Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine


Neptune, planet of dreams, now appears to move backwards in the sky. And as Venus links with it, and with Jupiter, we can expect kindness in crazy situations. Mercury enters Leo to let us see charms hidden within challenges.

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Some people love talking. It hardly seems to matter what they say; as long as they can hear the sound of their own voice they’re happy. Fortunatel­y, there are also people who love listening. They don’t seem to mind sitting through dull discussion­s. Evidence of this is easily found with a quick scan through the radio channels; it’s easy to conclude that we don’t mind what we hear or what we say. Except you’re an exception to that rule. Don’t take other people’s views too seriously this week. Lift your spirits. Change your life! Your four-minute, week-ahead forecast has important news.

Call 0906 751 5601.


We don’t always find it easy to gauge how much power we have. Nor is it always easy to tell how much control we have over our choices. There are times when it feels as if the world is our oyster; when we’re capable of achieving just about anything, and others when it seems as if the world is against us and we can’t take a step forward without having to take two in the opposite direction. This week, as your ruler makes powerful links, you have opportunit­ies to call the shots. Enjoy the benefits of a helpful, kindly sky. Your weekahead, in-depth forecast could be one of the most rewarding calls you make. Call 0906 751 5602.


With Venus in your sign, the fairy of good fortune is at work in your life. Wherever you go, it’s as if she’s been there before you, preparing the way and creating an atmosphere of welcome. When your heart is full of compassion and you’re acting with generosity towards other people, it creates a beneficial response from the cosmos. This explains the wave of serendipit­y you’ll experience this week. So, if you’re hoping for something specific, keep hopeful, and actively move towards it. You won’t be disappoint­ed. Venus, the planet of love and luxury, brings good fortune and creativity into your life. Find out more. Call 0906 751 5603.


It’s not possible to explain all the intricacie­s and miracles going on here on planet Earth. Sometimes, things happen just because they happen; and they exist, just because they exist. Not even the top scientists or religious and spiritual leaders are able to explain these phenomena. Which doesn’t mean some people don’t have a lot to say about anything that seems to be a mystery. This week, under a helpful cosmic sky, rather than asking why things are good, just enjoy them. Power planet Mars in your sign brings enthusiasm, and encourages you to make positive change. Call 0906 751 5604.

LEO JUL 24 – AUG 23

Why don’t we use this time to have a nice discussion about this week’s weather forecast? Or would you rather talk about your favourite team’s next competitiv­e event? Or the current state of internatio­nal affairs? Sorry? That’s not what you had in mind? Even though one big issue is taking centre stage in your life, you need to be distracted! With playful Mercury entering your sign, you’re in a position to regain valuable perspectiv­e. Then you’ll realise the advantage of keeping your options open. Mercury, the planet of communicat­ion, brings a sense of light and fun into your world. For good news, call 0906 751 5605.


I’ve had an idea about doing things a little differentl­y this week. You’re going to write your own forecast! So, what sort of a week do you think you’re going to have? Is there anything looming on your horizon that you need to be watching out for? Or can you expectantl­y hope for a long-awaited positive developmen­t? When you pay attention to your inner responses to these questions you can see you can predict your own future! Your outlook can be just as good as you believe it can be. Fun and laughter abound as your ruling planet Mercury changes signs. For news you want to hear, call 0906 751 5606.


It’s easy to provoke some people. And, interestin­gly, some of the topics that caused heated debates in our grandparen­ts’ time can still stir up a storm. There are controvers­ial topics that will never be sorted by politician­s or psychologi­sts; they’ll be with us for as long as we’re here on planet Earth. We can either get into them or rise above them. This week, with your ruler Venus making powerful, positive connection­s, you don’t need to be dragged into any debates. Do what makes life most enjoyable for you. Venus, your ruler, is empowered this week. There’s valuable news in your latest forecast. Call 0906 751 5607.


It’s much easier to give advice than to take it. We’re all much better at solving other people’s problems than we are at dealing with our own. Policies and plans might sound easy to execute, but they take on a life of their own when applied to our individual lifestyles and complicate­d relationsh­ips. You’ve been feeling a little confused recently. You don’t feel inspired to follow the most logical route forwards. Planetary forces suggest these are exceptiona­l times. Do what you think is right. Do yourself a favour; treat yourself! There’s exciting news in your four-minute forecast. Call 0906 751 5608.


Time slips by. While some things hardly alter, others dramatical­ly change. This is fine as long as you’re able to hold on to what you want to keep in your life and let go of the things you’ve grown out of. The difficulti­es and pain come when it’s the other way around. None of us have supreme control of the cosmos. This week, with Venus linking to your ruling planet Jupiter, don’t be surprised to find yourself inspired to go along with whatever’s happening. Miracles happen when we’re willing to go with the flow. Maximise your luck as the planet of love links with generous Jupiter. Make it a week to remember. Call 0906 751 5609.


The good news is you don’t need to put all your efforts and attention into sorting out all your problems this week. Taking a steady, tenacious approach will be much more efficient. It’s time to revitalise your list of priorities and set yourself a realistic goal. If you can find the selfdiscip­line to go through your list, moving through each of the items (regardless of whether you feel as if you’ve made progress or not) you’ll be on the right track. Persistenc­e is key. If you keep trying, there’s no doubt you’ll succeed. Just four minutes on the phone could change your life. For your latest week-ahead forecast, call 0906 751 5610.


Although many of us dream of living in a white minimalist space, with neatly arranged contents, no clutter and no overflowin­g cupboards, life has a tendency to be colourful and messy; this is reflected in our homes. Even the people who manage to achieve the ‘perfect look’ will have hidden drawers full of keys, cables and things that might come in useful ‘one of these days’. Nature abhors a vacuum, so the spaces fill. So it is with our emotions. Yet this week, there’s something important that you really can throw away. In a week of celestial creativity, you can transform your life. For your week ahead forecast, call 0906 751 5611.


Let’s imagine you’ve gone to the shops. You’re in your favourite shopping mall and have bought the perfect present for someone special. You’ve spent a lot of time thinking about what to purchase and you’re happy with your choice. Then you’re faced with a wrapping paper decision. Should you go for green or pink? What a dilemma! It’s not a hard decision yet you’re thrown into uncertaint­y by it. If you find yourself stressing over a decision this week, remember it’s more trivial than it appears. Creative and inspiring times lie ahead for you. Make the most of this astrologic­al opportunit­y. Call 0906 751 5612.

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