Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine



Mercury enters Pisces this weekend, inspiring us all to dream of perfection. And passionate Mars links with Uranus, planet of surprises, before entering Taurus on Valentine’s Day; for romantics it all adds up to a cosmic call to action.

Aries It’s amazing how far you can get by Mar 21 - Apr 20 taking one step at a time. When you come up against an obstacle, you can just change direction, and carry on; it’s a great way to make progress. Yet the obstacles in your mind are harder to deal with; practical solutions don’t quite manage to drive them away. This week, as your ruler links to the great changemake­r before heading into a new sector of the sky, the more you focus on doing what needs to be done (especially in regards to a key relationsh­ip), the higher your chance of success. Roses are red, violets are blue, here’s a romance prediction especially for you! For your guide to love and romance for 2019, call 0906 751 5601.

Taurus Some people find it hard to hide Apr 21 - May 21 their emotions. Since they react as soon as we share any informatio­n, we learn to think carefully about what we reveal. Thus, relationsh­ips develop where communicat­ion becomes superficia­l and skates around important emotional matters. This week, as Mars moves into your sign, it empowers you with the energy and confidence to share your feelings with someone special. This is a cosmic opportunit­y to say what’s in your heart. Seize it! The response could bring a delightful surprise. Roses are red, violets are blue, here’s a romance prediction especially for you! For your guide to love and romance for 2019, call 0906 751 5602.

Gemini Don’t jump, but I’ve perfected May 22 - Jun 22 the art of astral travelling and am peering over your shoulder as you read this! It’s a skill that’s taught to all astrologer­s; it helps us check the accuracy of our forecasts. I’m delighted that you appear to be doing well. Although I was quite surprised by your antics last night… OK, I’ll stop! I just wanted to show you how easy it is for people to pretend that they know more about you than they do. But this week brings the discovery that someone cares more about you than they have revealed. Roses are red, violets are blue, here’s a romance prediction especially for you! For your guide to love and romance for 2019, call 0906 751 5603.

Cancer We may have box sets and Netflix Jun 23 - Jul 23 but can still love going to the movies. It can be such a transformi­ng experience that emerging from the darkness of the cinema into the world sometimes comes as a shock. While you’ve been anxiously preparing yourself for a pivotal change of setting, it’s becoming apparent you have no need to fear. You’re about to find unparallel­ed support, which will hold your hand as you walk into your future. Will it be a dream-come-true ending? Only time will tell. But it will be a beautiful and touching scene. Roses are red, violets are blue, here’s a romance prediction especially for you! For your guide to love and romance for 2019, call 0906 751 5604.

Leo If we prepare ourselves for worst-case Jul 24 - Aug 23 scenarios, whatever happens will seem minor. Yet the real secret of success involves being appreciati­ve of whatever we have, no matter what it is. This week, as Mars moves into a new sector of the sky on Valentine’s Day, there’s no point wasting your time worrying about what’s missing from your emotional life; not when there’s so much love and gratitude on offer. If you can find a way of responding positively to other people, you’ll find that both love and gratitude come towards you. Roses are red, violets are blue, here’s a romance prediction especially for you! For your guide to love and romance for 2019, call 0906 751 5605.

Virgo You’re not someone who displays Aug 24 - Sep 23 their passion for everyone to see. Since you care deeply about other people, you often feel intense emotions; yet you somehow manage to rise above your powerful feelings and continue to do what you do. That way, you can carry on supporting others, helping them to meet their needs. This week, as your ruler enters Pisces, and Mars changes signs, you’re being creatively encouraged to focus on your own well-being. If you need some loving support, the cosmos indicates you’ll find it. Roses are red, violets are blue, here’s a romance prediction especially for you! For your guide to love and romance for 2019, call 0906 751 5606.

Libra What’s causing you to pin your hopes Sep 24 - Oct 23 on something special happening? Are you positive that you’re not just allowing yourself to indulge in the realms of make-believe? I’m asking because the answer is a resounding ‘No’! You really are in a fortunate position and have every right to feel hopeful. Although there can never be such a thing as guaranteed success, the cosmic indication­s suggest that you’re heading into an emotionall­y fulfilling, exciting week. Your dreams might not all come true, but some of them can! Roses are red, violets are blue, here’s a romance prediction especially for you! For your guide to love and romance for 2019, call 0906 751 5607.

Scorpio There’s a feeling that a problem Oct 24 - Nov 22 needs attending to. You have the wherewitha­l to sort it out, except for one thing: you’re very short of time. When you’re being offered an opportunit­y that will broaden your horizons and take you into a new area of potential, you’re right to focus on that and leave your worries behind. They will either be solved or they will be there when you find time to look back. As Mars changes signs on Valentine’s Day, it brings you the energy to claim something that means a great deal to you. Go ahead! Roses are red, violets are blue, here’s a romance prediction especially for you! For your guide to love and romance for 2019, call 0906 751 5608.

Sagittariu­s People say that life is Nov 23 - Dec 21 but a dream, and that, although it seems real, nothing matters quite as much as we think. Even if this fantastica­l way of approachin­g life is true, it doesn’t make it less precious. In fact, it makes it more special. We need to value every moment. Yet it’s easy to worry so much about future moments that we forget the preciousne­ss of the one we’re in. This week, as Mars changes signs on Valentine’s Day, if you show your appreciati­on you’ll have much to appreciate. Roses are red, violets are blue, here’s a romance prediction especially for you! For your guide to love and romance for 2019, call 0906 751 5609.

Capricorn As passionate Mars moves Dec 22 - Jan 20 into Taurus – which is ruled by Venus, the planet of love – on Valentine’s Day, it brings a sense of urgency to key connection­s you’re making. It’s time to stop seeking understand­ing in a situation that can’t be logically explained. You’ve been trying to plaster over an emotional vulnerabil­ity, or hide from an uncomforta­ble feeling that just won’t go away. So try to allow space for some mental and emotional flexibilit­y this week. Your intuition has a valuable part to play in a key relationsh­ip. Roses are red, violets are blue, here’s a romance prediction especially for you! For your guide to love and romance for 2019, call 0906 751 5610.

Aquarius Wouldn’t it be nice if we could Jan 21 - Feb 19 click our fingers to work some Mary Poppins-style magic? Then, we’d be able to jump into a cartoon world full of butterflie­s and smiling people intent on having a wonderful time. This week, the move of passionate Mars into Taurus encourages you to reach for your dream. If you simply refuse to follow your heart’s desires, how will you ever know whether you’re truly happy? Listen to your emotions as they grow harder to hide; they bring a real chance of finding the fulfilment you’ve been looking for. Roses are red, violets are blue, here’s a romance prediction especially for you! For your guide to love and romance for 2019, call 0906 751 5611.

Pisces This week, as Mercury moves into Feb 20 - Mar 20 your sign and Mars moves into Taurus, there’s a strong possibilit­y that you’ll find something you’ve been searching for. At last, the cosmos is complying with your wishes! The tensions and dramas you’ve experience­d this year have brought you to a place where you can let something go and take a few bold steps into a more secure and satisfying future. It sounds easy – and it is; you just need to make space to relax and develop a sense of trust. Everything is going to turn out right. Roses are red, violets are blue, here’s a romance prediction especially for you! For your guide to love and romance for 2019, call 0906 751 5612.

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