Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine

Tips to help you get started


Be inspired!

Flick through the delicious recipes in this magazine. Make a note of the ones that look really appealing; the ones you think you’ll be able to whip up quickly, those the whole family might enjoy, as well as some 0 SmartPoint­s recipes that let you carry extra SmartPoint­s into the weekend.

Check your diary

Do you have any social events this week that may require a few more SmartPoint­s? Is there a day (or two) when you can focus your attention on zero Points foods so you can roll over some SmartPoint­s?

What’s in the fridge?

Rummage through your fridge, freezer and cupboards to check your supplies of what you need.

Make a plan

Take a sheet of paper and create seven rows for the days and then columns for breakfast, lunch and dinner each day. Now have fun filling in the blanks. Note down the SmartPoint­s values as you go to ensure each day is within budget.

Sense check

It’s time to review your plan. Will you have time to make a different meal every night? Could you make batches? Or have leftovers for lunch the following day?

Make a shopping list

Making a list (and sticking to it) reduces the risk of impulse purchases and buying food that you don’t need. Try to add items from the zero Points foods list (see pages 44-45) so you always have healthy options.

You’re ready

Turn your plan into action. If you stick to your plan closely, you’ll soon be reaping the rewards. Good luck!

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