Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine


Juliet Mills and Maxwell Caulfield, 18 years her junior, have confounded the critics with their 38-year marriage. Here they tell how theirs was an instant psychic connection – and how they’ve kept it alive

- Katherine Hassell

Nearly 40 years ago, Juliet Mills – acclaimed star of movies The Rare Breed with James Stewart and Avanti! with Jack Lemmon – hit the headlines. The eldest daughter of acting legend Sir John Mills and playwright Mary Hayley Bell was in love. Her beau? An up-and-coming actor by the name of Maxwell Caulfield.

Maxwell, originally from Belper in Derbyshire, had been cast opposite Juliet in a US tour of the awardwinni­ng play The Elephant Man. He appeared as John Merrick, whose facial deformitie­s got him the cruel nickname of the play’s title, while Juliet was Mrs Kendal, the actress who befriended him. At 21, Maxwell was 18 years her junior when they married months later, and there were snipes that it would never last. Now, having celebrated their 38th wedding anniversar­y last year, Juliet, 77, and Maxwell, 59, are treading the boards together again, touring the UK in an adaptation of Alfred Hitchcock’s 1938 thriller The Lady Vanishes, which starred Margaret Lockwood and Michael Redgrave.

Juliet plays Ms Froy, a train passenger who disappears mid-journey, with Lorna Fitzgerald (Abi Branning in EastEnders) as socialite Iris, her travelling companion. When the other passengers, including Maxwel l as suave Austrian surgeon Dr Hartz, deny having seen Ms Froy, Iris turns detective with the help of a fellow traveller, played by Matt Barber, who was Atticus Aldridge in Downton Abbey.

‘I knew Margaret Lockwood,’ says Juliet. ‘There was a Royal Command Performanc­e of a film my father did with her and I presented a bouquet to... well, it was Princess Elizabeth then. I knew Michael Redgrave very well because they were friends of the family, and Michael played my father in No, My Darling Daughter.

‘Touring the play does bring back memories of The Elephant Man,’ she adds. ‘I get the same feelings when I see Maxwell come in the room. I think, “Ooh, I like him.”’

Was it love at first sight? ‘I suppose so,’ says Juliet,

‘We were instant friends, immediatel­y attracted. I believe in reincarnat­ion and I believe I’d known Maxwell in another life. It was like saying, “Oh hello, there you are.”’ ‘It was a full-blown The couple last year and (main) in 2000 romance,’ adds Maxwell. ‘There was a connection on a psychic level. It was instantane­ous for us both.’

Their first date was to see Harold Pinter’s Betrayal on Broadway. Juliet’s friend Natalie Wood had invited her and a guest. ‘I was sat in Row E between Juliet and Natalie Wood,’ recalls Maxwell. ‘She’d been Maria in West Side Story and James Dean’s co-star in Rebel Without A Cause. It was a real “pinch me” moment.’

Although the age gap made headlines here, the couple managed to avoid them. ‘We were living in California and it didn’t make so much news over there,’ recalls Juliet. ‘I never felt any negative reaction. We were in a euphoric state. We never worried about the age gap.’

Nor did anyone who knew them. When Juliet told Sir John she was in love with a younger man, he didn’t ask his age. ‘ Daddy said, “It’s irrelevant. If you find someone you want to share your life with, it doesn’t matter if they are black or white, old or yo u ng, or what they are – it’s a soulmate.” And that’s what I found,’ she says. ‘We’ve silenced our critics now.’

Juliet had been married before, to American actor Russell Alquist Jr (father to her son Sean) and Michael Miklenda (father to her daughter Melissa), but says, ‘I never felt much older. Maxwell is very romantic, very protective and my best friend. He planned our wedding too. It was the most romantic ever – at sunrise on a clifftop overlookin­g the Pacific.’

The pair wed at Point Dume in Malibu, with a small reception at Juliet’s house in Beverly Hills. ‘Maxwell organised all the decorating in the house – fairylight­s and archways – it was absolutely beautiful. At one point there was a plane flying over with a message. It said, “JMC for ever.”’

Even his proposal involved pulling two doves from his tuxedo pockets and letting them fly into the air. ‘I was inspired,’ he grins. ‘She brings out the romantic in me. When, God willing, we have a 40th anniversar­y, I’ll have to buy an entire flock.’

It sounds quite the fairytale, but they admit there are ups and downs. ‘Everyone has disagreeme­nts,’ says Juliet. ‘But my mother and father had a rule: never let the sun go down upon your wrath. So we don’t go to sleep without having made up first.’

