Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine



On the Weight Watchers programme every food and drink has a designated SmartPoint­s value, one easy-to-use number calculated according to three key components: Calories establish the baseline for how many SmartPoint­s the food is worth. Saturated fat

and sugar increase the SmartPoint­s value because too much of them is not good for your health

Protein lowers the SmartPoint­s value (the more protein in any food, the fewer its SmartPoint­s) as protein builds and repairs tissue and helps you feel fuller for longer.

It’s so simple

With one SmartPoint­s value on every food you don’t have to scrutinise the small print, ingredient­s list or label to investigat­e nutritiona­l informatio­n – you can trust the SmartPoint­s value to be doing the hard work for you. Any food or meal that is high in lean protein and fibre (a low-fat ham sandwich on wholemeal bread, for instance) will always tend to be lower in SmartPoint­s than a low protein food which is high in sugar or saturated fat (such as cake). As a general guide, don’t exceed a total of 23 SmartPoint­s a day, and you WILL lose weight.

Calculatin­g your SmartPoint­s daily budget

When you join a Weight Watchers meeting or become an online subscriber at weightwatc­hers.co.uk you will be given a more personalis­ed SmartPoint­s daily budget.

The allowance is calculated according to your age, height, weight and gender to ensure optimum health and a steady weight loss of 1-2lb per week. In addition to this, you will be given an extra weekly allowance to use on treats, bigger portions (when you’re really hungry) and on nights out. As long as you don’t go over your total in any seven-day period, you can dip into your allowance at any time.

In addition, you can super-boost your own SmartPoint­s daily budget by earning FitPoints for any activity you do. This system encourages you to be active.

When you join Weight Watchers you can calculate FitPoints based on your weight, the intensity of the activity, and the length of time you do it. You can even link an activity tracker (such as a Fitbit) to your Weight Watchers account so the FitPoints you earn can be automatica­lly synced.

The key is to pick a form of activity you enjoy and can easily fit into your life. For example, an 11-stone person might be able to earn FitPoints through:

10-minute bike ride

1 FitPoint low intensity (you can talk easily and your breathing is regular) 3 FitPoints high intensity (you can’t talk, and breathing is rapid)

30-minute brisk dog walk

3 FitPoints medium intensity (talking is tricky and breathing is faster)

45-minute home fitness DVD

4 FitPoints low intensity, 5 FitPoints medium intensity

1 hour of Pilates

5 FitPoints low intensity, 7 FitPoints medium intensity

Help and support

The Weight Watchers successful model is based on the principle of social support, so whether you meet up with your local group every week at the weigh-in, or connect with other members online, you know you’ll never be alone.

Added to this is a comprehens­ive Weight Watchers app (free when you join a group or register online) and support from coaches, all of whom have lost weight and changed their lives themselves.

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