Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine

The star of the darkly funny series reveals five secrets from the set

Jodie Comer


KILLING EVE tonight, 9.15pm, BBC1


My character Villanelle is a very stylish assassin and there are some fantastic outfits to come. Many pieces are vintage, including Christian Lacroix shoes from the 80s. After series one I bought half of her wardrobe, but when people saw me out in her clothes, they recognised them – so I stopped wearing them. I need that distance between us.


I feel very lucky because I haven’t travelled much and this show takes me to great places. Rome is extraordin­ary. It gives you a backdrop that you can never replicate in a studio. Being in Paris when France won the World Cup was epic, too.


Murders are my favourite days on set, mostly because they are outrageous and nothing is ever what you expect. Our murders are creative, there isn’t much blood. There’s one epic scene at the end

of the series which was quite physical and took us two days to film – it was tiring. But I don’t have to go home and recover from a murder scene – it’s almost like it comes naturally.


The programme-makers talked to a psychologi­st before starting this series. I was convinced it’d be all about payback after the spy Eve stabbed Villanelle, but the psychologi­st, a specialist in psychopath­s, said the stabbing could confirm for Villanelle that she and Eve share a bond.


This series I’ve worked a lot more closely with Sandra Oh, who plays Eve (pictured above, left), and we’ve really got to know each other. She’s the lead actress on the show and her brilliant attitude trickles down the set – it’s the happiest, most chilled-out set I’ve worked on and it’s a credit to her.

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