Daily Mail

Quentin Letts Yesterday Parliament in

Labour MPs loved this. They roared as though their man had won the day


FOR the past 20 years or more of European debate all the shouters, all the eye-bulgers, all the loonies have seemed to be on the Euroscepti­c side. When pro- Europeans were placed near a microphone they were the ones who sounded civilised.

They also, by the by, tended to have a slightly better grasp of personal hygiene. Forgive the gross generalisa­tion but Euroscepti­cs looked mad, had bad breath and shocking dandruff. The Europhiles were smooth, younger and tended to smell faintly of eau de cologne.

It is a sign of the political cleverness of David Cameron that, in one brief Commons speech, he changed that yesterday.

The House heard from Tony Blair about his recent negotiatio­ns on our behalf in Brussels. There was shouting, all right. There were wild accusation­s and furious gesticulat­ions and staring eyeballs. But they belonged to Mr Blair, not his young, Zen-zoned opponent.

Judged narrowly as a theatrical event, as parliament­ary invective, the afternoon belonged with ease to Mr Blair. That was because Mr Cameron did not try raising his voice. He did not rant. He simply put a number of quiet, serious points about Mr Blair’s disposal of billions of pounds worth of European rebate.

Mr Blair’s opening remarks, defensive in tone, had been heard in near silence by Labour MPs. They looked pretty sick, many of them sitting with arms crossed. The only people making a noise at this point were hairy elements on the Tory benches who did the vocal equivalent of much armpit scratching and banana munching.

Speaker Martin tried halfhearte­dly to tell them to shut up. They paid him little attention. Up stepped Mr Cameron. The House hushed. Europe has been the issue which has seen the last three Tory leaders at their most confident, pointing index fingers at the Prime Minister and assuring him that ‘ the people of Britain’ would not be fooled by his arguments. Maybe not, but they still voted for him – in part because he sounded saner than the Tories.

MR CAMERON played things differentl­y. His voice was level. His gestures consisted of little more than the occasional, very small shake of his right hand. Were I a prep school under- matron I may have told him he needed a hairwash but otherwise he was the model of presentati­on.

Labour MPs listened. They were almost completely becalmed. It may be that they were trying a new tactic of off-putting silence, for I heard someone going ‘ shush!’ Or it may be that they were flummoxed by the physical restraint with which Mr Cameron filleted the PM’s Brussels deal.

Fillet it he did. He made a shrewd joke about how much better placed the French will soon be to take advantage of Mr Blair’s concession­s. John Prescott scowled. Mr Blair, staring at his notes, appeared slightly more amused. He is finding it hard to dislike young Cameron.

Mr Cameron had a wry line about the squabbles between Mr Blair and Gordon Brown and quietly asked how we were going to pay for the £7billion he had ‘ given away for next to nothing’. Would there be more borrowing or would there be spending cuts?

Mr Brown, sitting one away from Mr Blair, clasped his crossed arms so tight round his belly he could have been wearing a straitjack­et.

Mr Blair claimed that our rebate was in fact growing. Well, of course it is. That’s because we’ll be paying more. The rebate operates like Tesco Clubcard points. The more you blow, the more points you collect, but you still end up poorer.

By now Mr Blair was ranting, hard, about how Tory MEPs would in future sit between Signorina Mussolini and Monsieur Le Pen in the European Parliament. Labour MPs loved this. They roared as though their man had won the day.

But I’m not sure he did. Cheers soon fade. Impression­s last. The impression Mr Blair gave yesterday was of a man resorting to wild, slashing knockabout – ‘ding bong’, as he himself put it – against an opponent who is seizing the centre ground.

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