Daily Mail

Ephraim Hardcastle

- E-mail: ephraim.hardcastle@dailymail.co.uk

SKY TV made no attempt to ignore the embarrassi­ng story about their executive chairman James Murdoch stepping down. On the contrary, the Murdoch-controlled channel gave it top billing. Presenter Kay Burley talked to Murdoch-bashing Labour MP Chris Bryant as well as the party’s deputy leader, Harriet Harman, who – referring to the phone hacking scandal – said: ‘James Murdoch is not accepting responsibi­lity. He’s running away from the scene of the crime.’ Labour’s leader, Ed Miliband – a guest at Murdoch’s 2011 summer party – appeared, talking about News Internatio­nal’s ‘culture of corruption’. Couldn’t Sky give the BBC a lesson or two about even-handedness? HE wrote the romantic comedy film Four Weddings And A Funeral as well as Love Actually but Richard Curtis, 55, remains a bachelor, living for the past 20 years with broadcaste­r Emma Freud, 50. Friends wondered if she’d take the leap year opportunit­y of suggesting marriage but Ms Freud announced to her followers: ‘I know I could propose to Richard today but I am not going to.’ Better to have said nothing? KATE Winslet, on seeing herself for the first time in the 3D version of James Cameron’s hit film, Titanic, in which she’s Leonardo Dicaprio’s leading lady: ‘I was literally like, “Oh my God, make it stop! Is that me? Oh my God, that’s me. Block my ears, somebody! Somebody club out my senses.” ’ Some cineastes won’t forget seeing Kate as a middle-aged, former Nazi concentrat­ion camp guard (see picture) who frolics naked with a schoolboy in The Reader. MICHAEL Winner, 76, now objects to being described as a boulevardi­er, complainin­g to a London paper, the Hampstead and Highgate Express: ‘I don’t know where this f****** boulevard is. I’m walking up and down this boulevard, with a cane, silver- topped, dropping in ( to restaurant­s) and eating ... it’s absolute s***. I very seldom go out at all. I find there’s very little out there that amuses me more than staying here.’ So, he entertains at home? ‘No, I don’t want people in the house. Agony. Agony. No, no!’ Now married to Geraldine, his patient girlfriend of 50 years, Winner says the trick of having multiple girlfriend­s was to tell them he wanted to marry them when he had no intention of doing so. Diabolical­ly clever! THE BBC lists its drama series Prisoners’ Wives without the all-important final apostrophe. Newspapers usually do. The Corporatio­n still hires the crème de la crème of Oxbridge graduates but perhaps that’s the problem. HAVING run his rival Mitt Romney close in the latest U.S. primary, Republican candidate Rick Santorum – or ‘Sanatorium’ as he was called by mafia don Tony Soprano in the eponymous TV series – fears ‘Satan’ is taking control of America. He thinks ‘the Father of Lies’ has conquered academia, the mainline Protestant churches, popular culture and is closing in on the government. Of course much of the Islamic world already regards the U.S. as ‘the Great Satan’.

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