Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine



The quality of the fruit can make or break this dessert. Wild blackberri­es, perfect for picking in autumn, are best, and locally grown apples. Taste the fruit first as you can use fewer dates according to its sweetness.

PER SERVING 19g carbs, 8g fibre, 10g protein, 30g fat, 410 kcal

Serves 6

For the filling

3 medjool dates, stoned

and finely chopped

4 Bramley cooking apples

or 6 eating apples (800g)

200g blackberri­es

1tsp vanilla extract

300ml hot water

For the crumble

50g butter, cubed

150g ground almonds

100g flaked almonds

1tsp ground cinnamon

2tsp vanilla extract

Cream or crème fraîche,

to serve

Preheat the oven to 200°C/ fan 180°C/gas 6. Melt the dates in 3tbsp of very hot water in a small bowl, bashing them to a purée with a fork. Push the purée through a fine sieve to get rid of the skins.

Peel the apples and cut them into approximat­ely 3cm cubes. Put them in a saucepan with the blackberri­es, dates, vanilla extract and hot water. Cook them over a medium heat for around 30 minutes, or until just soft.

Rub the butter and ground almonds together in a mixing bowl with your fingertips until they resemble breadcrumb­s. Add all of the remaining crumble ingredient­s into the bowl and mix them through, breaking up the flaked almonds a little. Set aside.

Pour the filling into an ovenproof dish measuring approximat­ely 25 x 20 x 6cm and cover with the crumble topping. Bake for 25 minutes, or until crisp and golden on top. Serve with cream or crème fraîche.

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