Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine




If nothing ever changes, surely everything just stays the same? Suppose there’s just a minor alteration? Could that eventually transform everything that seems to be stuck? Some people are so afraid of the unknown that they worry about the tiniest of fluctuatio­ns, imagining that they’ll trigger a landslide of change. Adventurou­s Aries know it’s not quite so simple. You understand that sometimes you have to take things step by step. Even if you can’t move a mountain this week, you can definitely start shifting a few stones. Give yourself the best Blue Moon present ever: four minutes of invaluable insight and support. Call 0906 751 5601.


Why would you bother to run when you can walk? Why walk if you can saunter? Why saunter if you can just put your feet up and wait until your needs are met? There are times when it’s smart to make lots of effort; to fight a corner or to push at a margin. And there are other times when we can just allow things to unfold. The Blue Moon signals a positive change. It doesn’t mean your world will be challenge-free. But, if you refuse to take your problems too seriously, they’ll be much easier to solve than you think. Wonderful opportunit­ies arise as the Blue Moon energises your life. Don’t miss out, call 0906 751 5602.


Some issues aren’t worth thinking about. You can use up every last scrap of mental energy in an attempt to understand something or someone, but you’re unlikely to gain much insight. Meanwhile, some mysteries can be easily understood. This week, you’ll make important advances just by asking the right questions in the right way. The cosmos helps you differenti­ate between the issues that cry out for further understand­ing and those which it’s better to accept as they are. Don’t let the past cloud your judgment this week. The Blue Moon brings powerful, positive change! There’s great news in your forecast. Call 0906 751 5603.


Would you mind signing here please? I presume you agree with the terms and conditions? Sorry? You didn’t realise there were any? Is that a problem? Surely you don’t bother to read all the small print when you sign up to websites, do you? In reality, we never really know what we’re letting ourselves in for when we commit to anything. And you don’t need to bother about that this week. As the Blue Moon heightens your sensitivit­y, rather than being bogged down by details, if you follow your hunches, you won’t go wrong. Capture the dynamism of the Blue Moon. Call your in-depth forecast: 0906 751 5604.

LEO JUL 24 – AUG 23

Spiritual folk talk about the importance of attuning with nature; that when we’re ‘at one’ with the cosmos, life takes us naturally to where we need to be. Which is fine when things are going well. But it’s not so easy when the universe seems to be throwing curveballs of drama at us. If you go with the flow, is there a risk that more trouble will come your way? The Blue Moon enables you to trust that even if a situation seems tense, it isn’t as difficult as it first appears. The more you relax, the more joy you’ll find. How will your life be transforme­d this week? There’s inspiring news in your forecast. Call 0906 751 5605.


Does everything we do have to make sense? Are we really meant to be able to rationalis­e it all? Is there any space for impulsiven­ess, innovation, creativity and fun? Surely these things are important too? The danger of replacing magic with logic is that we lose more than we could ever hope to gain. Just because you’re unable to explain why you feel excited about a situation, it doesn’t mean you need to hold back. With the Sun and Mars in your sign, and a Blue Moon, there’s every chance your hopes will be fulfilled.

Dare to dream! This is a week when anything is possible! To find out more, call 0906 751 5606.


In an ideal world, your prediction would be printed in a standout colour. Or special-quality pixels. There’s a magical aura shining over your cosmic outlook, and, when you read this, you’ll mysterious­ly know exactly what to do to make the best of your week. Voila! It’s worked! You’re feeling better now, aren’t you? With Venus, your ruling planet, in your sign, even if the above seems to be unlikely, there’s every reason to suggest that you’re in for a surprising­ly enlighteni­ng (and enjoyable) time. Trust that. There’s a Blue Moon!

Let it guide you to the future you’re silently, secretly longing for. Call 0906 751 5607.


If you’ve got a good ear for music, you can tell the difference between a minor and a major key. But it’s not easy for anyone to be able to differenti­ate between a minor and a major issue. There are always factors that compromise our judgment. A trivial problem, for example, can seem like a big challenge when it triggers a series of difficult memories, or raises a concern we’ve been trying to suppress. All you need to know about this week is that something that seems big is actually small and easy to deal with. Let the warmth and power of the Blue Moon inspire you. Call your fourminute forecast: 0906 751 5608.


They say that ‘a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step’. The problem is that we don’t always trust that process. Although experience shows us that perseveran­ce carries us far, it’s not always easy to find the courage and energy to make the first move. The Blue Moon reboots your energy levels (and your enthusiasm) for a project you’ve been forced to lay to one side. There’s still a long way to go, but that’s not a reason to feel daunted. It’s time to be bold. Once you set off on this journey, rewards will soon follow. Let the power of the planets work in your favour. For your key to the future, call 0906 751 5609.


For some people, success is the only thing that seems to drive them forwards. They finish one task, then immediatel­y start on another one. They don’t seem to care much about what they’re doing; as long as they’re engaged with something challengin­g, they don’t have time to think about how fulfilled they are.

Blow the world’s biggest bubble? Design a square egg? If you set your mind to it, you can achieve something extraordin­ary this Blue Moon week. But it will only be valuable if you apply your heart as well as your head. Maximise the energy available to you. Hear how your world can be transforme­d. Call 0906 751 5610.


Often, the most difficult ideas to grasp are the most obvious ones. We sometimes find it much easier to gaze into the distance than see what’s happening right before our eyes. You’ve been struggling to make sense of a bewilderin­g set of circumstan­ces. You’ve been looking for a workable plan; a resolution that will satisfy everyone. Yet you’ve overlooked one basic but magnificen­t truth. The Blue Moon, in your sign, brings inspiratio­n. A surprising­ly easy solution is emerging. Your task, this week, is to recognise it. Your life can be changed for the better. There’s valuable news when you call 0906 751 5611.


‘I’ve seen fire and I’ve seen rain. I’ve seen lonely times when I could not find a friend, but I always thought that I’d see you again’. This reflective lyric was written by a fellow Piscean, James Taylor. I mention it because the Blue Moon brings an opportunit­y to re-evaluate a relationsh­ip. Love is always poignant; it contains moments of sadness as well as delight. Yet as the Sun enters your opposite sign, if you focus on the positive, you’ll find real reasons to celebrate. Happiness doesn’t need to be tinged with regret. There’s huge potential for transforma­tion this week. To hear life-affirming news, call 0906 751 5612.

 ??  ?? Blue Moons, especially when they conjunct Jupiter (as happens this weekend), exponentia­lly magnify the potential to understand situations we find ourselves in. As the Sun enters Virgo this week, a methodical approach is key to success.
Blue Moons, especially when they conjunct Jupiter (as happens this weekend), exponentia­lly magnify the potential to understand situations we find ourselves in. As the Sun enters Virgo this week, a methodical approach is key to success.

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