Daily Mail

You’d never guess it to look at me — but I’m battling an incurable skin disease

- by singer LeAnn Rimes

ON STAGE she cuts a glamorous figure with her luscious blonde hair, toned body and milky white skin. But for singer LeAnn Rimes, this glossy facade hides a backstage drama. For most of her life, the 22year- old has suffered from chronic eczema which leaves her skin red, itchy and sore and she is still prone to flare-ups to this day.

As a child star who learnt to tap dance by the age of two, was singing by three and recorded her first album aged 11, LeAnn vividly remembers the lengths she would go to to conceal her condition. At times she even wore two pairs of flesh- coloured tights on stage to hide the red patches on her legs.

‘I’d have it on very visible parts of my body — in the summertime it would be on my neck and arms, and I’d wear turtleneck­s to try to cover it up,’ she recalls.

‘ Having eczema as a child was incredibly difficult. I’d come home crying from kids calling me “the scaly girl” or thinking I was contagious.

‘ Not only did I have ugly red patches on my arms and legs, the itching drove me crazy. I sat out of activities everyone else was participat­ing in, either to avoid situations in which my eczema might show, or to avoid triggers that could cause a flare-up.

‘I wouldn’t go swimming in the summer because I didn’t want to wear a bathing suit.’

Despite these problems LeAnn made her break into the big time in 1997 with the hit How Do I Live Without You and has won numerous accolades including Grammys and Country Music Awards.

Eczema is an umbrella term for a group of skin conditions that can affect all age groups but is particular­ly common in children.

According to the National Eczema Society, up to one fifth of all school age children in the UK are sufferers compared with one in 12 of the adult population.

In mild cases, the skin is dry, hot and itchy. But at its worst, eczema leaves the skin inflamed, raw and bleeding.

MY FIRST symptom was this little red, itchy and dry patch on my scalp,’ recalls LeAnn. ‘ Then that began to develop all over my body. ‘ I think this was triggered by a severe case of strep throat, an infection with a bacteria from the Streptococ­cus group, that led to the rash.

‘My mom noticed it first. There’s no cure for eczema, and I battle it day in and day out. It can come on geneticall­y and it can be caused by allergies.’ LeAnn’s diagnosis stemmed from the former.

‘My mom didn’t get eczema until relatively recently and I’ve had it for so many years. So it wasn’t her understand­ing of the disease that helped me get through it — we all learned about it together.’ When the skin becomes inflamed, steroid creams are often used to reduce the swelling. But there are some concerns about their use long-term.

‘I used a lot of topical steroidal medication­s that thinned my skin and made me more sensitive to the sun. When I was young, I remember my mom and dad applying it all over my body morning and night.’

‘ I even tried the light box therapy. My doctors and I became concerned about long- term control of my condition. That was a big problem, since eczema is a recurring condition.

‘ At one point in my life, I was going back and forth to the doctor every week trying to find a treatment that worked for me.’

LeAnn does not worry about her previous treatments, and instead focuses on what the disease does to other young sufferers.

‘For me, at this point in my life, it’s to spread the word that you’re not alone,’ she says. ‘That’s why I really wanted to come out and talk about it.

‘ I feel I have it under control right now, but hopefully children, young women, young men who feel they have nobody to relate to, will finally see otherwise because of my speaking on the subject.

‘I began to educate myself about eczema so that I wouldn’t be freaked out by all of it. I wanted to get to know my body.’

‘Now I feel completely comfortabl­e in my skin. I found relief finally in Elidel, a steroid- free medication: it’s a miracle for me and I use it night and day.’

Elidel, an ointment which is applied directly to the skin, changes the way the skin cells react to triggers which cause the itching and irritation to the skin.

‘ At the first sign of a tingle or itch, to control flare-ups, I use it,’ explains LeAnn. ‘ Elidel doesn’t harm my body, it helps it, unlike topical steroid medication­s that thinned my skin and made me more sensitive to the sun.’

‘ It took a long time, but after years of trial and error and a lot of scratching I finally feel like I have my eczema under control,’ she says. ‘ You have to learn what triggers make you itch — such as extreme temperatur­es, pollen or other allergens.

‘ I also started moisturisi­ng my skin frequently, at least three times a day, with a cream or ointment, rather than a lotion, because lotions can be drying to my skin.

‘ My doctor also recommends I apply moisturise­r within three minutes after bathing, while my skin is still slightly damp, to help lock in the moisture and keep my skin hydrated.

‘ Much as I love a hot shower, I bathe with lukewarm water instead of hot, and pat my skin dry with a soft towel — never rub — to

avoid irritating my skin.

‘ I try to wear clothing made from cotton or other soft fabrics and avoid rough, irritating materials like wool and linen. I usually wash my clothes with a mild detergent before using them for the first time.

‘ I keep my fingernail­s short, especially during a flare-up, so I don’t break the skin when scratching. Since getting my eczema under control, this has got easier.

‘I also make sure I drink plenty of water to keep my body and skin healthy and well hydrated. And I use a humidifier in my house in dry or cold weather.’

 ??  ?? LeAnn: Still a sufferer
LeAnn: Still a sufferer

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