Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine



Tembo the adolescent elephant is at that awkward age. He’s no longer the apple of everyone’s eye, adored by his mother Nalla and all his aunties. He’s big and gawky, clumsy and selfish – a typical teenage boy. But he’s also desperatel­y insecure and eager for affection. When he isn’t showing off and bristling with testostero­ne, he just wants to be mothered. Growing up is hard for elephants, as well as humans.

Most galling of all, Tembo has just become a big brother. Nalla has given birth, and suddenly the herd of females can think of nothing but the new arrival. The little chap is a sweetie – he can’t even stand up without lots of supporting trunks. Tembo watches in a sulk, then ambles over for a closer look... and accidental­ly on purpose knocks the baby head over tail, so the aunties chase Tembo off.

But his brotherly instincts kick in when the herd take their baby for his first trip to the mudhole. Unable to keep his balance even on firm ground, the little fellow doesn’t stand a chance in a swamp. He slides down the bank and gets well and truly stuck. That puts the aunties in a dither. They get in each other’s way, splashing around and frightenin­g the baby. Tembo sees what is happening and decides to lend a trunk. Quickly, he turns himself into an elephant tow-truck and hauls his little brother out of danger. His attitude seems to proclaim to the aunties that sometimes there’s just no substitute for having a practical bloke about the place.

And when lions come sniffing around, tempted by the scent of a helpless infant, Tembo proves his worth. The herd of females form a defensive ring about the baby, while their big, bullish boy stomps out to pick a fight with the marauding pride. The lions quickly think better of it. And as Tembo proudly returns to his mother and her sisters, it’s plain he is finding his own feet in the world.

 ??  ?? Nalla’s baby at the mudhole
Nalla’s baby at the mudhole

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