Daily Mail

Riding on an Alton Towers rollercoas­ter, benefit cheat with ‘backache’

- Daily Mail Reporter

A BENEFIT cheat who claimed to suffer constant backache was caught on camera riding a rollercoas­ter at Alton Towers.

Joseph Smith, 41, said he could walk only eight yards without severe discomfort, a court heard.

But investigat­ors who secretly filmed him at the theme park in Staffordsh­ire found he could walk for long periods.

He was also filmed working as a car park marshal, lifting bundles of traffic cones and carrying them over his shoulder.

Smith falsely claimed more than £37,000 in benefits and was jailed for 16 months after admitting three fraud charges dating back to 2005.

Fraud investigat­ors discovered that Smith had been using a false name, fake national insurance number and forged bank details to draw wages.

Tom Watson, prosecutin­g, told Warrington Crown Court that Smith had fraudulent­ly claimed £11,361 income support, £20,934 severe disability allowance and a £4,870 disability living allowance, claimed as a Motability car.

He said: ‘He claimed an inability to walk without severe discomfort. He described his speed as slow and walking as poor. He said he required physical support and used a stick.’

A surveillan­ce operation began in October 2010 after it was alleged Smith, of Runcorn, Cheshire, had a job. Benefit investigat­ors filmed him working as a car park attendant.

Mr Watson said: ‘He spent hours on his feet, bending down to pick up traffic cones and all this without the use of walking sticks.

‘Covert films were also made of a day out at Alton Towers. He was capable of walking and staying on his feet for long periods. He visited various rides and was using them.’

Wage details revealed that Smith had worked as a car park marshal since 2005.

He was convicted of benefit fraud in 2006 and 2007. Mr Watson said that with the latest offence Smith now owed £81,212 which was being repaid at £19 a fortnight. Gary Law-

‘Cramps all over his body’

renson, defending, said that Smith, who was born with spina bifida, ‘does have medical problems though he accepts he has exaggerate­d them’.

Mr Lawrenson added: ‘He has backache and constant cramps all over his body. He has one foot smaller than the other and one hip is smaller which means his posture is poor.’

Jailing Smith, Judge Nicholas Woodward said his offence had been ‘calculated and sophistica­ted’ and took money intended for the most vulnerable in society.

 ??  ?? Filmed covertly: Smith on one of the rides at Alton Towers
Filmed covertly: Smith on one of the rides at Alton Towers
 ??  ?? Jailed: Joseph Smith
Jailed: Joseph Smith

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