Daily Mail

Camilla‘ s peculiar prayers. . .

- RichardKay

UP AND down the country as prayers for the Royal Family are said in churches this Christmas, millions will find that the exclusion of any mention of the former Mrs Camilla Parker Bowles is being strictly adhered to.

But one place of worship has decided to go against the Queen’s edict not to include the Duchess of Cornwall’s name in state prayers alongside Prince Charles and Prince Philip.

What makes the decision all the more surprising is that the chapel concerned is a so- called royal peculiar, one of a handful of churches under the Queen’s direct control and only yards from Buckingham Palace.

It is the Chapel Royal at St James’s Palace, where Princess Diana’s body rested in state and which draws one of the most exclusive congregati­ons in London for Sunday matins.

Devotees include senior courtiers, leading members of the royal household and politician­s.

I understand that Camilla has been included in prayers at the chapel since the summer during its thricemont­hly Sunday morning service.

‘ Royal peculiar churches have always gone their own way, but it’s pretty odd to be out on a limb like this on an issue which seems to be so contentiou­s,’ says an Anglican source.

Earlier this month — eight months after her marriage to the Prince of Wales — the Palace announced that Camilla should not be named in prayers said for the Royal Family.

According to royal observers, the decision had apparently been taken out of sensitivit­y to churchgoer­s, rather than as any personal slight to the Duchess.

Neverthele­ss, Camilla’s exclusion has been seen by some as a sign that she has still not been accepted unconditio­nally into royal circles.

Princess Diana was named in state prayers from the time of her wedding to the Prince of Wales in 1981 until their divorce in 1996.

But last night, Buckingham Palace appeared to be backtracki­ng. ‘ It’s up to the individual vicar whether or not any member of the Royal Family’s name is included in prayers,’ a spokesman said.

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