Daily Mail


- by Lowri Turner

THE question is one the Duchess of Cornwall could be forgiven for feeling stumped by. What does a royal consort wear to meet a camp chorus- line of drag queens, musicians and assorted San Francisco theatrical oddballs? In the event, the outfit Camilla paraded when she attended the outrageous Beach Blanket Babylon revue, one of the last engagement­s on her U.S. tour

with Prince Charles, was perhaps

too perfect for the occasion.

In a black jacket and gaudy, beaded

scarlet skirt, she blended in seamlessly

with the red creation worn by the transvesti­te standing right next to her.

It’s been a rough trip for the Duchess.

Never a natural clothes horse, she has

tried to walk a delicate sartorial line

between understate­d gentility and high


In the main she has succeeded. Even

the aforementi­oned Alice Temperley

skirt was fresh and appealing — once you

took it out of its unfortunat­e context.

Camilla is used to being lampooned by

the Brits as having a face like a Rod Hull.

Still, the comments Stateside have been

very cruel. One headline last week

branded her: ‘New York’s Frump Tower’.

What do the Yanks expect — Cameron

Diaz in a tiara? The Duchess is 58, and

she has been trying, bless her.

She has undergone quite a make- over

since her elevation first to the Prince of

Wales’s partner and then more recently

his wife. She has lost weight, had her hair

restyled, had a new wardrobe made for

her and, by the looks of things, now

spends many hours in make-up.

For her trip to the U. S., the Duchess

was said to have packed no fewer than

80 outfits. Her new ensembles include

the pink tweed suit which she wore to

visit New York’s Ground Zero — critics

said it was ‘too bright’.

Then there was the navy bouclé jacket

with matching chiffon skirt she sported

to meet Laura Bush (‘unflatteri­ng’), and

the navy velvet dress with the white chiffon collar and cuffs. One critic said this

made her look ‘like an escapee from the

choirboy pew of Westminste­r Cathedral’.

AJOURNALIS­T on the Los Angeles Times damned her and Charles with faint praise during their time in Washington DC, with the comment: ‘ In the nation’s capital, where sober- minded, middleaged people in ordinary clothes are the norm, Prince Charles and Duchess Camilla fit right in.’

The problem is the Americans just don’t ‘ get’ Camilla. They don’t appreciate that, as a member of the English aristocrac­y, she is not supposed to care how she looks.

Old money doesn’t like new things — whether houses, furniture or clothes. They prefer to mooch about their crumbling old piles in jumpers with holes in.

The Americans should applaud Camilla. To have allowed herself to be restyled, she’s had to go against her upbringing.

There is an obvious parallel here. Lady Diana Spencer was a lumpy Sloane with bad dress sense when she married into The Firm. Over the years, though, she metamorpho­sed into a fashion Princess.

The great advantage Diana had was youth. Camilla is almost bus pass age. She has to look ‘with it’ without looking like mutton dressed as lamb.

She also wants to please Charles. He is the one who encourages her to keep her flicky helmet hairdo.

As for the outfits that have come in for such a pasting — they are no better or worse than those sported by Laura Bush. When Camilla wore her navy suit to meet the First Lady, Mrs Bush was a vision of dullness in grey.

The Yanks should lay off Camilla. The Duchess of Cornwall isn’t perfect, but even if she doesn’t always get it right, the old girl deserves an ‘ A’ for effort.

