Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine


ultimate insight into the week’s soaps


Something very alarming happened in soapland this week – Emmerdale’s Victoria Sugden gave birth in a hospital. It followed hot on the heels of Eastenders’ Louise Mitchell also giving birth on a maternity ward. What’s going on? Isn’t it soap law that characters have to give birth somewhere completely ridiculous?

Corrie’s Leanne Battersby had a baby in a lift, while Maria Connor had Liam in a beach hut. Recently we saw Gemma Winter having the first of her quads in a cable car. Over in Eastenders, Lola gave birth to Lexi in a takeaway and I’ve lost count of the Emmerdale babies born in barns.

Thank heavens then for Vicky Jeffries’ recent labour in Corrie, which ticked all the soap boxes. Her son arrived in a hotel room, delivered by Michelle Connor – a love rival – looking pristinely clean and about six months old. Phew.

Babies born delivered by midwives? What’s next? Characters using contracept­ion? Weddings going off without a hitch? If Sharon Mitchell doesn’t give birth in the pit at The Arches, I’ll be disappoint­ed.

Jaci Stephen is away


Tracy and Steve managed to stay faithful to one another for a year, but now, following her one-night stand, Tracy’s cheating is revealed. Leanne overhears Tracy and Paula discussing their night together. Later, Leanne can barely hide her glee when she ribs Tracy about her New Year’s Eve indiscreti­on at Sally’s hot tub party, where Paula is also in attendance.

The tension between Tracy, Leanne and Paula is so great even dozy Steve picks up on it and demands answers. He’s devastated to learn of his wife’s betrayal (pictured) and wonders if their marriage can survive. Steve’s

been so lethargic lately, I’m surprised he’s got the energy to be annoyed about anything.

Things aren’t rosy for another newlywed couple either. Having created a division between Yasmeen and her family, Geoff sets about keeping his wife from her friends too – something a concerned Cathy notices.

There’s disappoint­ment for Chesney and Gemma too, as they take part in a photoshoot for Freshco but when the pictures are published the couple have been airbrushed out and replaced with models. You can’t blame Freshco – they’ve shelled out £60k and Gemma’s hair looks like you could fry chips on it.

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