Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine




A big problem with introducin­g a new character is inventing a history that links them to the regulars, no matter how spurious the connection. The idea is for their presence to appear seamless – as if they have always been part of the fabric but out of the picture for a while. Goodness, how they have tried with Stuart. Mick’s friend, dodgy weirdo, Tina’s nemesis – they just can’t decide who or what he is (a bit like Tina, albeit in a very different way). Now, with Stuart confrontin­g Tina and goading her about their past, the pair come to blows in the Arches and Tina is arrested (pictured).

Has there ever been a more unlucky garage, with its history of beatings and corpses? Why did the Square invest in an undertaker­s? They could’ve just stuck ‘morgue’ over the Arches and saved a fortune. When was the last time anyone had an MOT? And do they ever take their overalls to the launderett­e? Have they been washed once since the place opened?

The launderett­e might be due for a bit of action when Jean finds Stacey’s old christenin­g gown. For some bizarre reason, this gives her the idea that all the children should be christened in a wonderful Slater celebratio­n. We all know how those end up. Stacey couldn’t be less interested, but Jean brings Martin round when she explains that she just wants to do a nice thing to bring the fairm-ly together. A few bags of fish and chips would have done that, but water and the Slaters in one room? Doomed. Even God is running for cover.

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