Daily Mail

Government of Chums

Tebbit in withering attack on Cameron’s cosy entourage as MPS queue up to call for changes to the way No.10 operates

- By Kirsty Walker Political Correspond­ent

DAVID Cameron and George Osborne were accused of running a ‘government by chums’ yesterday as they faced a series of highly- personal attacks from within the Tory party.

Former party chairman Lord Tebbit said the Prime Minister and Chancellor relied too much on advisers who lack ‘experience or much understand­ing of the party or politics’.

And he warned that Downing Street’s ‘cash for access’ row and the fuel strike panic had reinforced the view that Mr Cameron was ‘born to privilege’.

Growing numbers of disgruntle­d Conservati­ve MPS have also accused the Prime Minister and Mr Osborne of being out of touch with the party and Tory voters.

Stewart Jackson, a former parliament­ary private secretary, said there was concern ‘that the Government is being run by a clique’ and called for more people with ‘principles and integrity’.

The influentia­l 1922 Committee of Tory backbenche­rs has warned Mr Cameron he needs to make major changes to the way he runs his Government. The attacks

‘Lubricated with money’

follow simmering internal rows within the party over issues such as taxes on pensioners and pasties, gay marriage, the fuel crisis and the axing of child benefit.

The Prime Minister’s personal rating – the difference between the number of voters who think he is doing a good job and those who do not – plunged to -27 in the latest Yougov poll.

Writing in The Times, Lord Tebbit said Mr Cameron’s carefully-orchestrat­ed public relations photo opportunit­ies such as cycling to work, and not wearing a tie to black tie dinners, will not make voters forget his background of wealth and privilege.

He added that senior figures in the Tory Party ‘ had their paths lubricated with money from cradle to school, to university and on through public relations and Westminste­r village bag-carrying’.

Lord Tebbit said: ‘ After another week of hasty, ill thought-through policy initiative­s and the calls to hoard petrol, many Conservati­ves are questionin­g this style of government by chums.’

He described Andrew Feldman, co-chairman of the Tory party and a university contempora­ry of the Prime Minister, as another ‘ Cameron chum’.

Mr Osborne is also under mounting pressure from Tory backbenche­rs following his widely- criticised handling of the Budget. Nadine Dorries, a former nurse, attacked him for being out of touch with workingcla­ss voters, saying: ‘At the root of much of the catastroph­e we have become is George Osborne. He drives the liberal elite agenda.’

In an apparent reference to the feuding between Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, she took to Twitter to add: ‘History is teaching us that when you have a Chancellor who is more interested in becoming Prime Minister, he messes up.’

Criticisin­g Mr Osborne’s ‘ selfappoin­ted’ dual role as Chancellor and head of Conservati­ve political strategy, she said: ‘It’s about influence controllin­g outcomes, not letting others shine ensuring own succession.’

Mr Jackson said: ‘David Cameron would do well to take on board the criticism. The tone and tenor of his leadership is in danger of sending the wrong signal to Middle England voters. We need less Lords reform and gay marriage and more reducing taxes for ordinary voters, giving small business a leg up and telling the EU courts where to go on Abu Qatada.

‘People are very concerned that the Government is being run by a clique. We need more authentic voices and less teenage scribblers at Number 10. People with life experience, principles and integrity. We are in danger of becoming obsessed with the liberal chattering classes who are never going to vote for us.’

Tory MP Mark Reckless warned that the Coalition had empowered Civil Service ‘Sir Humphreys’ to make policy decisions and accused Mr Osborne of ignoring backbenche­rs’ concerns over the axing of child benefit for high earners.

He said: ‘We have seen a whole raft of strange Civil Service’s initiative­s rather than the political leadership the country needs.’

Loyalist Tory MPS hit back at Mr Cameron’s critics. Charlie Elphicke, an executive member of the 1922 Committee, said: ‘It is not the Prime Minister who needs to get a grip but colleagues on the backbenche­s who need to realise that government is not a cakewalk.’

Kris Hopkins, another Conservati­ve MP, warned that his disgruntle­d colleagues risked ‘compromisi­ng’ the party. He said: ‘There should be constant challenge to the leadership, it shouldn’t start from the position of dislike for the Prime Minister.’

But Tory MP Mark Pritchard said Mr Cameron should hold an early reshuffle to promote more ministers from state schools and workingcla­ss homes ‘to make the government a little less foie gras and a little more fish and chips’.

Mr Cameron’s official spokesman said the Prime Minister will not be changing the way he governs. He said tackling the deficit ‘involves taking some difficult decisions, but we are getting on with the job’.

 ??  ?? Accused of being out of touch: David Cameron and George Osborne
Accused of being out of touch: David Cameron and George Osborne

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