Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine




One day, there’ll be a flash of a cosmic lightbulb and everyone will see the obvious. Until then, we’ll continue to feed each other’s fears and worries and feel guilty because we’re less than perfect. We’ll keep believing in the myth that there’s a lifestyle we can lead (or a strategy we can embrace) that will turn us into superhuman­s. It’s hard to predict the date that we’ll learn to forgive our imperfecti­ons and love ourselves for who we are. But I can predict that you can let yourself off the hook and have fun this week! Make this a week to remember. The Total Eclipse brings potential for transforma­tion. For good news call 0906 751 5601. TAURUS

It’s not a matter of wondering when you’re going to be more fortunate, it’s about recognisin­g how fortunate you are. There are lots of things in your world to be pleased about. It’s easy, when we’re caught up in the demands of 21st-century living, with its deadlines and challenges, to forget the good aspects of life. We don’t notice the beauty of the sky or the miracle of creation. This week, the Total Eclipse reminds you of all that brings you joy. When you learn not to focus on what’s difficult, what you need will come to you. Give yourself the best Total Eclipse present ever – four minutes of insight and support. Call 0906 751 5602.

MAR 21 – APR 20 APR 21 – MAY 21

GEMINI MAY 22 – JUN 22 You’re finding it hard to sit still. If you can’t physically ‘do something’, you start to fidget and, before you know it, you’re doing something you don’t actually need to do. And, if you’re not careful, you end up feeling exhausted. The Total Eclipse brings a chance to reboot your psychologi­cal system and reframe your expectatio­ns and priorities. You’ll find opportunit­ies to use your energy to great effect. Hard work brings its rewards and, as long as you do things thoroughly this week, you’re capable of making unbelievab­le progress. Great opportunit­ies arise as the Total Eclipse energises your life. For great news call 0906 751 5603.

This weekend’s Eclipse is unusual. Normally, the path of totality moves from East to West but, due to its proximity to the South Pole, this one moves in reverse. A sense of adventure and purpose takes hold this week.


How is it possible to know what someone’s thinking when they’re not saying anything? Are you clairvoyan­t? As a perceptive Cancerian, in some ways, you’re able to read people’s minds. But even so, you shouldn’t have to rely on your powers to help you hear basic messages. Neither should you expect your talent for telepathy to keep your nearest and dearest informed of your own needs and feelings. Although the Total Eclipse highlights your empathic skills, the way to success involves straight, honest communicat­ion. The Total Eclipse brings powerful positive change! There’s great news in your forecast. Call 0906 751 5604.

LEO JUL 24 – AUG 23

When you’re watching your team play at home, you know they have advantages over the visiting players. The crowd will be on their side. And, aware of the support, they’ll play at their best. If you’re watching the game from the comfort of your sofa, will your enthusiasm still have a positive effect on their performanc­e? If you ‘will something to happen’ from a distance, are you just wasting your

time? Trust that you’re being supported by a kindly sky this week. If you perform to the best of your ability, you’ll come out on the winning side. Capture the transformi­ng energy of the powerful Total Eclipse. For your in-depth forecast call 0906 751 5605.


AUG 24 – SEP 23 Although I often advise people to have faith, I’m aware that faith doesn’t move mountains – they’re hard things to move. But, the advantage of having faith is that you can find a way around obstacles in your path (no matter how big they might be). Or it helps you to see why the mountain doesn’t need to be moved. You’ve got more faith than you realise. Since you’re also someone who puts all your effort into whatever you’re doing, when the Total Eclipse shines a light on a problem, you’ll know what to do to sort it. The Total Eclipse brings potential for positive change! There’s great news in your forecast. Call 0906 751 5606.


There’s nothing wrong with beating a hasty retreat. Sometimes, it’s much better to shrug your shoulders and make yourself a cup of tea than continue steadfastl­y on a road that’s not leading anywhere. There’s no shame in stepping back or stepping down. Unless, of course, you’ve embarked on something worthwhile. And, if that’s the case, why would you consider stopping? Don’t let pride colour your judgment this Total Eclipse week. You can easily resist unnecessar­y negativity. The odds are in your favour. Only just but that’s enough! It’s a Total Eclipse! Let it guide you to the future you’re silently, secretly longing for. Call 0906 751 5607.


Your life isn’t yours to do what you want with. This has its advantages (and its disadvanta­ges). You’re having to adjust to someone else’s wishes and it’s making you feel a bit frayed around the edges. Although you created the trap that you’re having to cope with, there’s no getting away from the fact that it still feels like a trap. It’s not easy because you don’t want to do anything dramatic. You just want to feel less stressed. This Total Eclipse week, you can get what you seek. Meanwhile, be generous – but don’t be a martyr. How will the Total Eclipse transform your life? There’s inspiring news in your latest forecast. Call 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S NOV 23 – DEC 21 The truth is out there somewhere. The problem is that ‘out there’ goes on for millions of miles. Trillions if you include the entire cosmos. So, when you’re looking for the truth, where are you supposed to look? Interestin­gly, it’s never as far away as you think it’s going to be, and,

as long as you set off with good intentions, it’s always easier to find than you realise. The fact that this week’s Total Eclipse takes place in your sign is a very good sign. You’re about to have a surprising (and inspiring) encounter. Let the power of the

Total Eclipse inspire you to make positive change. Call your fourminute forecast: 0906 751 5609.


You come across as someone

who’s naturally cool, calm and collected. You exude an air of authority that commands respect. You say what you feel and your words sound measured and sincere. Intellect and discernmen­t underpin your actions. All of which goes to show how appearance­s can be deceptive! In your heart of hearts, you’re worrying about a problem that seems overwhelmi­ng and impossible to solve. When the Total Eclipse encourages you to be less reasonable, follow your impulses. You’ll surprise yourself by your success. Use the power of the Total Eclipse to change your life. For your key to the future call 0906 751 5610.


JAN 21 – FEB 19 You’re working hard. A lot is being demanded of you. It feels as if the more you give, the higher everyone’s expectatio­ns and the more you have to do. Although the Total Eclipse doesn’t promise that the pressure will ease, it’s a sign that your efforts will be successful. You’re doing something that needs to be done. There’s no ingenious way to simplify this process. But as long as you do your best to keep a positive attitude and treat everyone involved with respect, your efforts will guarantee success. You’ve got this. Maximise the energy available to you. The Total Eclipse can transform your world. Call 0906 751 5611.


This week’s main celestial event finds you grappling with a difficult dilemma. Even though the issue isn’t particular­ly complex, it seems to you as if it has a lot riding on it. That’s why you’re finding it so hard to be decisive. You’re right – this is important. A Total Eclipse is always a pivotal moment and you’ve reached a place filled with life-changing choices and opportunit­ies. Yet these are nothing to fear. As long as you choose the path that has the most integrity, you’ll find you’re en route to the best possible destinatio­n. The Total Eclipse can change your life for the better. There’s valuable news when you call 0906 751 5612.

FEB 20 – MAR 20

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