Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine



Melvyn Bragg On TV


It’s hard to overstate the impact of TV, from opening up our political process to scrutiny, to bringing the planet’s natural and cultural delights into our homes, and forging a national conversati­on in the process. So, Melvyn Bragg (right) has a lot to cover in this celebratio­n and dissection of the medium, which is an alternatin­g mix of clip-filled films on its evolution (all absorbing, with a sprinkling of wit) and panel discussion­s (some lively, some sleepy). ‘I thought it was the poor relation of radio, and it might prosper,’ were Joan Bakewell’s initial impression­s.

Doctor Who

6.30PM, BBC1

It’s fun having the Doctor, Missy

and the eye shadow-sporting Master all on screen at once, and that levity balances out the misery of Bill’s situation in tonight’s finale. This series of Who has had its thin bits, but the big finish has plenty of scale and excitement, and provides a cracking set-up for the Christmas special.

The Autistic Gardener

7PM, CH4

In the last of his offbeat series, Alan Gardner helps two London families to combine their gardens to make one big playground. How wonderful for the children – assuming the two sets of parents can reconcile their differing agendas for the design, that is. To help, Alan pops over to Texas, and returns with inspiratio­n.



After his pompous resignatio­n as medical director, Sam makes a fresh start at the ED tonight in an episode that features a wince-inducing accident on a train platform. It also features a spot or two of nifty point-ofview camerawork that places the viewer at the centre of the action – at first, it’s almost like being on a Casualty theme park ride.

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