Daily Mail

Cut ties with union that threatened to disrupt the Olympics, Labour urged

- By Tim Shipman Deputy Political Editor

LABOUR was challenged to hand back donations from the Unite union yesterday after its leader called for civil disobedien­ce during the Olympics.

General secretary ‘ Red Len’ Mccluskey threatened illegal strikes and direct action to oppose changes to public sector pensions.

Labour leader Ed Miliband joined the Trades Union Congress in denouncing Mr Mccluskey’s outburst – but only after he had tweeted a mild rebuke earlier in the day.

Mr Miliband also faced calls to break the link with the union which remains Labour’s biggest donor.

In the Commons, David Cameron said: ‘Let us remember Unite is the single biggest donor to the party opposite, providing around a third of their money, and had more role than anybody else in putting the Right Honourable Gentleman (Mr Miliband) in his place.’

Mr Cameron also attacked Mr Miliband for initially failing to condemn Mr Mccluskey’s views in person. On Tuesday night when news of Mr Mccluskey’s views first surfaced, the Labour leader left it to his spokesman to respond. Then yesterday morning he issued a tweet and sent his deputy Harriet Harman to answer questions on radio and television.

But Mr Cameron said: ‘ It’s not good enough for them just to put out a tweet, they need to condemn this utterly and start turning back the money.’

Downing Street earlier denounced the threat of strikes to disrupt the Olympics as ‘completely unacceptab­le and unpatrioti­c’.

Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg urged Mr Miliband to ‘rein in’ the union boss.

‘I just think people will be gobsmacked, appalled, that someone thinks that at a time when we are finally hosting one of the greatest events in the world, he is calling for civil disobedien­ce,’ Mr Clegg said.

‘I know he is the sort of paymaster of the Labour party but I hope Ed Miliband will rein him in.’

Stung into action, the Labour leader eventually broke cover to speak out as he met French Socialist leader Francoise Hollande.

Mr Miliband said: ‘It’s completely wrong to make any threat to the Olympic Games – I do condemn it. We as the Labour government fought for the Olympic Games to be brought to Britain as part of a cross-party effort – it is a moment of national celebratio­n.

‘The focus of the world will be on Britain and it is totally wrong to make a threat to the Games.’ Since the general election Unite has given £5million to Labour, making it by far the party’s biggest donor. Mr Mccluskey said no precise plans had been drawn up for action during the games, but added that they ‘absolutely’ could include strikes.

‘ The attacks that are being launched on public sector workers at the moment are so deep and ideologica­l that the idea the world should arrive in London and have these wonderful Olympic Games as though everything is nice and rosy in the garden is unthinkabl­e. Our very way of life is being attacked,’ he said.

Labour MPS were also furious last night with Mr Mccluskey. ‘This is just posturing but it doesn’t do us any good,’ said one.

‘This sort of thing is unpopular with the public and damages by associatio­n. Ed needs to take a stand and show that he’s not Unite’s man.’

TUC general secretary Brendan Barber said: ‘The TUC and Britain’s unions have been strong supporters of the London Olympics. Unions have engaged constructi­vely with the Olympic authoritie­s throughout the whole project to ensure the good working conditions that are helping deliver the Games on time and on budget.’

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strike during the Olympics, my lovely’
‘Promise you won’t strike during the Olympics, my lovely’
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