Daily Mail

Why Botox ISN’T such a wonder cure after all

It was hailed as the answer to countless ills — now doubts are growing


MARIA MANCINI had suffered excruciati­ng pain and twitching in her face for four months when her doctor suggested Botox might be the answer.

‘I was beside myself with pain,’ says Maria, 82. ‘The muscles around my left eye twitched constantly.’

The twitching started in 2000 and at first she’d put it down to stress, as her husband Maurice, who has since passed away, had recently become ill with dementia. But when it continued, Maria went to her GP, who referred her to an eye clinic where she was given Botox injections to relax the muscles.

‘Everyone said how good it was for getting rid of wrinkles so I assumed that if the doctor was prescribin­g it for muscle spasms it would work,’ says Maria, a retired cafe owner, who lives in Warwick. ‘After the first session my eye did stop twitching but it wore off after four days. I had more sessions, but my symptoms continued.’

Maria’s GP finally diagnosed hemifacial spasm, a neurologic­al condition in which blood vessels constrict a nerve, causing muscle spasms.

Botox is a standard treatment for the condition, and even though they hadn’t worked so far, the GP simply ordered more injections. But the pain and twitching continued.

‘It began to spread down the left side of my face and lip and then my face began to droop too,’ says Maria. ‘Soon I couldn’t even smile.’ Eight years and more than 90 Botox injections later, Maria, a widow, was not only still suffering but had double vision, a recognised temporary side effect of the injections, as well as the severe drooping, a result of the muscle spasm. ‘I just wanted to cover my face and hide. I took to wearing large black sunglasses all the time. I could no longer read or watch TV because of the double vision,’ she says. ‘My three daughters and I all asked the GPS if there was an alternativ­e and offered to pay privately — but we were told Botox was the best treatment available.’

Maria is one of thousands in the UK who have received medical treatment with botulinum toxin, which is produced naturally by the bacterium, clostridiu­m botulinum. When used in tiny, controlled doses it can be used to relax excessive muscle contractio­n. These effects were first discovered in the Sixties and it started being used in medicine in the U.S. in the Eighties when it was licensed for hemifacial spasm and eye problems.

Botox, the term most of us use to describe the treatment, is actually the trade name for a product manufactur­ed by Allergan — other companies such as Ipsen and Merz also use botulinum toxin for medical uses.

However Botox has the most number of approved uses in the UK. Indeed, Botox i s now approved in 80 countries for 21 medical conditions.

HERE in the UK the Medicine Healthcare Product Regulatory Agency has licensed Botox not only for cosmetic purposes but also for preventing chronic migraine, hyperhidro­sis ( excessive sweating), uncontroll­ed blinking, hemifacial spasm, dystonia (muscle spasms), post- stroke muscle spasms and wrist and foot deformitie­s in cerebral palsy.

It is also prescribed off-licence for incontinen­ce caused by an overactive bladder.

It’s a hugely successful product, with sales worth $1.5 billion in 2011. Part of the reason it’s so profitable is that its effects wear off after a few months — all patients need repeated treatments to maintain the muscle relaxant effect. Its fashionabl­e image, thanks to the countless celebritie­s who use it to stay looking young, only adds to its appeal.

But s o me e x per t s are beginning to question whether Botox is really such a panacea. Meanwhile patients such as Maria complain they were not warned of the side-effects.

Figures from Allergan reveal drooping eyelids affect more than one in ten people while rarer potential side- effects include swallowing problems, facial swelling, double vision, dry eyes and excessive tears. Experts stress most side-effects wear off within a few days.

To some extent the risk depends on the skill of the individual practition­er, says Kevin Hancock, of the British Associatio­n of Plastic Surgeons.

‘Double vision is a rare side-effect — particular­ly for cosmetic use – but obviously if you are having injections around the eye for a medical condition, the risk is going to be higher.

‘There are also problems with facial and upper eyelid drooping because botulinium toxin weakens muscles.

‘I’d emphasise that all these side- effects are rare and the side-effect I see most frequently is just some redness around the injection site.’

Dr Andrew Dowson, head of headache services at King’s College Hospital, London, says although he has used Botox successful­ly in cases of chronic migraine in private practice, it’s by no means a cure-all for all patients with migraines.

‘In some patients who have tried everything else I’ve seen some miraculous results — but in others it hasn’t worked at all,’ he says.

Although Botox is not yet licensed for use in treating overactive bladder in the UK, it has been used for this in private practice and in the NHS, as a second line treatment after drug therapy has failed.

But Roland Morley, a urologist at Kingston Hospital, Surrey and spokesman for the British Associatio­n of Urological Surgeons, says although the research on the effectiven­ess of Botox in treating incontinen­ce is strong, around 10-20 per cent of women can develop urinary retention as a side- effect and have to be taught how to empty their bladder with a catheter.

‘This can put a lot of women off. Botox is effective in treating this type of incontinen­ce, but it isn’t to be undertaken lightly.’

Maria Mancini is convinced her double vision was caused by her injections. Yet she could have benefited from surgery.

ALOCUM GP she saw in 2006 said she not only had hemifacial spasm but trigeminal neuralgia — a disorder caused by pressure on the trigeminal nerve which was causing her pain. She went for two sessions of acupunctur­e and finally stopped her Botox injections — but was still left with a drooping, twitching face.

It was when Maria visited her son Maurice in the U.S. in 2008 that a breakthrou­gh happened.

Maurice was shocked to see how her face had been affected, and sent her to see a neurologis­t, who cured the hemifacial spasm by performing an operation called micro vascular decompress­ion; this involved inserting a sponge between the facial nerve and the blood vessel putting pressure on it.

‘I was amazed,’ says Maria. ‘The operation cured me and I’ve had no more pain or twitching since. My face has gone back to normal, too.’

A spokeswoma­n for Allergan said: ‘As with any medication, patients may experience unwanted effects. These are generally temporary.

‘With more than 20 years of clinical experience and 2,600 papers on the use of botulinum toxin in medicine, the risks and benefits are well understood by the medical community.’

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