Daily Mail

If anyone else needs sacking, how about him?


BEFORE we go any further today it is time for some disobligin­g words about a Scottish middle- ranker called Adam Ingram. He has been in office since 1997, first as a Northern Ireland minister, moving to the Ministry of Defence in 2001. Yesterday he came to the despatch box to announce hundreds of job losses.

The Government may not have made any of those Whitehall job cutbacks promised by tartan Gordon but when it comes to slashing numbers from the Defence payroll, particular­ly in England or Wales, by jingo, they’re fearless. Mr Ingram’s decision to reduce spending on military logistics must, I suppose, be accepted. The manner of his announceme­nt, however, was a different matter. It was evasive, opaque, euphemisti­c, wriggly.

As an exercise in honest government it was about as poor a piece of work as I have known. Any note of regret in his harsh, brisk voice was unconvinci­ng.

His statement was entitled ‘ Modernisin­g Logistics Provision’. Modernisin­g? It soon became apparent he meant ‘cutting’.

For the first two pages of his announceme­nt the minister tiptoed round the issue, speaking of how ‘proud’ he was of the military’s logistics personnel, and of how important it was to spend ‘ every penny’ wisely – even though one of the bases they are closing has only recently been built.

There was a ‘critical’ need for ‘logistics transforma­tion’, said Mr Ingram, hurrying over the words as though they were paving stones on the way to lunch. ‘Transforma­tion’, again, is not quite the word it might seem. As used here it means ‘sharp reduction’.

An aggressive, gritty debater, Ingram. His voice wears conso- nants like an unhappy pit bull terrier sports a spiked collar. MPs who ask him questions are regarded with a baleful eye and are quickly given the what-for.

I have never met the man but having watched him over the years I have formed the impression that Mr Ingram is little liked – maybe actively loathed – by many in the House.

As for the tone of what he said yesterday, it merely added waffling insult to the injury that will be felt by the unfortunat­e people who must lose their jobs.

He talked about ‘ the implementa­tion of complement­ary and innovative changes to the way logistical support is provided at much lower cost’ – by which I think he meant fewer jobs with meaner wages.

HECLOSED with the frightenin­g declaratio­n that ‘ Mr Speaker, we are committed to modernisin­g our Armed Forces’. God help the British Army, say I. And if anyone else needs sacking, what about Mr Ingram?

The other excitement in the Commons Chamber was Questions to the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster. Problem. No such person currently exists.

Until last week the post was held by John Hutton, but when David Blunkett blew up in a puff of smoke Mr Hutton was made Pensions Secretary and Tony Blair has not bothered to appoint a new supremo at the Duchy.

The gap yesterday was filled by Jim Murphy, a lantern-jawed Glaswegian MP with a cheerful, hooting laugh.

Youthful Mr Murphy made a minor booboo in his first answer when he seemed to acknowledg­e that recent Cabinet meetings have been frightful shouting matches. He also had to cope with some friendly fire from Tony Wright ( Lab, Cannock Chase) who was impatient for a Civil Service Act to secure the independen­ce of public servants.

Mr Wright said that the world had waited 151 years for such an act. Mr Murphy happily suggested that he be ‘patient just a little while longer’.

Beside Mr Murphy on the Government front bench there sat just one figure – Frank Roy, a square-shouldered grunt who is the Hon Member for Motherwell.

Mr Roy’s chief claim to fame at Westminste­r since arriving here in 1997? To cash in, big time, when Gorbals Mick Martin became Speaker in 2000.

Shortly before the Speaker was elected Mr Roy waddled off to place a wager with a bookie regarding the Speakershi­p. He won himself a rumoured five grand. Another classy Labour Scot.

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