Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine


The Equinox is here, the time of year when we’re encouraged to think about where we’re headed. With kindly Venus linking with Saturn, and Mercury linked with powerful Pluto, we have the tools to make a good start this week.



The Equinox brings the promise of change. This process occurs every year at this time, when the Sun’s position creates days and nights of equal length. Although alteration­s don’t need to be dramatic or major, they always involve a shakeup of some descriptio­n. Messes can be sorted out and dust blown away.

Since there are several situations in your life which would benefit from this kind of transforma­tion, seize the moment! This week, you can take something complicate­d and stressful, and simplify it. The Equinox brings powerful positive change! There’s great news in your latest forecast. Call 0906 751 5601.


The Equinox is the perfect time to review and re-evaluate. It brings a chance to look at any factors in your life which may have slipped out of balance and to do something to redress them. That’s why you’re focusing on the various situations and relationsh­ips which seem to demand your attention and pull you in different directions at once. It’s time to look at the compromise­s you’ve made. If you’ve settled for something less than ideal, this is an opportunit­y to subtly change it so that you feel much happier. Be ready for a special week as the Equinox brings potential transforma­tion. Find out more. Call 0906 751 5602.


It’s not as if there’s a complex formula you need to follow. You don’t have to spend years studying and searching for the right informatio­n. The only thing you need to acquire is a way to apply your common sense. You’re surrounded by people who are making a lot of noise, talking and airing their opinions. Yet, in your heart you can see a simple way to resolve the issue they’re so worked up about. The Equinox shows you the way to cut through the complexiti­es and confusion. You know what to do... go for it! The powerful Equinox highlights luck and love. Find out how your life can change for the better. Call 0906 751 5603.


Shall we just forget about your forecast for this week? I could give you a prediction for some other date in the future? Since you’re so preoccupie­d with what ‘might’ happen, and so keen to move a project onwards, you’re almost seeing the present as getting in the way; a waste of time that has to be endured until you get to where you want to be. Yet the Equinox signals the value of concentrat­ing on where you are. If you take a moment to stop and take a look, you’ll see there’s something (or someone) worth focusing on. Wonderful opportunit­ies arise as the Equinox energises your life. For great news, call 0906 751 5604.

LEO JUL 24 – AUG 23

Some people make things complicate­d. When you ask them a question, rather than replying, they ask another one. When you suggest a plan, they think of a way to improve it, or suggest something different. This week, it’s time to look at a situation you’re feeling uncertain about so that you understand what lies at the root of your qualms. Is there a reason for a recent change of heart, or has someone undermined your confidence? The Equinox helps you see what’s what, and decide what to do for the best. This weekend brings the Equinox! For your light-shedding, hope-giving, worry-quashing forecast, call 0906 751 5605.


You’re a perceptive Virgo. Not only do you have a clear picture of what’s going on around you, you also understand what’s going on behind the scenes. That’s why you find it so frustratin­g when you’re baffled by anything. Recently, you’ve been making good progress and managing to find time to do some of the things you enjoy. Yet a situation has developed and you’re struggling to work out where the truth lies. It’s making you feel stressed and clouding your judgment. The Equinox brings clarity. This week holds powerful potential with dynamic Mars in your sign, and the Equinox. Make the most of it. Call 0906 751 5606.


Welcome to a very special time of year. Here comes the Equinox; the moment when the days and nights are of equal length and the Sun moves into your sign. It’s a special moment for all Librans – no matter when you were born; an opportunit­y to draw a line under the past so that you can turn to meet a brand-new future. You’ve made some sacrifices recently. Here comes a tangible reward for all the work you’ve done. Yes, there’s another challenge too, but it promises even more of a reward. If you need help – just ask. It’s the Equinox, and the Sun is joining Venus in your sign! Give yourself the best present. For priceless insight, call 0906 751 5607.


Life sometimes seems to be full of idiots. People who are full of air, but have no substance. Fools with heads full of sawdust; no experience and little brainpower. Yes, I know this is supposed to be a prediction for you; I’m not supposed to use this time to express the blindingly obvious. So here’s your forecast: no matter how justified you feel, don’t lay the blame for an exasperati­ng situation on anyone else. By taking responsibi­lity, you’ll be able to rise above the stress and achieve something very satisfying. Maximise the energy available. Let the power of the Equinox positively transform your world. Call 0906 751 5608.


Sometimes, no matter how fast we run, we stay in the same place. At other times, with minimal effort, we make satisfying progress. Fortunatel­y, you’re entering the second of these two phases. You’re about to feel guided by a powerful inner radar towards a date with destiny. If you can sense a growing feeling of excitement, it’s because what’s about to happen is long overdue. If it’s making you feel anxious, stop worrying. The Equinox signals a happier attitude and more successful route to the future. Let the magic of the Equinox change your life. For the key to the future of your dreams, call 0906 751 5609.


You have a weakness for something. Whether it’s an activity, an experience, or a person, just the thought of it is enough to make you feel excited. So, does that mean it’s affecting your judgment and causing you to make poor choices? Well, that depends on how honest you’re being, and your ability to selfcritic­ise. If you try to fight yourself, you’re never going to win. The Equinox brings the support you need to convince yourself you’re doing the right thing. Self-encouragem­ent is the key to success this week. How will the Equinox transform your life? There’s inspiring news in your latest forecast. Call 0906 751 5610.


You’re an independen­t soul, and are adept at managing your time. You face challenges with resilience and rarely seek help outside of your well-maintained support network. Yet, right now there are several ways in which you’re trying to resolve an issue, none of which seem to be suitable. Don’t jump into action just because you want to get things moving. This deserves an outcome that you can be happy with for some time to come. The Equinox brings an opportunit­y to take the pressure off; it’s okay to ask for help. The Equinox heralds an era of powerful positive change! There’s great news in your forecast. Call 0906 751 5611.


There are plenty of kind people. They’re not given money to be kind and they’re under no obligation. Nor are they pursuing an ulterior motive. It’s simply in their nature to be helpful. Other folk are... well, probably deep within, they’re kind too – it’s just that on the surface, they are quite the opposite. Although it’s hard to make someone act with kindness, it’s easy to make someone kind do something unkind. The Equinox encourages you to be your very best. You’ll be rewarded by life’s kindly response. Let the Equinox guide you to the future you’re secretly yearning for. Help happiness into your life. Call 0906 751 5612.

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