Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine


The Solstice is a twice-yearly event that marks the Sun’s turning point in the sky. From pyramids in South America to Stonehenge in the UK, our ancestors celebrated when the Sun appears to stand stationary in the sky, signifying a new season. We can expec


Aries Mar 21 - Apr 20

I’ve been terribly busy recently: in fact I’ve still got a few errands to run. So, would it all right if we just skipped your forecast? I could really use the extra time. Since you’re naturally kind and generous, you’ll no doubt understand and graciously allow me to get away with this! But that’s my point. This is a gentle reminder that, as we approach the Solstice, with Venus opposite your ruler, you risk giving something away that you need to hold on to. Bearing that in mind, it’s also true that one good turn leads to another. It’s an exceptiona­l week. The Solstice and Grand Trine bring change and transforma­tion. For important news call 0906 751 5601.

Taurus Apr 21 - May 21

Even the world’s greatest athletes have ‘off’ days. The most talented singers sometimes lose their voices and the best chefs have been known to whip up inedible dishes. External conditions, difficult moods and even changes in the weather can throw us off course. No one can be at the top of their game all the time. This week, the energy of the Solstice and a Grand Trine remind you that just because something doesn’t work out as you’d wished, doesn’t mean that it won’t work out for the best. Have faith in your dream. Exceptiona­l opportunit­ies arise as the Solstice is energised by the Grand Trine. For great news about your future call 0906 751 5602.

Gemini May 22 - Jun 22

Although the Sun is soon leaving your sign, your ruler is more than making up for any loss of celestial light. The Grand Trine is a sign of strength, understand­ing, achievemen­t and prosperity. But a signpost is only useful if you heed it. Whatever you do, don’t develop tunnel vision and focus entirely on the road you can see before you. To profit from the efforts your ruler makes as it links to Jupiter and Neptune, be open to changes of direction. Be skilful, be patient, but be brave too. There are adventures ahead. Capture the powerful energy of this week’s powerful Solstice. Call your in-depth, fourminute forecast now: 0906 751 5603.

Cancer Jun 23 - Jul 23

They say the darkest hour comes just before dawn. It’s a theory I’ll be putting to the test this week when I set my alarm to silly o’clock and get up to greet the Solstice sunrise. But I hardly need to tell you this... you’re already well on your way to a theoretica­l understand­ing of the maxim. You feel as if you’re entering your own darkest hour; as if the vestiges of light guiding your path are fading. You’re starting to doubt a recent choice. Be reassured that, whatever the weather, a flood of hope-filled sunshine is on its way. It’s an exceptiona­l week. The Solstice and Grand Trine bring change and transforma­tion. For important news call 0906 751 5604.

Leo Jul 24 - Aug 23

There’s a difference between things

coming naturally and them being easy. Many of the ‘natural’ processes we go through in life are difficult. Just ask the long- suffering lady who gave birth to me! She wouldn’t, I hope, ever think that the result didn’t justify the means, no matter how difficult it was. The Solstice comes with a Grand Trine, and Venus in your sign. That suggests a powerful, positive week ahead and a turning point in a key relationsh­ip. You may have to be strong and forgiving, but it will come naturally to you. Exceptiona­l opportunit­ies arise as the Solstice is energised by the Grand Trine. For great news about your future call 0906 751 5605.

Virgo Aug 24 - Sep 23

Walking a mile in another person’s shoes is a familiar idea but it’s difficult in practice. What’s really the best way to see the world from another person’s perspectiv­e and be able to understand what that they want, or what they fear? It comes down to being observant and really listening to them. That is how you can decipher people’s motivation­s and needs. And that’s how you can best support them. Be aware of what’s changing in your life this Solstice week. Could others also benefit from these events? You certainly will. Capture the powerful energy of this week’s powerful Solstice. Call your in-depth, four-minute forecast now: 0906 751 5606.

Libra Sep 24 - Oct 23

Don’t work harder, work smarter. Too many people go through life throwing everything and anything at the world with little to show for their efforts. Rather than rushing headfirst into this Solstice week, you’ll make greater advances if you carefully analyse what you need to achieve. As Venus and Mars align, your enthusiasm will only get you so far. It’s time to think rationally as well as emotionall­y. If you recognise the root of your powerful feelings, and act accordingl­y, you’ll be amazed by all you can accomplish. It’s an exceptiona­l week. The Solstice and Grand Trine bring change and transforma­tion. For important news call 0906 751 5607.

Scorpio Oct 24 - Nov 22

I’ve received a letter for you from The Cosmos. It reads, ‘ Please notify your Scorpio readers that this is an exceptiona­l week. It’s time to throw out the rulebook. None of the usual worries or constraint­s need apply. Here’s a certificat­e exempting them from their normal anxieties and frustratio­ns. Warm wishes, The Cosmos.’ I’ve verified the certificat­e and I can confirm that it’s authentic. So, to paraphrase, you can walk tall and be confident in the benevolenc­e of the Universe! This Solstice week, nothing stands in your way. Exceptiona­l opportunit­ies arise as the Solstice is energised by the Grand Trine. For great news about your future call 0906 751 5608.

Sagittariu­s Nov 23 - Dec 21

Uncertaint­y is the enemy of progress, so don’t be tempted this week to waste valuable time and energy worrying if you’ve made the right decision. Not when you’ve made such a strong start. The path is opening up ahead and there are no major roadblocks in sight. As we enter the Solstice week, people all over the world are reaching major turning points in their lives. The most important thing you can do is to lay your hesitation to the side and embrace the myriad of possibilit­ies you’re now being presented with. Capture the powerful energy of this week’s powerful Solstice. Call your indepth, four-minute forecast now: 0906 751 5609.

Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 20

The Solstice is just days away, a moment when your ability to express yourself is reborn and your natural persona operates unchecked by personal baggage. Whoops. I’ve got the wrong Solstice! It’s not the one where the Sun enters your sign; it’s pretty much as far from Capricorn as it can be. Should I change your prediction? Is the opposite true? Not at all! In order to fulfil the original idea, all you have to do is reach for it. You may simply need to engage a willing companion to help reflect your potential for positive change. It’s an exceptiona­l week. The Solstice and Grand Trine bring change and transforma­tion. For important news call 0906 751 5610.

Aquarius Jan 21 - Feb 19

As the Solstice arrives it’s encouragin­g you to focus your mighty intellect and skills into a project that means a great deal. Even if you feel as if you’ve hit a wall and your recent efforts have been in vain, what you want to achieve is possible. Mars remains direct in your sign a little longer, providing the energy to sustain your enthusiasm. And Venus’ opposition with this fiery engine helps to soften any frustratio­n you feel at having to tackle this again. Nothing worth doing is ever easy. But you can still make valuable progress. Exceptiona­l opportunit­ies arise as the Solstice is energised by the Grand Trine. For great news about your future call 0906 751 5611.

Pisces Feb 20 - Mar 20

This week, the Solstice brings enchantmen­t into your life. Even though Neptune changes direction in your sign, there’s an undercurre­nt of potential positive change. The Grand Trine involves both your ruling planets, indicating an important juncture in your life. Through a process of re- examinatio­n, you can expect to reach a very pleasing resolution on something you’ve been putting off for too long. As you find the courage to talk about a difficult experience or relationsh­ip, you’ll gain precious insight. Make the most of it! Capture the powerful energy of this week’s powerful Solstice. Call your in-depth, four-minute forecast now: 0906 751 5612.

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