Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine




Deadpool (2016) 15 Saturday, 9pm, Ch4 Deadpool is the highest-grossing 15-rated movie of all time, a critical success and a hit with comic fans. With its crudeness, sex, and grisly violence, the irreverent tone – not the standard origin story and action – is what sets Deadpool apart from the current glut of superhero movies. Ryan Reynolds is Wade Wilson, the man who by a tragic twist of fate mutates into the bitter antihero of the title (above). His sole mission is revenge on the sadist who forced his mutation (giving him lizard-like regenerati­ve abilities and super-agility) but disfigured his pretty face. He believes it’s now a face that his girlfriend (Morena Baccarin) can’t possibly love and takes out his frustratio­n on the bad guys, as well as venting to the audience with a constant stream of acidic quips. A puerile, satisfying­ly naughty treat.


The Man In The White Suit (1951) U Sunday, 2.45pm, BBC2 In an era of disposable fashion, the premise of this Ealing comedy feels decidedly on trend. Flawlessly presented, it’s a morally complex satire in which Alec Guinness stars as brilliant but naive chemist Sidney Stratton (above), whose invention of a stain-resistant, indestruct­ible fabric puts the fear of God into the textile industry and the unions, who seek to suppress it at any cost. Uniting committed capitalist­s and trenchant workers in a common cause, the film evenly distribute­s its critique, while idealistic Sidney remains oblivious to the chaos his invention might reap, devoted only to science and its clean, unfettered logic. Guinness’s perfectly tailored performanc­e is low key, while the superb supporting cast includes Cecil Parker, Michael Gough and an immaculate Joan Greenwood as the only voice of reason.

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