Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine


Shocking news forces Aaron and Robert into a very rash decision in Emmerdale this week, say the stars who play them

- ■ Tom LatchLatch­em

emmerdale viewers should stock up on tissues this week as the show says goodbye to one of its bestloved couples, with Robert Sugden and husband Aaron fleeing the village over fears that Robert might be charged with murder.

Over the past few years Robert and Aaron have been through good times and (more frequently) bad – including Robert’s assault trial this summer. Now, after they learn Robert’s victim has died from his injuries – meaning Robert faces the prospect of going to prison for life – the pair go on the run.

And, with actor Ryan Hawley, who plays Robert, set to depart the show for good, their decision to leave the village will mark the beginning of the end for them. ‘ Everything escalates quickly, which leads to Aaron and Robert making a very rash decision to leave the village fast – and for good,’ says Ryan, who’s starred as Robert since 2014. ‘It means some very emotional goodbyes, but they have to be quick and there are some people they don’t even get the chance to see because there isn’t time.’

Danny Miller, who’s played Aaron since 2008, says, ‘Robert and Aaron are making it up as they go along. It’s not a romantic case of, “Let’s run off into the sunset together.” They’ve had no time to plan, they just have to grab their things and go.’

Robert is currently awaiting a jail sentence after pleading guilty to the attack on Lee Posner, who had raped his sister, Victoria. ‘Robert’s sad he’s going to prison but is optimistic his guilty plea

means the sentence should be lenient,’ explains Ryan, 34.

But everything changes this week when it emerges Lee has died. ‘It’s shocking, and comes out of nowhere,’ says Ryan. ‘ Robert and Aaron quickly start to process the implicatio­ns for Robert’s sentencing.’

Danny, 28, adds, ‘Aaron knows how the law works. He knows Robert will be going to prison for a very long time.’ As Robert has a meltdown, he and Aaron discuss fleeing justice. ‘Robert is initially reluctant for Aaron to join him, but Aaron says there’s no way Robert is leaving without him,’ says Ryan.

But, with Ryan soon to depart the

show – while Danny’s staying on – there appears to be no long- term future for the couple fans call RobRon. Refusing to be drawn about exactly what will happen to his character, Ryan admits he will ‘massively’ miss Emmerdale.

‘It’s been a huge part of my life for the last few years. I love working here, love the people that I work with and it’s going to be very emotional leaving.’

Meanwhile, Danny says, ‘ It’s been amazing working with Ryan although we sometimes get on each other’s nerves. But I guess everything good comes to an end.’

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