Daily Mail

Gulliver travels to ground zero

- By ALEX BRUMMER City Editor

IT says something about HSBC’S strength in the wealth creating economies that, despite the problems of the eurozone, sluggish growth in the UK, and the nightmare legacy of trailer park lender Household in the United States, it is still the most profitable bank in the Western world.

Only the Chinese banks reported higher profits, and there can be no certainty as to the underlying picture there.

As far as Britain is concerned there are three issues of concern.

Will chief executive Stuart Gulliver eventually deliver on past threats and shift his global colossus back to its Hong Kong base?

How justified are its bonuses and how well has it done in serving the needs of small- and medium-sized enterprise­s here in the UK?

The question of domicile remains open and under review. HSBC draws great advantage from being in London, the world’s financial entrepôt, and also benefits from having a UK regulator which, despite all that has happened, provides a better imprimatur than the Far Eastern alternativ­e. Yet, as Gulliver has made clear, if Britain’s tax on the group’s worldwide balance sheet were to exceed UK profits then it might consult investors on a change of home.

HSBC committed to have its HQ in the City and be regulated by the Bank of England when it took over the struggling Midland Bank in 1992.

But it could easily wriggle out of that undertakin­g if it sold off the British branches which are just 10pc of the business.

On the bonus front, Gulliver has accepted some responsibi­lity for the personal protection insurance debacle and selling dodgy investment bonds to elderly people in care homes, and has accepted a £1.3m cut in bonus after getting a ‘zero’ score from his colleagues for ‘compliance and regulation’.

But before anyone sheds a tear it is worth noting that his remunerati­on package, some of which won’t be collected for several years, will be £5.9m.

In fact, the pay story at HSBC is how a company which once had a relatively modest civil service style structure has moved into the fast lane.

Some 65 executives in Britain alone are due for £1m Ferrari class pay outs.

On the home territory of the Pacific, pay is now so out of control that i t has pushed the whole expense structure of the bank to a level where Gulliver is going to find it hard to meet his past costincome targets – even if he buys a chainsaw.

Here in Britain, HSBC believes it deserves a pat on the back for all the good stuff it is doing, and its PR department has been in overdrive producing a long list of achievemen­ts. The one which most matters to growth is the £11.9bn of lending to SMES with net lending, the most important figure, up by 4pc year-on-year despite a shrinking market.

Those of us with pension funds will also be grateful that HSBC is tipping £3.8bn of dividend income into the system.

Despite an overall sound set of results, it is worth noting that part of Sir John Bond’s legacy at HSBC, the Household fiasco, lives on, gobbling up a further £4.4bn of provisions in 2011, a 16pc reduction on the previous year.

Despite this few people have posed the question as to whether Bond is really the man to rein-in risk at a merged Xstrata-glencore where he is pencilled in as chairman.

That would be too embarrassi­ng.

Eastern promise

AS the Prudential chief executive Tidjane Thiam was not so long ago willing to bet his whole group on a move to Hong Kong, with the proposed takeover of AIA (offshoot of injured American giant AIG), we should not be in the least bit surprised that the company is dangling some bait in that direction. The justificat­ion for a potential move is Solvency II and the demands from Europe that big insurers hold more capital against rainy day risks.

At first blush this has the hallmarks of the sabre-rattling seen from the financial sector over taxation.

In the case of the Pru, there may be a deeper plot. With much of the growth at the insurer coming from the Pacific region, the case for floating off Asia as a separate entity in Hong Kong could look irresistib­le.

Former Pru boss and AIA chief Mark Tucker could then put a merger back on the table.

Good old Marj

THE transforma­tion of Pearson under 65-year-old Marjorie Scardino’s leadership has been immense, taking the profits of the education and FT group to nearly a £1bn.

Not so long ago shareholde­rs were screaming for the chief executive’s retirement.

The board, headed by Glenn Moreno, deserves credit for not giving in to the forces of short-termism.

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