Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine


With the Sun and Venus both loosely pointed at by a Finger of Fate alignment involving Saturn and Neptune this week, no matter how difficult a task or slow the progress, if we combine effort with creativity, we’ll achieve our goals



It’s easy to underestim­ate the effect you have. Even when it seems as if no one is noticing you, you’re making a more powerful impact than you think. You’re a tour de force, with so much charisma that some folk seem shy because they feel attracted to you, but don’t quite know how to express themselves. Others fear your impressive insight. Meanwhile, there are some courageous souls who can see that, despite your courage, you’re sometimes in need of a helping hand. That’s what’s in store for you this week. There’s excitement in the skies in a week of celestial action. Find out how to maximise your luck. Call 0906 751 5601.


What should you do when the route you’re journeying on is blocked by a huge rock? It represents a difficulty that you can no longer ignore. No matter how hard you try to shift it, it won’t budge an inch. You manage to enlist the help of some passers-by… to no avail. This particular boulder is not going to shift unless you find a huge crowbar and skilfully apply pressure. Your rock, this week, is your frustratio­n over a silly situation. The crowbar is your commitment to a good cause. Use it to dispel a problem. For great news on the positive progress you can make this week, call your latest four-minute forecast: 0906 751 5602.


A plethora of opportunit­ies lie ahead for you. What’s that? You think they look more like complicati­ons and problems? Well, those are just part and parcel of life here on planet Earth. There will always be some of those to deal with… and while you’re waiting for a time when there are none of those on your horizon, life will just pass you by. And so will all those exciting possibilit­ies. This week, as Jupiter prepares to change direction, seize the chances that come your way. Magic is available to you. Just four minutes on the phone could change your life. For your latest week-ahead forecast, call 0906 751 5603.


Suppose you’re in the middle of making banana custard when your phone rings? In your haste to answer it, you drop a banana skin on the floor. When you come back into the kitchen, you slip on it and take a tumble. You might even take yourself off for an X-ray. Accidents happen. Potential problems can occur at any moment. On the other hand, they might not! We can easily become over-fanciful about our fears. Don’t let a little difficulty grow out of proportion, when there’s so much positivity around. Your week ahead forecast is jam-packed full of important news. For an in-depth guide, call 0906 751 5604.

LEO JUL 24 – AUG 23

This forecast is interrupte­d by an announceme­nt on behalf of the Society for Bigots: ‘If you’re looking for answers, you don’t need to consult an astrologer. You just need to consolidat­e your opinions. Don’t forget: the happiest mind is a closed mind. Now, you can go back to your Leo forecast.’ Hmmm. I know you’ve got a lot of difficult questions, which it would be wonderful to be able to answer; but this week, no matter how tempting it might be to do otherwise, stay open to seeing things from every side. With Venus, the planet of love and dynamic Mars in your sign, this is a week of good fortune and creativity. Call 0906 751 5605.


Life would be so much easier if the people who made so much mess and trouble were just banned. I mean, just look at the way they behave. Don’t they understand anything? What use are they to anyone? The world would be a much finer place if they weren’t around. No! Actually, without people to criticise or despair of, it would be a dull and lonely place. You might as well accept that there are all sorts of people with different attitudes and views to yours. This week, you’ll come to really appreciate that! Do yourself a favour; treat yourself! There’s exciting news in your four-minute forecast. Call 0906 751 5606.


Some people are reasonable to the point of irritation. When offered an explanatio­n, they listen carefully. When something annoying happens, they wisely remain unprovoked. They’re able to rise to challenges and determined­ly overcome them. Then there are the folk who are less perfect. They follow their hunches while refusing to listen to logic and blow their tops when facing a problem. You can be superhuman this week if you want to. But it might be more fun to shake off some responsibi­lity and enjoy it. Maximise your luck as the planets make creative alignments. Make it a week to remember. Call 0906 751 5607.


I don’t know about you but I’m not convinced by the concept of deferred gratificat­ion. The idea of having to wait for what you want might sound all well and good, but some folk seem to make it a lifestyle choice and constantly deny themselves things that would give them pleasure. They lose the ability to treat themselves because they’ve come to depend on a psychologi­cal need to feel deprived. This week, you’re being offered the chance to do something you’ve long dreamed of. Don’t deprive yourself of that. To hear how your life could significan­tly change for the better, call your latest week-ahead forecast: 0906 751 5608.


NOV 23 – DEC 21

Life is extraordin­ary. Think for a moment about the oceans. We don’t know everything about their depths, or all that lives there. Looking across the surface gives a deceptive impression of what lies below. Similarly, some people give the impression of being ‘deep’ yet if you scratch beneath their exterior, they turn out to be rather shallow. And vice versa. As Jupiter prepares to change signs next weekend, it brings revelation­s. Rather than jumping to conclusion­s, be ready to embrace some delightful surprises. Great news! As your ruler prepares to change direction, it brings a boost of optimism. Maximise it! Call 0906 751 5609.


You’re hard to beat when it comes to work ethic. When you make a commitment to something, you’re prepared to give it the time and energy required. If the going gets tough you dig deep, draw on your resilience and give your all. Your attitude doesn’t always lead to success… but at least you always know that you’ve done your best. This week, you’re facing an imposing objective. Even if you don’t manage to attain it, the progress you make will have valuable ramificati­ons that create positive change. Want to hear some priceless informatio­n about your week? Just pick up the phone! Call 0906 751 5610.


Please, stop reading! When you’ve got so much on your plate you simply have no choice but to let some things go. Ha! You read that didn’t you! That’s the downside of having such an inquisitiv­e mind; it won’t allow you not to do things. Yes, there is a limit to what you can achieve this week, but it’s not one that you should be concerned about. If you want to go as far as you can (which you do), you need to keep on ignoring other peoples’ negative attitudes. There’s still a lot of ground that you can cover. Creative, inspiring times lie ahead for you. Make the most of this astrologic­al opportunit­y. Call 0906 751 5611.


Over the course of the week, as Jupiter prepares to change direction, prepare yourself for a change of momentum. Although it may take a week or two for the effects to become clear, its imminent forward motion is a cause for celebratio­n. Some of your biggest difficulti­es will start to resolve. You’re heading towards a very different cosmic climate which will bring serendipit­y and good fortune into your life. If you start to believe in a positive new adventure, it will start to manifest. Think big this week! As Jupiter prepares to move forward once again, it brings vital energy to your plans. For more insight, call 0906 751 5612.

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