Daily Mail

Don’t court the liberals too much, David

- Stephen Glover

THESE are heady times for the Tories. For years they have ‘flat-lined’ in elections and opinion polls, seldom attracting support from more than 32 or 33 per cent of the electorate. It has been like that since the day in September 1992 when Britain tumbled out of the Exchange Rate Mechanism and the Tories lost their reputation for financial competence.

But since David Cameron was elected leader of the party two weeks ago, extraordin­ary things have happened. Several opinion polls have shown the Conservati­ves breaking out of the doldrums where they have lingered for so long. One put them a startling nine points ahead of New Labour. These are early days, but an amazing sea- change appears to be taking place in British politics.

This is undeniably the Cameron effect. No one can seriously think that had David Davis won the leadership contest, the Conservati­ve Party would have enjoyed such a sudden revival. Mr Cameron believes that the Tories can only win power again if they position themselves firmly in the centre ground of British politics. So far, his analysis is proving triumphant­ly correct.

I claim no particular insight into his thinking, but it is not unfathomab­le. Mr Cameron holds that the Tories can never regain office as long as they are caricature­d in the liberal media — by which I principall­y mean the all-pervasive BBC — as unpleasant and dodgy headbanger­s. To some degree that was the fate of Michael Howard in the election six months ago, as it was of William Hague four years earlier.

Of course, no one can prove the extent to which the undecided middle-ground of the British electorate is influenced by the BBC and other liberal media. But it is certain that over recent weeks Mr Cameron has received star treatment in quarters where Tories are not normally feted. Partly he has been the beneficiar­y of Tony Blair’s unpopulari­ty. His youthful good looks have also commended him. But most of all it is his essentiall­y liberal message that has won him so many plaudits.

FRIENDS of mine who would not normally vote Tory — who indeed regard Conservati­ves as not much better than the Ku Klux Klan — remark how refreshing a figure David Cameron is in comparison with Tony Blair who, of course, they lauded in similar terms only ten years ago. They can imagine themselves voting for Mr Cameron, and many of them probably will. Much can still go wrong, but some people believe that David Cameron has as good a chance of being Prime Minister after the next general election as does Gordon Brown.

The man who wrote the last Tory Party manifesto, and was a loyal lieutenant to the supposedly nasty Michael Howard, is straining to convince the liberal media that he really is a different sort of Tory. On Sunday, the Left-leaning Observer carried an appreciati­ve interview with Mr Cameron, along with an enthusiast­ic front page story with the sub- head: ‘ Tory leader dumps party rhetoric on immigratio­n.’ He was represente­d as ‘ the voice of moderate, progressiv­e Britain’. No wonder the Lib Dems are panic- stricken.

And indeed, Mr Cameron’s approach to curing the Tory malaise is essentiall­y correct. Conservati­ves who still maintain that their party would have done better in the last two elections if it had been more Right- wing are surely misguided. In 2001 and 2005, the Tories presented a pretty Right-wing platform — or at any rate a set of policies which could plausibly be represente­d by the BBC and other liberal media as Right- wing — and they lost. David Cameron is right: if they are ever to win power again, they need to cultivate the centre ground, and if they are to do this, they must at least neutralise the liberal media.

And yet his comments about immigratio­n will have bewildered natural Tory voters and probably many others. My own view during the last election was that Michael Howard dwelt on immigratio­n too much, though to a large extent this was not of his own doing, and he was continuall­y driven back into a corner where he was depicted as obsessive, and possibly extreme, by bien pensant opinion which sees any intelligen­t discussion of immigratio­n as taboo. But Mr Howard’s achievemen­t, probably because he is himself the son of immigrants, was to dismiss such stereotypi­ng, and to establish that there should be no associatio­n between disquiet about unfettered immigratio­n and racist views. After all, many members of ethnic minorities have misgivings about illegal asylum seekers.

OPINION polls suggested that immigratio­n was an issue on which voters preferred the Tories’ policy to that of Labour by a margin of more than 20 points. However, Labour strategist­s claimed that Lib Dem voters disillusio­ned with Tony Blair were persuaded to vote Labour because they objected so strongly to the Tories’ stance. Pollsters also said that the Conservati­ve policy on immigratio­n helped to repel some women voters. My suspicion is that although many electors in the centre ground may have privately agreed with the Tories’ line, they were persuaded by the liberal media that it was extreme.

Of course, it wasn’t. In a world of cheap and easy air travel, every state must watch its borders and control the rate of immigratio­n, not least to ensure happy race relations. Mr Cameron was correct to imply to the Observer that the Tory manifesto (which he wrote!) was probably wrong in wishing to impose a quota on asylum seekers, since such a rigid system could exclude bona fide applicants who might be sent back to nasty regimes. But there should be no argument about the need to restrict the influx of would-be immigrants to manageable proportion­s.

Does Mr Cameron realise this? It is not clear from his Observer interview. Very possibly he is merely creating the right mood music. He wants to reassure people that Tories are humane and reasonable, and a good place to start is in a newspaper at the heart of the liberal establishm­ent. If the liberal media are apt to depict any Tory leader as a headbanger, he can hardly be blamed for setting out his stall as a caring and decent human being. Modern politics is largely about language, as Tony Blair will attest, and Mr Cameron is at a stage at which he is thinking about creating an impression rather than enunciatin­g policies.

Such is the path that the Tories will have to walk if they are to return to office. It may well be, if or when Mr Cameron gains power, that he will turn out both humane and realistic about the limits of immigratio­n. But a suspicion lingers that a man who has enjoyed a privileged upbringing and education, as well as employment in the narrow, gilded metropolit­an worlds of PR and politickin­g, may be so disconnect­ed from ordinary people that he does not understand their fears and concerns. One day, hard decisions will have to be made. There will come a time when he will have to set less store on the applause of the liberal media and more on the interests of the country.

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