Daily Mail

A stress- free pregnancy can deliver a popular child

- By Tahira Yaqoob

ALL mothers- to- be wonder what kind of adult their baby will become.

Will their child grow into a sociable creature, for instance, bonding easily with others? Or will he or she struggle to make friends?

Scientists now believe they have discovered the key to ensuring a child’s success in forming relationsh­ips – their mother must avoid stress while pregnant.

Experts think hormones produced by pregnant women have a direct impact on their children’s future ability to socialise, communicat­e and develop language skills.

Stressed mothers- to- be produce more of the male hormone testostero­ne, thought to be responsibl­e for poor people and communicat­ion skills and even the condition autism.

So the secret to having a more sociable baby is to relax during pregnancy, say researcher­s.

The impact of stress on babies in the womb from as early as 13 weeks is thought to be so great it can lead to children being slower at picking up language skills, finding it harder to form relationsh­ips and being more inclined to develop obsessiona­l traits.

In the extreme, they could show symptoms of autism, a neurologic­al condition characteri­sed by a difficulty in developing relationsh­ips and being obsessed with routine.

Foetuses produce testostero­ne naturally but are also affected by levels of the hormone in the surroundin­g amniotic fluid which come from the mother.

Professor Simon Baron- Cohen, director of Cambridge University’s autism research centre, revealed his findings yesterday at a conference in London examining whether women made better leaders.

His team studied 100 children, from early in the womb to the age of seven, to see how testostero­ne levels have affected their developmen­t.

They found that even 24 hours after being born, boys – who have up to ten times as much testostero­ne as girls – were showing less interest in people and more interest in mechanical objects than females.

At 12 months, babies with higher levels of the hormone in the womb had poor eye contact with their parents. And at 18 months, children with high pre- natal testostero­ne could not talk or had a limited vocabulary while other youngsters spoke up to 600 words.

When they started school, children with higher levels were finding it more difficult to socialise.

Professor Baron-Cohen said while testostero­ne was partly genetic, it was also present in fluctuatin­g amounts in the amniotic fluid.

He added: ‘ The mother’s level of stress is a factor in the testostero­ne level and makes it go up. We do not know what percentage of that level is genetic. What we do know is that the higher the level in the womb, the slower children are at making eye contact and developing language.

‘ Less testostero­ne means better human relationsh­ips. The difference­s may become even clearer as the children in our study get older.’

Marital happiness

helps to fight off flu, according to research.

But bereavemen­t has a negative effect on the body’s immune response to the annual flu jab, the study by the University of Birmingham’s School of Sport and Exercise Sciences found.

Lead investigat­or Dr Anna Phillips said: ‘ We know those aged over 65 are more at risk of the impact of flu. But this research shows that, within that group, those recently bereaved, or those that are single, divorced or widowed, are more at risk that those in a happy marriage.’

The team found that those with happy marriages had a much higher level of disease-fighting antibodies in the blood.


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Harmony: Relaxation breeds sociable babies, says research

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