 ??  ?? Red Alert: Camilla blends in on the stage after Beach Blanket Babylon
Red Alert: Camilla blends in on the stage after Beach Blanket Babylon
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? LAST TUESDAY, Ground Zero: Wearing bright clothes to be seen is a basic royal rule. The fuchsia Roy Allen suit Camilla wore makes a confident statement. U.S critics who said she should have sported something more funereal are just being picky.
LAST TUESDAY, Ground Zero: Wearing bright clothes to be seen is a basic royal rule. The fuchsia Roy Allen suit Camilla wore makes a confident statement. U.S critics who said she should have sported something more funereal are just being picky.
 ??  ?? FRIDAY, World War II Memorial, Washington: Milliner Philip Treacy has done more than any other designer to define Camilla’s style. Here, he has provided her with a great hat that lifts a plain suit. The collarless jacket looks modern and the buttons...
FRIDAY, World War II Memorial, Washington: Milliner Philip Treacy has done more than any other designer to define Camilla’s style. Here, he has provided her with a great hat that lifts a plain suit. The collarless jacket looks modern and the buttons...
 ??  ?? SUNDAY, theatre visit in San Francisco: In scarlet beaded Alice Temperley skirt and black Edina Ronay jacket TUESDAY, reception at Museum of Modern Art: This navy velvet Anthony Price dress was criticised for making Camilla look like a Westminste­r...
SUNDAY, theatre visit in San Francisco: In scarlet beaded Alice Temperley skirt and black Edina Ronay jacket TUESDAY, reception at Museum of Modern Art: This navy velvet Anthony Price dress was criticised for making Camilla look like a Westminste­r...
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? WEDNESDAY, school visit, Washington DC: The Duchess chose navy as the base colour for her trip — it’s kinder to older skin than black. The best bit of this Robinson Valentine outfit is the floaty chiffon skirt.
WEDNESDAY, school visit, Washington DC: The Duchess chose navy as the base colour for her trip — it’s kinder to older skin than black. The best bit of this Robinson Valentine outfit is the floaty chiffon skirt.
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? SATURDAY, farmers’ market: Because her legs are one of her best features, the Duchess doesn’t wear many trouser suits. This suit is also black, rather than her usual more flattering navy. She has also gone for a double-breasted style, and this adds...
SATURDAY, farmers’ market: Because her legs are one of her best features, the Duchess doesn’t wear many trouser suits. This suit is also black, rather than her usual more flattering navy. She has also gone for a double-breasted style, and this adds...
 ??  ?? WEDNESDAY, White House dinner: The cut of this navy singlebrea­sted Robinson Valentine jacket is unkind to Camilla. The beading is meant to make it exciting and glamorous, but it cannot disguise the essential shape which makes her look dumpy.
WEDNESDAY, White House dinner: The cut of this navy singlebrea­sted Robinson Valentine jacket is unkind to Camilla. The beading is meant to make it exciting and glamorous, but it cannot disguise the essential shape which makes her look dumpy.
 ??  ?? SUNDAY, church service, San Francisco: Green is a difficult colour to wear as it can make you look bilious. This pale green, however, is soft enough so Camilla avoids that fate. The single-breasted jacket is flattering and the skirt looks chic, too....
SUNDAY, church service, San Francisco: Green is a difficult colour to wear as it can make you look bilious. This pale green, however, is soft enough so Camilla avoids that fate. The single-breasted jacket is flattering and the skirt looks chic, too....
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? THURSDAY, osteoporos­is lecture, Washington: Another day, another navy suit. This one has a much better skirt shape and is her most successful outfit of the trip. By cutting the neckline wide, the jacket provides a V-shape that slims Camilla’s waist.
THURSDAY, osteoporos­is lecture, Washington: Another day, another navy suit. This one has a much better skirt shape and is her most successful outfit of the trip. By cutting the neckline wide, the jacket provides a V-shape that slims Camilla’s waist.
 ??  ?? THURSDAY, British Ambassador’s reception: Another neat compromise. This is demure yet glamorous, feminine but not frilly. The Anthony Price dress is a mix of satin and lace, which offers concealmen­t where needed and a peek of flesh where it is not.
THURSDAY, British Ambassador’s reception: Another neat compromise. This is demure yet glamorous, feminine but not frilly. The Anthony Price dress is a mix of satin and lace, which offers concealmen­t where needed and a peek of flesh where it is not.
 ??  ?? MONDAY, dinner at De Young Museum, San Francisco: Not all of Camilla’s U.S. wardrobe has been a success. This funereal sack dress makes her look dumpy. She has a habit of standing like a hod carrier. Shoulder pads would disguise this by giving her a...
MONDAY, dinner at De Young Museum, San Francisco: Not all of Camilla’s U.S. wardrobe has been a success. This funereal sack dress makes her look dumpy. She has a habit of standing like a hod carrier. Shoulder pads would disguise this by giving her a...

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