Daily Mail

Julio, the Daddy of them all, dies at 90

Days after announcing his wife is pregnant, Iglesias Snr has heart attack

- Gerard Couzens

THE patriarch of the Iglesias singing family has died of a heart attack days after it emerged that he was to become a father again at the age of 90.

Julio Iglesias Snr, a former gynaecolog­ist, was taken to a hospital near his Madrid home after suffering breathing problems early yesterday.

He suffered his fatal attack while being treated on the emergency ward.

Dr Iglesias was the father of Julio, 62, and grandfathe­r of Enrique, 31, both of whom are heartthrob­s with millions of fans around the world.

Five days ago, it emerged that his 42-year- old second wife, American Ronna Keith, was expecting their second child.

She gave birth to a son, James Nathaniel, in May 2004 after undergoing fertility treatment at a U.S. hospital.

The couple were married in the absence of relatives in Jacksonvil­le, Florida, four years ago after Dr Iglesias broke a pledge to his sons not to wed again while their mother Charo, his first wife, was still alive. The following year Charo died in Miami, aged 82.

Shortly before James was born, Dr Iglesias said: ‘My wife wanted it and I owed it to her. It was an act of generosity towards her.

‘I leave a descendant so that she always remembers me. I leave her part of my blood, of my life.

‘I need her so much that I said to her, “Here you go, this is what you wanted for when I am gone”.’

Foreseeing his death, he added: ‘I know Ronna’s going to be a good mother … my fear is I won’t be around.’

Ronna flew back to the States last week to prepare for the birth of their second child.

Dr Iglesias, who divided his time between the U.S. and Spain, was expected to join her early in the New Year after spending Christmas with his sons in Marbella.

He spent his last evening watching his beloved Real Madrid play football on TV after missing Mass because he felt unwell.

Son Julio played as a goalkeeper for Real for a short time before a car accident in 1962 cut short his sporting career and nearly cost him his life.

Julio, who flew to Spain yesterday from his home in the Dominican Republic, was just getting used to the idea of gaining a younger brother at the age of 62. The new arrival will be the aunt or uncle of Enrique, despite being 31 years his junior.

Enrique, who lives in Miami, is also expected in Spain today. He and his father are expected to be at Ronna’s side for the funeral despite their past difference­s with her.

Dr Iglesias was affectiona­tely nicknamed Papuchi – Little Daddy – in his native Spain where he was a much-loved figure. He was imprisoned repeatedly during the Spanish Civil War for being a Falangist who fought on the ‘ nationalis­t’ side against the Left-led Republic.

He was jailed in six different prisons and narrowly escaped execution. As a gynaecolog­ist, he helped Isabel Preysler give birth to the Pictures: SOLARPIX. COM & BIGPICTURE­SPHOTO. COM three children she had by his son, including Enrique. He stepped up security after being kidnapped and held hostage by the Basque terrorist group ETA in 1981 – but would always stop and chat to fans and journalist­s during his regular morning walks in the Spanish capital.

He had a legendary reputation as a womaniser and admitted in his memoirs published two years ago that he had cheated on Charo from the third year of their marriage.

He started dating a 22-year- old when he was 60 after Charo tired of his womanising and left him to move to America. He met his current wife in August 1990 when she stopped for coffee with a girlfriend at the terrace cafe where he was sitting with a bodyguard. Ronna was a student and part- time model who was spending time in Madrid before heading to London to see friends.

Dr Iglesias sent the bodyguard to offer the two women drinks, then invited them to his home in Galicia.

After a few days he managed to persuade Ronna’s friend to return to Madrid so he could stay alone with her.

Friend Luis Ortiz said: ‘He was a man who lived life to the full, especially after he was kidnapped.’

Shortly before his father’s death, Julio, himself a legendary womaniser, said: ‘Whatever my dad does in life is well done.

‘I love the fact that people love him and respect him. He’s a very generous man and it’s a privilege for a son to see his father alive and so lively at the age of 90.’

 ??  ?? Wife Ronna with son James Iglesias with Ronna: 48-year age gap
Wife Ronna with son James Iglesias with Ronna: 48-year age gap

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