Daily Mail


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LAST Wednesday, I stood with about 100 Tibetans, demonstrat­ing outside the Chinese Embassy in London. They stood on the far side of a busy road, yelling angrily at the building. At one point, apparently riled by an antagonist­ic gesture from the embassy window, many stormed across the street. They got as far as a pedestrian refuge in the middle. From nowhere, 50 police appeared. The shouting got louder. I began to fear arrests, even violence. Suddenly, they burst into a haunting, meditative song, their national anthem. Then they waited for the traffic lights to change . . . and went home.

ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20 STAR Trek’s Enterprise

is an enormous ship. The corridors go on for miles. Doctor Who has a pretty big craft, too. But the biggest space vessel of them all is the one we are riding on right now. You, me and seven billion other crew members are all on a ball, surrounded by a bubble, hurtling round the Sun at a shocking speed. There is more to life on planet Earth than we realise and there is much more to your life than you know. Take a more cosmic view of your situation if you want to see how to solve a problem. March is due to be a stunning month. I have just recorded your fourminute month ahead forecast. Learn how the rare grand trine can help you. Call 0906 751 5601. TAURUS ONCE, wherever we

Apr 21 — May 21 travelled in this world, we could be sure of encounteri­ng something or someone new. Then, along came chain stores, franchises and global websites. So now we can all lead carbon copy lives no matter where we are. Perhaps this is why we now react so dramatical­ly to distinctio­ns and difference­s, if ever we find them. Your current desire to break new ground is not sitting well with someone who prefers to preserve tradition. But you can yet find a path that is right for everyone. March is due to be a stunning month. I have just recorded your four-minute month ahead forecast. Learn how the rare grand trine can help you. Call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May 22 — June 22 OF COURSE you are

reluctant to take on a challenge. That’s right and proper. It is always wise to be cautious. Still, we have to ask whether, in your desire to avoid upsetting an apple cart, you are leaving a lot of rotten apples to fester at the bottom of the pile. You can argue that it doesn’t matter as long as you keep putting fresh ones on the top. But sooner or later, you are going to end up overwhelme­d by the distinct smell of cider vinegar. Don’t put off till tomorrow, what you know you need to do today. March is due to be a stunning month. I have just recorded your fourminute month ahead forecast. Learn how the rare grand trine can help you. Call 0906 751 5603. CANCER PEOPLE love to

June 23 — July 23 criticise each other. Given any opportunit­y they will list the faults they perceive in the people around them. Most folk prefer to say things behind one another’s backs. But even though we rarely get to hear all that others think of us, we can sense disapprova­l in a look or a tone of voice. You are too conscious now of judgments that are being made. You are either allowing yourself to be intimidate­d or are becoming overly keen to prove points. It really is

safe for you to relax. March is due to be a stunning month. I have just recorded your fourminute month ahead forecast. Learn how the rare grand trine can help you. Call 0906 751 5604.

LEO July 24 — Aug 23 WHY do we do the things

we do? We always have reasons but these don’t, on close inspection, make much sense. We pretend to be intellectu­al, yet in essence we are creatures of instinct and impulse. We act on our feelings — and then we think up clever justificat­ions for them. Don’t kid yourself that you have all the answers. You don’t even have all the questions! You are acting on a series of assumption­s, some of which need to be challenged. Coming events will stimulate a very valuable, and profitable, rethink. March is due to be a stunning month. I have just recorded your four-minute month ahead forecast. Learn how the rare grand trine can help you. Call 0906 751 5605. VIRGO MARS IS still in your

Aug 24 — Sep 23 sign and it is still going backwards through the zodiac. This increases the influence and importance of the power planet in your sector of the sky. You will continue to make new and exciting discoverie­s about your own power between now and early July. So why worry and why hurry? You feel you have so much that you must accomplish, yet you fear that you are wasting time. But you are doing something extremely significan­t. Stay motivated and don’t succumb to a sense of stress. March is due to be a stunning month. I have just recorded your fourminute month ahead forecast. Learn how the rare grand trine can help you. Call 0906 751 5606.



have a favourite theme park ride. They each get to sit in a little car with a steering wheel to turn and a horn to honk. They feel they are in control of their vehicle. Only they aren’t, of course. The whole thing is being pulled along a track. For them, ignorance is bliss. None of us object to living in a fantasy when we feel good, but none of us likes to give more energy than we must to an unnecessar­y worry. You feel you have a lot of tricky choices to make, but you can safely trust a higher power. March is due to be a stunning month. I have just recorded your fourminute month ahead forecast. Learn how the rare grand trine can help you. Call 0906 751 5607. SCORPIO ‘IT IS easier for a

Oct 24 — Nov 22 camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.’ So goes the old Biblical saying. I remember once visiting an exhibition of miniature paintings and sculptures. Some of these were so small you could view them only through a microscope. One of these involved a camel, woven from a couple of human hairs. These were threaded through a needle. So there you go. Nothing need be impossible today as long as you use some ingenuity and imaginatio­n. March is due to be a stunning month. I have just recorded your fourminute month ahead forecast. Learn how the rare grand trine can help you. Call 0906 751 5608.


used to things the way they are. We may not much like a situation, but if we are familiar with it, it can at least give us some sense of comfort. You have been putting up with a lot of difficulty. You have taken this in your stride. As change begins to make its way into your world, a part of you is worried. You may be at the start of something new, but is it desirable? Will you wish you were back with the devil you used to know? Not if you are willing to give it a fair chance. March is due to be a stunning month. I have just recorded your four-minute month ahead forecast. Learn how the rare grand trine can help you. Call 0906 751 5609.


Dec 22 — Jan 20 you read a novel, you put a portion of your life into someone else’s hands. The more involved you become in the narrative, the more disappoint­ed you are going to feel if things work out badly for the hero or heroine. What if your storytelle­r has a pessimisti­c perspectiv­e? It will affect you. It will affect you even more, though, if the story is being told about you by a negative voice in the back of your mind. What plot is your inner writer shaping? If you don’t like it,

you have the power to change it. March is due to be a stunning month. I have just recorded your four-minute month ahead forecast. Learn how the rare grand trine can help you. Call 0906 751 5610.


Jan 21 — Feb 19 can be deceptive. We live in a world where they seemingly count for everything. We believe that what we can see is all that there is. We are invariably surprised when we go below the surface. It would be convenient if you could just take, at face value, what’s being presented to you now. Or at least, it would be in the short term. In the long run, it would be very unwise. You are seeing only the tip of an iceberg. The rest of what’s happening needs to be recognised. March is due to be a stunning month. I have just recorded your four-minute month ahead forecast. Learn how the rare grand trine can help you. Call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES WE FIND you a little

Feb 20 — Mar 20 worried lest a secret comes to light. You would prefer a piece of informatio­n to remain carefully buried. You cannot help but feel that this would be better in the long run, for everyone. The universe can’t now force a disclosure or a revelation. Only a guilty conscience will do that. Provided you have nothing to be ashamed of, you need have no worries on that front. But you may do well to remember today that if you are capable of keeping a secret, someone else may have that ability, too. March is due to be a stunning month. I have just recorded your four-minute month ahead forecast. Learn how the rare grand trine can help you. Call 0906 751 5612.

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