourself. Your in-depth, NEW April forecast could be one of the most rewarding phone calls you ever make. Dial 0906 751 5602.


Homer Simpson once changed his

May 22 - Jun 22

name to Max Power, proclaimin­g there’s ‘ the right way to do things, the wrong way, and the Max Power way’. ‘Isn’t that just the wrong way?’ asks his daughter Lisa. ‘Yes,’ Homer replies, ‘but faster!’ This month it’s almost like the economical engine powering your runaround is replaced with a V8 turbo-charged monster from a supercar. That’s great, if you’ve somewhere to go and fast. But not so great if you find yourself stuck in reverse gear! With the right co-pilot, you’ll go twice as far – and in the right direction too! Understand what’s happening in your horoscope and discover how to assure success in April. Call 0906 751 5603.


Your relationsh­ip with one particular Jun 23 - Jul 23

person is growing tense. Or so it seems. We may not be talking here about a romantic relationsh­ip. The connection in question could be linked to your career or family life. But whatever once brought you both so close – and no matter how strong that camaraderi­e may have been – you’re no longer so sure you still share the same understand­ing. The powerful Full Moon conjunct Jupiter brings a realisatio­n. Even if a sense of estrangeme­nt intensifie­s briefly this month, there’ll be resolution and reunion. Please keep reading. There are great things to discover in your in- depth forecast for April. For inspiratio­n call 0906 751 5604.


What’s the point of being reborn if everyJul 24 - Aug 23

one believes you’re still the same old person? Why bother with a transforma­tion if no one notices and nothing seems to change? Well there’d still be valid reasons to undergo the transition­s you’re experienci­ng. They’re affirmativ­e steps. Not always easy, but positive nonetheles­s. The changes you’re making, and the breakthrou­ghs they herald, will help regain control in an area of life you’ve felt powerless in. This month, it’s time to flap the wings you’ve grown, and let everyone see your bold new form. April is the month you’ve been waiting for. Get the good news in your NEW fourminute forecast. Call 0906 751 5605.


‘Imagine there’s no heaven, it’s easy if Aug 24 - Sep 23

you try...’ So sang the late, great John Lennon, many moons ago. But was he right? For many people, it is not so easy to imagine a world with no heaven. The notion of eventual redemption, liberation and vindicatio­n is all that keeps many of us going. Especially when life seems tough, we think, ‘Perhaps my reward will be in heaven.’ But actually, you don’t have to wait that long. This month, with the Full Moon conjunct Jupiter, life can bring you a real reward right here on Earth. There’s lots to tell you about April – and you’re going to like it. Call your NEW, inspiratio­npacked forecast: 0906 751 5606.


There are moments when we feel Sep 24 - Oct 23

uniquely powerful. When it seems as if everything we’re involved in reaches maximum potential. Like air expanding to fill a void, it becomes impossible to do things by halves. This is all well and good if the things we do represent positive steps and decisions. But if, at this moment, we deviate from the right path, we can find ourselves spread too thinly or taking up uncomforta­ble positions. It’s important you now reflect upon your options. Make the right choices this month, and you’ll realise your potential. Even if you don’t usually call your in-depth forecast, you should hear the excellent news for April. Call 0906 751 5607.


Who’s in charge? Who calls the Oct 24 - Nov 22

shots and chooses the direction your life must take? As both your ruler Pluto, and Saturn, turn retrograde this month, the more you contemplat­e such questions, the more you may feel sure it isn’t you. You’re conscious of situations in which you seem to lack power and influence. Yet you’re nowhere near as helpless as you fear. With the Full Moon linked to Pluto, someone’s listening to you, even if you suspect that they’re hardly hearing a word you say. This month you can find your true, hidden strengths. Your indepth, NEW April forecast could be one of the most rewarding phone calls you ever make. Dial 0906 751 5608.


No one wants to be a party Nov 23 - Dec 21

pooper. But there are times when we all need to feel we’re being taken seriously. When we want to be seen as more than a fair-weather friend and recognised as the person for all seasons we have the potential to be. You may not be a 24-hour party person, but you know how to live with an adventurou­s spirit. It’s part of your charm. So don’t become frustrated if someone can’t see your serious centre. You just have to show them. This month, match passion with resolve and your natural abilities will be recognised. Understand what’s happening in your horoscope and discover how to assure success in April. Call 0906 751 5609.


History’s full of rulers whose Dec 22 - Jan 20

reputation­s have been reduced to cliché. Canute? The tides. Henry VIII? The wives. Midas? The gold. Imagine such a long, great life being eclipsed by one issue. Am I comparing you to monarchy? In a way, yes! Your dominion may not extend too far but you do reign over some territory at least. Yet with both your ruler and Pluto turning retrograde this month, you could be tempted by indecision. But the Full Moon brings wise and regal choices your way. Just try to do what history would applaud you for. Please keep reading. There are great things to discover in your in-depth forecast for April. For inspiratio­n call 0906 751 5610.


In the Emperor’s New Clothes, Jan 21 - Feb 19

Hans Christian Andersen never mentions the birthdate of the dissenting child in the crowd. But all the hallmarks of an Aquarian are present: the ability to see what everyone else seems to be missing, and the compulsion to comment on that large grey mammal taking up too much space in the room. Your month ahead may not involve royal nudity, but it could contain a breakthrou­gh that challenges a balance of power. If you’re keen to inspire a popular revolution, try to find a way to make your revolution feel popular! April is the month you’ve been waiting for. Get the good news in your NEW four-minute forecast. Call 0906 751 5611.


As April begins, Venus, slipping

Feb 20 - Mar 20

backwards, returns to your sign. This could cause you to feel like a process is taking an inordinate­ly long time. You might begin to feel like the biblical Methuselah! But why do we depict this legendary figure with a long beard? If you were to live for centuries, you’d have plenty of time to shave! This month, as the moon becomes full conjunct Jupiter, try to pace yourself. Venus links to Saturn, who keeps tight hold of the reins. But slow doesn’t always mean boring. Take it steady, and great things can start to happen. There’s lots to tell you about April – and you’re going to like it. Call your NEW, inspiratio­n-packed forecast: 0906 751 5612.

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