Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine

ThE wEEk AhEAd wITh Oscar Cainer

Revelation­s and surprises are in the air. The weekend’s Full Moon is a call to action, with its link to Pluto hinting at an emotional shift. Things are stirring, challengin­g us to take bolder steps forward. Positive progress is inevitable.



I wonder if micro-organisms such as bacteria and algae have any idea how tiny they are? Do they have a reduced sense of their own value? Although it’s impossible to find out, we can make an educated guess; chances are that no matter what form of life we take, we’ll be as big as we think we are... or as small! The big dilemma that has been taking up so much of your time is smaller than you think. The Full Moon, in Aries, brings a healthier and lighter attitude. You can let go of a burden this week. The Full Moon in your sign brings potential for transforma­tion – change your life! For valuable insight, call 0906 751 5601.


You feel like a teacher struggling to get your point across to a class of noisy pupils; if you want to be heard, you’re going to have to do something dramatic. Since you’ve been putting up with this situation for a while, your patience is wearing thin. This week, the revitalisi­ng energy of the Full Moon empowers you with the ability to take decisive action. And, with a subtle change of outlook, you’ll see why your efforts have been worthwhile. Recognitio­n is on the way; actually, you have changed someone’s life. Let the powerful Full Moon guide you to the future of your dreams. Call for your latest forecast: 0906 751 5602.

gEmInI MAY 22 – Jun 22

If you really are looking at a mountain, why is there a cute little furry mole-like animal sitting on it? How is it that when you stand up, you can see the far-reaching stretch of horizon lying beyond it? When you’re facing a real mountain, it’s impossible to see over the top. The challenge you face right now seems so huge only because you’re feeling so small. The Full Moon brings the confidence boost you need so you can hold your head up high enough to see that you can easily rise above this problem. Don’t miss your personal Moonsign forecast – it takes you through to the next New Moon. Call 0906 751 5603.

cAncER Jun 23 – Jul 23

Are you sitting down to the perfect meal, or are you biting off more than you can chew? Are you embarking on an impossible journey, or will it be plain sailing from now on? I ask these questions to highlight what’s going on in your own mind. You’re swinging between extremes; everything seems to be either good or bad, black or white, a potential success, or a regrettabl­e failure. The Full Moon’s link with Pluto brings a moment of understand­ing, so you’re able to take a more moderate approach this week. The Full Moon brings potential transforma­tion. You can change your life. For exciting news, call 0906 751 5604.

lEo Jul 24 – Aug 23

No matter how much effort you’ve invested in trying to make something happen, it seems your endeavours have come to nothing. Situations have conspired against you to stop you from making the progress you desire. The people you thought you could depend on have become less cooperativ­e, and hurdles have appeared. This week, following the powerful Full Moon, you enter a time where change becomes possible. An insurmount­able obstacle will disappear and reasons to feel encouraged will appear. Let the light of the Full Moon uncover the answer you’re seeking. For your spookily accurate forecast, call 0906 751 5605.

vIRgo Aug 24 – seP 23

As David Bowie wrote, ‘Planet Earth is blue, and there’s nothing I can do’. The visionary musician was accurate in his descriptio­n of the spinning ball of rock we live on. This is an extraordin­ary place to live, and the people who inhabit it are extraordin­ary too... which is not to say we can’t sometimes feel ‘blue’. This week, you can dispel any such feelings by appreciati­ng the wonders of the world. Under the powerful Full Moon, there will be several lovely examples of its gifts for you to enjoy. For a powerful prediction covering the changes you can expect following the Full Moon, call 0906 751 5606.

lIbRA seP 24 – oct 23

When we’re in a hostile environmen­t, we find ourselves drawn to the support of our closest relationsh­ips. We can also find ourselves fighting battles to protect the issues we believe in. This week, you need to consider which position you need to take in order to stand most chance of success. Should you rely on your strengths, or your vulnerabil­ities? Sometimes conceding defeat is the most powerful option and reflects the greatest wisdom. Support is on hand to help you decide which approach is best. This is a powerful Full Moon and your NEW four-minute forecast is ready. For life-changing advice, call 0906 751 5607.

ScoRpIo oct 24 – nov 22

Are you actually reading this, or is it just a figment of your imaginatio­n? Can you be 100 per cent confident that your creative mind hasn’t simply manifested your forecast? Do you have any evidence to prove your argument? Since we’re all living in a fantastica­l world, where all sorts of surprising things happen, it can be hard to know what’s real and what’s not! Fortunatel­y, you do know what you want to achieve this week. The good news is that you stand a very good chance of achieving it! The Full Moon links with Pluto; bringing you a powerful message. For a spookily accurate prediction, call 0906 751 5608.

SAgITTARIU­S nov 23 – dec 21

They tell us that necessity is the mother of invention. Yet the ability to be innovative grows out of other things too; like desire and vision. In order to manifest an important change this week are you going to have to rely entirely on your own powers? Will you need to summon all your strength, and use all your wits? That sounds exhausting! In fact, the Full Moon brings you the chance to experiment with an old idea and reshape it in a pioneering way. A new way of looking at an old situation will do the trick. Under the light of the Full Moon your future can be revealed and changed. Pick up the phone! Call 0906 751 5609.

cApRIcoRn dec 22 – JAn20

Were you born with the natural right to make a success of your life? Did you arrive on the planet with special permission to be able to positively progress, even through challengin­g territory? Yes!

You did! Certainly, that’s a Capricorn prerogativ­e. The Full Moon brings the ability to see straight through the cloud of uncertaint­y that’s been hanging over you. It’s time to shake off the vestiges of self- doubt and realise that you have the insight to be able to make whatever you want to happen, happen. Big changes are due between now and the next New Moon. For your spookily accurate prediction, call 0906 751 5610.

AqUARIUS JAn 21 – feb 19

We seem to find it hard to be forthright and clear with one another. We even find it hard to be straightfo­rward with ourselves! We hide our intentions behind politeness, and disguise our emotions so that we don’t know how we feel. The Full Moon asks you to look again at a recent conversati­on and read between the lines. You’ll discover it holds informatio­n that can radically change your understand­ing and place you in a position of strength; where you know both what to do and how to go about doing it. Lift your spirits! Call for your spookily accurate Moonsign forecast. For valuable insight, call 0906 751 5611.

pIScES feb 20 – MAR 20

You’re luckier than you think. In fact you’re so lucky that you might never find out how lucky you are! Just because an issue (or a relationsh­ip) isn’t quite working out as you’d like it to, it doesn’t mean your luck has run out. In fact, there’s a really, really good reason why things seem to be going ‘pear-shaped’; what feels as if it’s your biggest problem, is actually a great blessing. As soon as you let go of wanting something that you can’t have, you’ll be able to get what you can have. And that is wellworth having. The Full Moon has a message for you. Hear it, act on it and change your life for the better. Call 0906 751 5612.

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