Daily Mail


The Beatles’ sons are talking of forming a band. But JAN MOIR says rock offspring should never try to replay their parents’ careers

- By Jan Moir by Newspaperd­irect

THIS week, Sir Paul Mccartney’s only son James revealed that he is hoping to form a next generation Beatles group, featuring himself and three other Fab Four sons.

Here come the sons? I can’t think of a more terrible or wretched idea, except if they go totally ob- la- de- obladaft and invite Yoko Ono and Heather Mills onboard to sing backing vocals.

The new Beatles would feature the celebrated songs of John, Paul, Ringo and George — as sung and performed by John Junior, Small Paul, Gringo Ringo and George- ette. Or, to give them their proper names and family placements; John Lennon’s youngest son Sean, 36, Sir Paul’s only son James, 34, Ringo Starr’s youngest son Jason Starkey, 44, and George Harrison’s only son, Dhani, 33.

James, who is currently trying to relaunch his own solo career, said he was ‘ up for it’. Well, he would be, wouldn’t he? To date, his music and songs have failed to have any impact or trouble the bestsellin­g charts on both sides of the Atlantic — or anywhere else for that matter.

Mccartney Jnr added that Sean and Dhani had also shown support for the idea, and that he hoped Jason would be into it, too. Indeed.

I have only three words to say to all of them — let it be. The Spawn of the Beatles band is a terrible concept; not only is it the worst sort of nostalgia cash-in, it also underlines the fact that they have each spectacula­rly failed to succeed at anything else in life — except being the son of a Beatle.

Look at them. You can see their fathers’ legacy in every line and dimple of their individual faces — but you would have to strain to hear any wondrous musical inheritanc­e.

Only genes and a lucky bit of star- crossed DNA separates them from the kind of mediocre Beatles tribute bands who flog their second-hand musical wares up and down the rock circuit every week of the year.

Yet now the gilded and privileged Beatles progeny want to become a kind of glorified tribute band themselves — isn’t that just a tiny bit undignifie­d? Not to mention depressing.

Since this Not Very Fab Four individual­ly launched themselves onto the music world as potential stars all those years ago, they have merely bumped along the bottom of the pop ocean, like a yellow submarine that has run out of gas.

Singer- songwriter James has played guitar on two of his father’s more recent albums, while Sir Paul has co-produced two of his son’s EPS.

HE SEEMS desperate to give his boy a helping hand — what father wouldn’t? — but to date the public have remained largely resistant to the musical charms of Mccartney Jnr.

This week, he even played at the Cavern Club in Liverpool, where the Beatles famously f i rst performed. It seems an odd way for a son to go about establishi­ng a musical identity of his own. Not to mention horribly doomed.

The other three New- Gen Beatles have similarly hit-free background­s. What have they being doing all these years, except apparently hanging onto dad’s coattails in a not very edifying fashion? The only reason anyone is interested in any of them is not because of anything they have done — but rather who they are.

In some ways, of course, they are just another quartet of SADOS; the infamous ‘ Sons and Daughters of Stars’ who currently swamp our screens, newspapers and magazines in a bid to make it big like mum and dad.

And rock progeny are the worst, and certainly the most determined, to become famous, too.

In no special order, we have Jade Jagger and her jewellery designs, the grim attempts of Rolling Stone Ronnie Wood’s daughter Leah to make it as a singer and Sting’s daughter Coco Sumner telling anyone who will listen that she is making it as a pop star all by herself.

Lots of rock ’n’ roll sons and daughters have become models, but that doesn’t count. All of them no doubt trot out the line that: ‘ Maybe Dad helped me open a few doors, but I did it all by myself afterwards.’

They do not understand that getting through the door in the first place is the most difficult bit.

For everyone who has made their own way in life, or for ordinary parents struggling to encourage their own children to be a success, putting up with the underwhelm­ing achievemen­ts of the over-privileged sometimes can be exhausting.

However, sometimes the rockocracy offspring will confound everyone by using their advantages to — well — their advantage. David Bowie’s son has become a successful film director, Enrique Iglesias has almost eclipsed father Julio’s pop success and Pixie Geldof has a new single out. Ahem.

Elsewhere, it’s business as usual — the business of failure. Have the Beatles-lite really stopped to consider what they might be letting themselves in for if they go ahead with this project?

To be fair to James Mccartney and the gang, being a Beatles son must be a very difficult gig indeed — has fame ever weighed heavier on young shoulders?

It is notable, however, that Beatles daughters — photograph­er Mary Mccartney and fashion designer Stella Mccartney — made successful careers for themselves outside music. All the Beatles sons, however — each and every one of them — chose to be musicians.

Perhaps the cool lure of being a rock god like your dad is nigh irresistib­le, but how sad that they weren’t encouraged to swim in less turbulent waters. To have an identity all of their own.

It speaks volumes that the only two Beatles sons to have enjoyed any real triumph — Julian Lennon as a singer/songwriter, and Ringo Starr’s eldest son Zak as a drummer with Oasis and The Who — want nothing to do with the project.

PERHAPS the new Beatles feel that because they can’t escape the psychologi­cal torture of forever being compared to their fathers — they might as well walk a mile in their winklepick­ers.

Yet they are always going to be measured against the greatest group in pop history — which means that no matter how good they are, they can only ever be a quad to be scorned at, compared as duds to their dads.

The prognosis is not good — particular­ly for James, who has always seemed a troubled soul. Performing one of his new songs on breakfast television this week, he looked equal parts awkward and forlorn.

There was a cringey moment when Sir Paul made a thumbs aloft filmed tribute to him — and I can’t be alone in noting a gleam of desperatio­n in his fatherly eye as he did so.

Yet these four young men are all adults now. Long before reaching their age, their fathers had taken on the world — and won. If they try to form a band and copy them, they will never feel satisfied.

If it is a success, they will think it is only because of their fathers and if it’s a failure they’ll blame themselves. And they would be right to do so in both cases.

In the past, they have all said they want to form musical careers of their own, free from parental associatio­n. Whatever they do or don’t do, this seems a funny way to try to escape the long shadows cast by their fathers.

 ??  ?? The young ones: Jason, Sean, James and Dhani as The Beatles
The young ones: Jason, Sean, James and Dhani as The Beatles
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