Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine

Today’s radio



9.30AM, RADIO 4 ★★★★

In his continuing series about couples unable to have children, Benjamin Zephaniah looks at the taboo subject of male infertilit­y. On this morning’s programme, he hears from Kevin Mceleny, who is head of the Male Fertility Service at Newcastle’s Internatio­nal Centre For Life.


2.15PM, RADIO 4 ★★★★★ ‘I’ve opened a door in my mind and I can’t shut it again.’ Lucy and Rory have a night away from home while Rory’s mother, Morven, looks after their threeyear-old son, Joshua. Casually, Morven mentions an incident that happened while she was out with Joshua. Lucy and Rory are disturbed by it, but try to dismiss their worries; then, anxiety takes root in Lucy’s mind. As the days pass, she broods on what might or might not have happened. Fear takes a grip on her mind, threatenin­g her sanity and the family’s happiness, in this vivid and all too believable drama.


4PM, RADIO 4 ★★★

Ruth Barnes looks into the intimidati­ng modern business of being interviewe­d online, and hears how job-hunters are now using gaming apps to help them to identify their own strengths and weaknesses.


6.30PM, RADIO 4 ★★★★

Sally Phillips turns in another fine performanc­e in this sitcom about a bossy, smug social worker called Clare, who is white, heterosexu­al and comfortabl­y off, but feels that this puts her at a disadvanta­ge. This week, she pays a visit to her client ‘unlucky Louis’ – but Clare doesn’t believe in bad luck, so what could possibly go wrong? Sharp, funny and a tiny bit cruel. SJ

 ??  ?? Sally Phillips (6.30pm, Radio 4)
Sally Phillips (6.30pm, Radio 4)

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