Daily Mail


- By James Salmon

ONE of the country’s most successful entreprene­urs has launched an astonishin­g attack on the Coalition, branding Business Secretary Vince Cable a ‘twerp’ and the Liberal Democrats ‘idiots’.

Peter Hargreaves is the latest in a series of high-profile figures to attack the Government for being anti-business.

Mr Hargreaves, 65, who co-founded investment firm Hargreaves Lansdown 30 years ago, has amassed a fortune of almost a billion pounds.

He said: ‘Nick Clegg is just a millstone around Cameron’s neck. This Government is certainly not pro-business. But I think Cameron’s hands are tied.

‘He’s got idiots who are supposed to be in government opposing its policies and producing crackpot ones of their own.’ He added: ‘Vince Cable is just a twerp. I don’t know what he’s on. He is a very dangerous beast because he thinks he knows what he’s talking about but he doesn’t have a clue.

‘His view of sound economics bears no resemblanc­e to mine.’

Mr Hargreaves also said the Government’s quantitati­ve easing policy, which has pumped £3 5billion into the economy so far, is ‘short termism’ and ‘a total waste of money’.

He joins bosses such as Next chief executive Lord Wolfson and Tory party donor Michael Spencer – the boss of foreign currency dealer Icap – in criticisin­g the Coalition for what they regard as an attack on business.

FLASH! No it’s definitely not flash. It’s good quality and the furniture was built to last. But I would definitely not categorise it as flash.’ My opening pleasantri­es as we meet in the glass-panelled offices of Bristol-based wealth manager Hargreaves Lansdown appear to irk its chairman and co-founder Peter Hargreaves.

His anxiety to avoid exuding a whiff of pretension persists throughout the interview – from greeting me in the foyer to fetching me a glass of water.

It quickly becomes clear that the very idea of a luxurious office with shag pile carpets and expensive paintings goes against everything the 65-year old Lancastria­n stands for.

Hargreaves’ assessment of his company’s office could equally be used to describe the firm he set up 30 years ago in his spare bedroom with Stephen Lansdown. It started with a very simple idea. Hargreaves walked out of his job as an accountant after being unimpresse­d by the investment advice the firm’s clients were being given.

A subsequent meeting with a business acquaintan­ce changed his life and gave him the idea that has made him worth almost a billion pounds today.

The plan was simple: using newsletter­s to give investment fund recommenda­tions to clients.

He said: ‘I thought this was a very straightfo­rward, honest way of providing investment tips.

Hargreaves quickly roped in Lansdown – his friend and fellow accountant who was still working at the company he left behind.

Together they started to produce a newsletter of their own and advertised in the national press.

But the duo knew they’d struck gold when a £200 advert with a Sunday newspaper garnered 168 sales ‘leads’.

He said: ‘It was at this point I knew we were going to be massively successful.’

He was proved right. Hargreaves Lansdown now has just under 400,000 customers who rely on its recommenda­tions, delivering a record pre-tax profit of £72m for the latter half of 2011.

Its status as a big hitter was underlined when it entered the FTSE 100 of the UK’S biggest companies last Spring. ‘We’ve never borrowed a penny,’ he said. ‘Other men have created FTSE 100 companies. But I believe no man has done this in his lifetime without acquisitio­n or borrowing. My one regret is handing over the reigns. It would have been nice to be chief executive of a FTSE 100 company – even if it was just for a day.’

It’s hard to feel too much sympathy for Hargreaves, who stepped down as chief executive in September 2010.

The staunch Thatherite has become well-known for his outspoken views. This applies to almost everything from the environmen­tal credential­s of cars: ‘Range Rovers are the greenest cars on the road’; the single currency: ‘the daftest idea ever’; and holiday homes: ‘the world’s biggest waste of natural resources’.

He is also not short of political opinions. He hit the headlines in the summer of 2010 for saying that Margaret Thatcher was a ‘million times better than David Cameron’, accusing the Coalition of doing very little to help businesses.

