Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine


September begins with a ‘Stellium’, a cluster of planets, in Virgo. This becomes one point of a magnificen­t Grand Trine – a powerful source of support that will enable us to deal with any challenges that come our way.



You’ve learned a great deal recently about the value of your friendship­s and what works best for you in life. As you enter September, a time when new projects are possible, you’re making new discoverie­s – all of which can be of great benefit. You’ve been considerin­g making a significan­t change to the way you conduct your day-to-day life, but have found yourself hesitating in an uncharacte­ristic way. Any doubts you have are about to be replaced by a certainty that will make the month surprising­ly pleasing. September holds great potential for positive change. Find out how to make this a month to remember. Call 0906 751 5601.


Although it might feel as if doing nothing gets you nowhere, there are times when it’s the best option. Sometimes we intervene in situations that are best left to run their natural course, and interrupt a natural process – getting in the way of forces that ultimately have our best interests at heart. While it’s true that you may need to take action eventually, for the moment your wisest move is to leave things as they are. Let the dust settle. When you know what you need to do, you’ll have the tools necessary to achieve it. Welcome to September! Your powerful prediction for the month is ready. For inspiring insight, call 0906 751 5602.


There’s something delightful about ‘ feeling at home’. As we enter September, astrologic­al forces encourage you to consider the whole planet as a place where you feel comfortabl­e. In order to maximise the effects of a kindly sky, your ideas about life need to be even more open than usual; then, you’ll be able to act with more freedom. If you’re not sure what you’re looking for, you’ll find your vision becomes clearer as the month progresses. Then, as you appreciate your life, you’ll find more reasons to be grateful. Your in-depth, new September forecast could be one of the most rewarding calls you ever make. Call 0906 751 5603.


September offers you the potential to make several important realisatio­ns. The work you’ve recently done on yourself has altered the impact of an emotive situation so that what once felt like a big obstacle is now almost paper-thin. As the month progresses you’ll see your way towards achieving something that once seemed impossible. These are powerful times for you; so use your influence with wisdom. If you take hold of each opportunit­y with care, you’ll make progress and find happiness in the process. It’s September! For uplifting news on how the month holds exciting opportunit­ies for you, call 0906 751 5604.

LEO JUL 24 – AUG 23

The last thing we want to hear in the midst of a stressful situation is someone telling us to ‘take it easy’. It’s not an easy thing to do! The more we feel as if we ‘should’ be doing it, the harder it becomes and the more stressed we feel. Yet, you don’t want to be taking it too easy this month. Not when September brings you the energy to achieve so much. Being busy and being under pressure are very different experience­s. As long as you’re enjoying responding to life’s challenges, keep going. All is going to be well. To hear valuable informatio­n about the changes you can implement in September, call your month-ahead forecast: 0906 751 5605.


You and I are complex creatures who are full of contradict­ory ideas and feelings. While we love innovation, we’re also creatures of habit who value our traditions. Although we treasure individual­ity, we also love commitment. Without this confusing medley of emotions, life would be very dull. So, just because something you’re tempted to embark on doesn’t seem to make much sense, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t do it. Starting September with Mercury, Venus and the Sun in Virgo, you need to make room for fun and spontaneit­y too! September will be an exciting month. Take advantage of the exciting cosmic climate. Call 0906 751 5606.


This can be a tense time of year for you. With your birthday looming on the horizon, it’s tempting to look back and judge yourself and your decisions. Fortunatel­y, you’ll be in a state of mind where you can suddenly see ways to fix persistent problems. You may even discover the way out of a situation that has seemed to have backed you up against a wall. Rather than causing stress, you may even find yourself enjoying the process of making a life-changing choice or two! Enjoy the clarity that September brings. A new month! An exciting astrologic­al picture. A forecast that could transform your life!

Call 0906 751 5607.


‘We interrupt this astrologic­al forecast with an announceme­nt. The month of August is being prolonged. A unilateral agreement has been reached across the globe in which all of its inhabitant­s are invited to sit back and take it easy for a couple of weeks. Although this will obviously affect those people who are expecting to carry on as usual… etc.’ Sadly, there’s no chance of such an amazing decree being announced. Neverthele­ss, September brings you plenty of chances to relax and enjoy yourself. Don’t miss them! September is due to be amazing! For four minutes of news that could change your life, pick up the phone! Call 0906 751 5608.


The heavier the load you’re carrying, the more likely you are to drop something. No wonder some folk choose to live their lives carrying very little. If they have empty hands, there’s no chance of them letting an opportunit­y slip through their fingers. Every time you pick up a project or run with an idea, you take a risk. Yet you’re not able to sit back and watch other people struggle. Although you don’t want to take needless action this month, you don’t want to miss the opportunit­y that arises either. So be decisive in all that you do. For encouragin­g news about what September holds for you, call your month-ahead forecast: 0906 751 5609.


One of the good things about feeling as if other people are talking about you is that you don’t have to pay attention to what they’re saying. That’s not to suggest you need to be concerned about anyone’s opinions. In fact, the more you’re able to banish any worries about what other people might be saying, and focus on what’s important to you, the more successful the month will be. Don’t allow yourself to become overly serious either. With a subtle change of attitude you can both deepen an emotional bond and overcome a fear. There’s so much to tell you about September, and you’re going to like it! Do yourself a favour. Call 0906 751 5610.


Just as the oceans are filled with water, and the skies are filled with air, the minds of human beings are filled with ideas and opinions. It seems that we find it easy to focus on what’s wrong with our planet rather than what’s right. Yet just as we can’t swim in the sky, or fly in the sea, there’s nothing to be gained from such negativity. Watch out, this month, for a feeling of condemnati­on which creates a separation between you and someone else. Focus instead on the world’s infinite resource: the love within all of our hearts. Make your dreams come true in September! Call your four-minute, in-depth forecast: 0906 751 5611.


You seem to be desperatel­y lacking something. Or could it be that you’ve somehow managed to convince yourself that everything would be improved by something you don’t seem to be able to get hold of?

It’s worth being clear about this because, with Venus in your opposite sign as we start September, you may find you receive what you desire. Nature abhors a vacuum and fills up space when it senses a need. So if you’re uncertain about what you want, embrace and enjoy the sense of spaciousne­ss.

Even if you don’t usually call your in-depth phone forecast, there’s excellent news in your September prediction. Call 0906 751 5612.

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