Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine


July sees the planets take turns to form a new T-square opposite Pluto, and involving Jupiter. The Jupiterian influence of open, high-minded exploratio­n becomes the focus of Mars and the Sun’s energy. Yet there’s a playfulnes­s about the planetary energies



Can you think back and consider why Mar 21 - Apr 20

you came here? When we try to recall the world we must have lived in before we arrived in this one, we just draw a blank! Yet I’ll tell you what you didn’t choose to visit Earth for. It wasn’t for the stress, strain, hassle or difficulti­es. You never said, ‘Hey, I know, I’ll go ride an emotional roller- coaster’. Or, ‘Great. I can spend my time struggling to pay bills.’ You came here to feel and share love. And as your ruler conjuncts the Sun at the New Moon this month, expect a wonderful and timely reminder. Even if you don’t usually call your in- depth forecast, you should hear the excellent news for July. Call 0906 751 5601.


As we head into July, it’s important Apr 21 - May 21

that you think carefully about what you love in your life. It’s not that you need fear it being taken away, nor worry that you’ll no longer enjoy it, but there’s a sense that some of the most meaningful elements are going to be set in stone. And a change of heart is far harder to achieve once we’re encased in the foundation­s of our lives. So if you want to explore alternativ­e desires, or discover hidden sides of yourself, this is a good time to take action. Once the cement dries you’ll grow stronger, but less agile. Your indepth, NEW July forecast could be one of the most rewarding phone calls you ever make. Dial 0906 751 5602.


Many satellite navigation systems May 22 - Jun 22

have an option in their settings menu called ‘shortest routes’. To the uninitiate­d, this may seem like an obvious mode to activate. But soon they’ll be skidding crosscount­ry, down tiny tracks, across streams and through gated woodlands. The best way from A to B is rarely direct. It’s not the shortest route you need to take in July, it’s the most efficient one. And, with Venus in your sign, linking to Saturn, what you may now resent as a detour can become an essential part of a positive process. Understand what’s happening in your horoscope and discover how to assure success in July. Call 0906 751 5603.


This should be when you’re in your Jun 23 - Jul 23

element. When every seed you plant comes up a rose. If you feel like dancing and do, you should score ten out of ten for originalit­y and execution. But life isn’t quite so simple – although these things are possible, often you feel as if you need permission to do the things you want, or to have what you desire. The trouble with permission is that we invariably worry too much about someone saying ‘no’. This month, concentrat­e on what you would do if you hear a ‘ yes’ instead. It’s actually far more likely. Please keep reading. There are great things to discover in your in- depth forecast for July. For inspiratio­n call 0906 751 5604.


The Sun entering anyone’s sign is big Jul 24 - Aug 23

news. But it’s your ruler. When it enters Leo this month, it’s a bit like discoverin­g money in your pocket and heading to the shops, only to find that they’re auctioning everything you desire at bargain- basement prices! Now, they say you can have too much of a good thing. With Mars in the mix, it’s worth having a budget in mind, just in case you get caught up in the excitement. Yet you’ve nothing to fear. You’re brave, brilliant, kind and charming… and about to discover that your life is charmed as well. July is the month you’ve been waiting for. Get the good news in your NEW four- minute forecast. Call 0906 751 5605.


Much of your time this month, before Aug 24 - Sep 23

your ruler re- enters your sign, will feel like the build- up to a special event. Like a host city preparing for the Olympics, it’s time to get your infrastruc­ture in place. You want to be sure that you have spare capacity, resources and the support required to take full advantage of this celestial celebratio­n. It’s been a long and not always comfortabl­e ride. But you have a real opportunit­y, not only to make sense of what you’ve been through, but to see how close you are to something wonderful. There’s lots to tell you about July – and you’re going to like it. Call your NEW, inspiratio­n- packed forecast: 0906 751 5606.


If you intend to scale mountains, Sep 24 - Oct 23

eventually you must also descend them. Where’s the mountain that grows as fast as you ascend? Where’s the challenge that rises before us as fast as we rise to it? For adventure like this, we must go on a quest for integrity. If we aspire to be aware, enlightene­d and wise, we’ll never stop striving. Every time we think we’ve made progress, we’ll be back at the start! Yet in July, as your ruler Venus traverses the whole of Gemini, your ups will count for far more than any downs. Even if you don’t usually call your in- depth forecast, you should hear the excellent news for July. Call 0906 751 5607.


What does it mean when your Oct 24 - Nov 22

two ruling planets oppose each other? Are you going to develop a split personalit­y? Are you forever going to be searching for what you want? Or finding it and realising that you don’t have the power to use it? These are all possible, but it would be a gloomy way of looking at what could be a fantastic opportunit­y. Be positive when exploring new situations this month. Life brings you the opportunit­y to achieve some of your deepest desires, as long as you don’t let doubt or fear check your progress. Your NEW, in- depth July forecast could be one of the most rewarding phone calls you ever make. Dial 0906 751 5608.


We all push our luck a lit

Nov 23 - Dec 21

tle from time to time. Life without risk-taking of some kind is really no life at all. What you’re doing now may not be wise, but at least it’s fun! Or, at least, it might bring you great success, as long as you don’t push yourself too far, too fast or too furiously. With Mars linking to your ruler, and the Sun’s positive connection, events promise a month of discovery and delight. Prepare to learn more about yourself, your potential to be successful, and your ability to deepen an essential relationsh­ip. Understand what’s happening in your horoscope and discover how to assure success in July. Call 0906 751 5609.


We all like to be well thought Dec 22 - Jan 20

of. We appreciate recognitio­n for our strengths, especially by those whose opinion matters most to us. This month, you need to realise that you have the ability to confound people’s expectatio­ns. Someone has underestim­ated your capabiliti­es. And as I know, and you should also be aware, that’s a serious mistake. The cosmos is bringing you the opportunit­y to demonstrat­e just how powerful you are. And a grand, magnanimou­s gesture will do more than anything to enhance your reputation. Please keep reading. There are great things to discover in your in- depth forecast for July. For inspiratio­n call 0906 751 5610.


Maybe at the end of the month,

Jan 21 - Feb 19

you’ll be able to sit back and decide whether you’ve enjoyed July or not. How can you do that now? The best you can hope for is an evaluation of your own forecast. Perhaps you think it’s due to be tremendous. Or awful. That anticipati­on may colour your experience but it could yet be proved wrong. As an astrologer, though, I can give you your review of the month in advance! I can tell you now that it will prove surprising­ly good. Don’t be put off by minor annoyances. Be energised instead. July is the month you’ve been waiting for. Get the good news in your NEW four-minute forecast. Call 0906 751 5611.


A few years ago, there was a big Feb 20 - Mar 20

storm on social media about a dress that, depending on who was looking at it, was either black and blue, or white and gold. Recently I read about a picture of strawberri­es with a blue filter on it and the red pigment removed. When we see this image, our brains recognise the object, and fill in the colour we expect to see. This month, life may play tricks with your mind. But instead of seeing something that isn’t there, if you believe that it is, you’ll manifest the sweetness that the universe has to offer. There’s lots to tell you about July – and you’re going to like it. Call your NEW, inspiratio­n-packed forecast: 0906 751 5612.

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