Daily Mail

Arrested, trader who blew £200,000 in a night

- By Peter Campbell

A SELF-PROCLAIMED financial whizz-kid who shot to notoriety after spending more than £200,000 on drinks in one night has been arrested.

Foreign currency trader Alex Hope, 23, is being held on suspicion of unauthoris­ed trading after the City watchdog alerted police.

Hope racked up the huge bar tab – larger than the value of the average family home – in a Liverpool nightclub last month. The bill included £125,000 for a giant bottle of champagne.

The raid, by City of London police and authorised by the Financial Services Authority, took place at a property in East London on Tuesday. If charged and found guilty, Hope could face jail.

City rules state that, while Hope is allowed to trade currencies – converting pounds into dollars or euros and vice versa – to make a profit for himself, he must have a licence from the FSA to work on behalf of others. Such a licence can cost £1,000 a year. Hope was catapulted into the media spotlight last month thanks to his astonishin­g drinks bill at the Playground nightclub in Liverpool’s Hilton hotel, where he is said to have entertaine­d Wayne Rooney’s wife, Coleen, and Manchester City stars Joe Hart and Adam Johnson.

He spent £125,000 on a double Nebuchadne­zzar of Armand de Brignac champagne – the equivalent of 40 ordinary bottles. It weighed 99lb and had to be carried by two waiters.

The tab also included 40 bottles of Ace of Spades champagne, along with £4,000 worth of Grey Goose vodka. Along with a 10 per cent service charge of £18,540, the total bill was £203,948.80.

But rather than shy away from publicity, Hope, who had previously been pictured socialisin­g with Desperate Scousewive­s star Layla Flaherty, revelled in the attention, even hiring a PR firm to promote himself further.

His website boasts: ‘Alex is a name to watch out for in the City; an expert in the UK economy, he works the currency markets, regularly trading millions.’

It continues: ‘Throughout his youth, his passions were football and... currencies!

‘At the age of 11, Alex had a deep-rooted interest in the different currencies and relished trips across Europe where he could explore this interest first hand.

‘A talented, charismati­c and thoroughly likeable man, Alex Hope exudes knowledge and you can’t help but respect and admire this self-taught and selfmade young trader. Watch out trading markets, Alex Hope is kicking up a storm!’

A spokesman for Hope confirmed he had been taken into custody, but would not comment further.

 ??  ?? Famous friends: Hope with TV star Layla Flaherty
Famous friends: Hope with TV star Layla Flaherty

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