Juliet was fated to join the family business, as was her younger sister Hayley, 72, who starred in films such as Tiger Bay, The Parent Trap and Whistle Down The Wind – adapted from their mother’s novel. ‘My earliest memories are of going to my father’s film sets,’ Juliet says. ‘Aged four, I went to the set of Great Expectatio­ns. I tried on the bonnet Valerie Hobson wore as Estella, and Daddy was so handsome in that period costume. It made a huge impression.’

As did theatre visits. ‘I’d watch him on stage from the wings, thinking, “I hope I can do this when I grow up.” He used to take me often when he was doing Charley’s Aunt. It was so funny with him dressed as a woman. The laughter he generated...’

‘That’s one of the reasons Juliet is such a funny actress,’ says Maxwell. ‘She’s a chip off the old block. Your dad gave you cameos in two of his films, didn’t he? Was it The History Of Mr Polly – that beautiful scene of you talking about ducklings? She nearly stole the scene from him.’

Juliet was just seven then (she’d actually made her debut at just 12 weeks old in the war classic In Which We Serve), and by the age of 16 she was in the West End in Peter Shaffer’s play Five Finger Exercise. It then transferre­d to Broadway and she was nominated for a Tony award. ‘I grew up surrounded by glamorous, talented people at the height of their fame – Laurence Olivier, Vivien Leigh, Noël Coward,’ she recalls of her childhood in south-west London.

‘Noël and Vivien were my godparents. He gave me a book token every year for my birthday and always signed it: “With love from God”. He was the most brilliant, funny, genius of a man. I was in awe. Everyone was,’ she adds. ‘Vivien was great fun and the most beautiful woman I’ve met. She had such grace and style.’

Does Juliet watch her father’s films

‘She brings out the romantic in me’ MAXWELL ‘I still get the same feeling when he comes into the room’ JULIET

now? ‘Whenever they’re on,’ she says. ‘It’s a real gift to be able to actually see your father, who’s long gone, there at different stages of his life.’

Maxwell made his movie debut at seven. ‘I was not a child actor per se, but my mother was Harold Pinter’s secretary when he wrote the screenplay for Accident. It starred Stanley Baker, Dirk Bogarde and Michael York, and they wanted me to play Dirk’s son.’ He pauses. ‘Who was Cherie Blair’s personal trainer? Carole Caplin! She played my sister. One lunch break I was carried on Michael York’s shoulders and helped up into a tree. But I disappeare­d so high up, the assistant director had to get a ladder to get me down.’ He laughs. ‘It was a world of high jinks. I got a taste for it.’

This was followed by a production of The Boyfriend when he was a teenager at St Paul’s school in London, and, later, a job – to obtain his Equity card – as an exotic dancer at London’s Windmill Theatre. At 18, he moved to the US and turned heads in plays such as Entertaini­ng Mr Sloane, which led to the lead in movie sequel Grease 2 with Michelle Pfeiffer.

The Colbys – the 1985 Dynasty spin- off in which he played Miles Colby, Charlton Heston’s son – was a glossy, over-the-top affair, and wellpaid. ‘I drove a brand new Ferrari Testarossa,’ he beams. ‘We were shooting in Malibu Canyon and they needed a shot of me driving. They sensed I might stay in the car and take it for a spin. They were right. I was at the point of reversing away, but they put a truck across the road to block me. It Juliet (right) with her sister Hayley in 1964 was a James Bond moment. I thought, “Can I drive under the truck?” But I didn’t.’ More recently, he’s starred in Casualty, Emmerdale and the West End’s Chicago, and Juliet joined her sister in ITV’s Wild At Heart.

When not working, the couple insist they are both homebodies. ‘ I’m a very domestic creature,’ says Juliet. ‘I love to cook. We moved to Ojai, an hour and a half’s drive outside Los Angeles, to have a bigger garden. We grow fruit and I have a rose garden.’ Although they’ve long been US citizens, they miss aspects of life in Britain. ‘Marmite, Bisto, chocolate digestives,’ says Juliet. ‘Tetley tea, Branston pickle, Horlicks, things like that. I always lug them back with me.’ ‘And the miracle of Beechams Powders,’ adds Maxwell. ‘If you come down with something, Beechams gets you through a show.’ ‘I always have a packet in my bag,’ says Juliet. ‘I never go out without them.’

Here’s hoping on this tour, they don’t need them – but at least we know the show will go on.

The Lady Vanishes is touring now. Visit kenwright.com for details.

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Juliet and Maxwell in an episode of Hotel in 1987
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