Daily Mail

Elderly peers poured in . . . all gums and walking sticks


DEPUTY PM Cleggy, that brittle, one-man tangle of pomposity, evasion and self-loathing, swaggered along to a committee which is looking at plans to change the House of Lords. This having become the latest area of Coalition cannibalis­m, the room was packed, not least by elderly peers who sensed a threat to their way of life.

They crowded round the door to the committee room and poured in, all gums and walking sticks, the moment it opened. I found myself sitting in the middle of these old boys and can only say that I was shocked – appalled, Mavis! – by their rhubarbing. Best fun I’ve had for ages.

They coughed up ‘rubbish’, ‘dear oh dear’ and even a couple of ‘b******s’. I blushed, readers. Blushed.

The Cleggster was sitting next to his ministeria­l colleague Mark Harper, a spotlessly efficient, youthful Conservati­ve who follows the DPM around like a male psychiatri­c nurse.

The committee, which contained both peers and MPS, was chaired by Labour ancient Lord Richard. He was sitting so far away he was almost lost by the curvature of the Earth.

Mr Clegg kept referring to him as ‘Lord Richards’.

As Mr Clegg trundled through opening remarks about his desire for an elected Lords – yes, folks, more profession­al politician­s – there came a middle- pitched musical note, as though from a French horn.

It was in fact rising from the gubbins of the building’s plumbing. ‘Someone’s dreaming of a bacon sarnie,’ joked one of my neighbours. Another observed, approv- ingly: ‘It’s the same tone as Meryl Streep’s voice.’

Mr Clegg’s rumination­s on democratic legitimacy, which were acquiring the elasticity of well-chewed spearmint gum, found less favour. My lordly friends groaned, grunted, slapped the scaly skin of their foreheads and generally made plain that they considered Mr Clegg sub-par. ‘It’s not sixth form, it’s fourth form,’ said one.

Tristram Hunt (Lab, Stoke C) had a brief wrestle with Mr Clegg about the reasons for publishing the draft Bill on Lord Reform. A Tory peer next to me murmured sardonical­ly that he knew precisely why it had been published: ‘Gave us something to read.’

Mr Clegg, who denied that the Lib Dems would try to block other

Bills i f they do not get Lords reform, claimed that the British public would rather have the chance to elect Parliament’s second Chamber. This earned a retort from the rough seats round me: ‘Party hacks!’

Mr Clegg, who is in office despite having lost the general election, kept giving the room homilies on democracy.

Lord Richard was interested in rumours that members of the current Lords might be offered £30,000 pay-offs. ‘Is this true?’ he asked, all pudgy pinkies.

MR Clegg: ‘I have had no discussion­s about it with Lord Steel.’ Lord Richard: ‘I didn’t ask that. Is it true?’ Cleggy: ‘It’s not something we have decided on.’

Lord Richard: ‘Is it on the table? It may have quite an effect.’ Mr Harper, coming to the rescue of his patient: ‘I don’t think the public would react kindly to giving peers money for going away.’ Lord Richard: ‘I’m not asking about the public.’ On the basis of these exchanges I’d say the Lib Dems are keen to bribe peers to disappear while the Tories think nothing could be more certain to ensure the public’s distaste.

‘I’m genuinely keen to engage,’ said Mr Clegg blandly. Ah, ‘engage’. This soapy little word often pops up in constituti­onal consultati­ons. Mr Harper tried to stroke the committee by saying that ‘ i t has engaged with this proposal in the way we hoped it would’.

This from a young shaver – a smart young shaver, yes, but a young shaver all the same – who was not even born when Lord Richard first became a Government Minister in 1969.

If Cleggy’s Lords plans hit trouble it may have less to do with Coalition tensions – or the horrid, unBritish word ‘senators’ – than with a very human matter: peers feel they are being patronised by a couple of spongy-palmed teenagers.

 ??  ?? The Lords: Threat to their way of life
The Lords: Threat to their way of life

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