Daily Mail

High principles and low politics


ARRESTED, charged, hauled into court almost on the instant . .

the seizure of 17 suspects in Australia on accusation­s of planning a ‘ potentiall­y catastroph­ic terrorist attack’ is a grim reminder of the murderous fanaticism in our midst.

In so many ways, the Australian experience mirrors our own. Like Britain, that country is led by a Prime Minister who backed the invasion of Iraq. It is a target for Al Qaeda. And it has just introduced robust anti-terror laws. But there the comparison breaks down. Even under the tough John Howard, Australia comes nowhere near Mr Blair’s Draconian demands of up to 90 days imprisonme­nt without trial.

Instead, it increased its detention limit to 14 days – matching the present British law. But that didn’t hamper police operations in Melbourne and Sydney.

Indeed – if we except the scandal of Guantanamo Bay – no other democracy imposes what amounts to internment on a police officer’s say- so. Tonight’s Commons vote has huge implicatio­ns for civil liberties and our constituti­onal rights.

Yet of course this isn’t a simple issue.

After the July 7 outrages in London, nobody should need reminding that the most fundamenta­l right of all is the right to life. When police say they need 90- day powers to cope with suicide bombers, they have to be taken seriously. But shouldn’t the same seriousnes­s apply to the compelling warnings from patriotic, well-informed Parliament­arians of the damage this legislatio­n will inflict on our basic laws and liberties?

Sadly, this crucial debate is now veering from high principle to low politics. The populist implicatio­ns of his 90- day plan encourage an ever-more beleaguere­d Tony Blair to see the advantages

of abandoning the search for a compromise.

If he wins tonight, he thinks it will bolster his waning authority.

If he loses? With reprehensi­ble cynicism, he will doubtless use his spin doctors to portray Tory and Lib Dem critics as being soft on terror.

Yet he must know this vote settles nothing. Whatever happens in the Commons, he will almost certainly have to compromise in the end, because the Lords won’t wear this proposal as it stands. Mr Blair may be sincere in believing in the need for 90 days detention. No doubt he was equally sincere on Saddam’s nonexisten­t weapons of mass destructio­n. The tragedy is that even now, when lessons should have been learned, he is still posturing.

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