HIS anger has not cooled, but most of it is directed at the Liberal Democrats now. Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg is described as a ‘millstone around Cameron’s neck’ while Business Secretary Vince Cable is dismissed as a ‘twerp’.

‘I think Cameron has his hands tied. We have idiots supposed to be in government opposing its policies and trying to introduce crackpot ones of their own.

‘We need an honest politician in charge who doesn’t care whether they are re- elected and is prepared to make the unpopular decisions. Maggie (Thatcher) did that in her first term.’

The unpopular decision he is referring to is cutting spending. If he were in charge, we are assured, there would be no deficit.

Another bugbear is tax and red tape. ‘We should simplify the tax system. If I was in charge I’d scrap every law made over the past 12 years, including the ones from Brussels. Regulation – that’s what’s killing this country.’

Neither does Hargreaves hold back when discussing company bosses, most of whom he believes are paid far too much.

He said: ‘People in retail banks are not smart. They have a business model that’s quite difficult to not make money out of – but still they somehow manage it.

As for the bosses of utility companies who have a monopoly, I wouldn’t pay them in washers.’

Having been paid a dividend of £28.8m last year, Hargreaves can hardly cast himself as a man of the people but he sympathise­s with public anger over pay.

He said: ‘One of the problems is, there seems to be a salary for the position rather than how well you do the job.

‘Many chief executives also surround themselves with unnecessar­y things like chauffeurs and secretarie­s. No one man can keep a secretary busy.’

Tellingly, one company boss Hargreaves does have plenty of time for is Michael O’leary, the controvers­ial and similarly outspoken chief executive of budget airline Ryanair.

He fondly recalls writing to O’leary to ask to travel to Dublin without a passport, as it was being renewed at the time.

‘Michael wrote back saying, “I run a budget airline and if I start making exceptions it won’t be a budget airline”. He was right. I replied saying I loved his letter.’ Hargreaves also doesn’t think much of the Budget, which he said ‘ranks with the Eurovision song contest and the boat race as the biggest non- event of the year’.

Pensioners angry about the socalled ‘granny tax’ – achieved by stripping the over-65s of their age related tax-free allowance – get short shrift.

‘The government presented that very badly as most pensioners will actually be better off.

‘Anyone who has reached my age and not got any savings has either been very stupid or very extravagan­t.’

He added: ‘The problem is my generation has robbed the future. The deficit is huge and the pensions of older people have to be paid for by young people who don’t have free education and start life with huge debts.’

This leads us on to Hargreaves’ new project to set up a foundation to help under-privileged students go to university. Currently he is working with local schools in Bristol and is sponsoring two students. The aim is eventually to help hundreds of young people get a higher education without racking up massive debts.

He said: ‘I think these student loans teach people that borrowing money is good.

‘But borrowing money, whether it be a person a government or a business, is bad.’

It is hard to sit in a room with a man worth almost a billion pounds without talking about money.

Hargreaves said: ‘ Money has always been incidental to me. If you’re an athlete it’s who gets across the line first. If you’re in business the thing that keeps the score is the wealth you generate.’

ADDS Hargreaves: ‘But I’ve never been one to buy lots of material assets. I have one house and one car. My father always used to say to me the more material things you have the more hassle they cause you.’

Having said all this, Hargreaves and his wife of 25 years, Rose, do like to enjoy the finer things in life, such as good food, expensive wine and first-class travel.

Hargreaves is also a passionate gardener and talks fondly of his garden at home.

But retirement does not appear to be in the forefront of his mind. Instead he is trying to work out his new role at the firm working alongside 40-year-old chief executive Ian Gorham.

‘I am sort of wondering what my role will be,’ he said.

‘But it is good to have someone in the firm that can do most jobs – so I am still useful.’

 ??  ?? Big hitter: Hargreaves jokes that his only regret is handing over the reigns of the firm he built
Big hitter: Hargreaves jokes that his only regret is handing over the reigns of the firm he built

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